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how did you start slotting

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#1 martinmeu



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Posted 12 March 2004 - 02:46 PM

remember when i was young started out on videos then progressed to 1p and 2p pushers watching other people on machines then my obsession started first machines i used to play were lite a nudge and clones then on to banging them rat races and surprise surprise upto £1.50 jackpot. then i suppose you just go through the era of machines.

#2 TheMaxPower



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Posted 12 March 2004 - 05:36 PM

I grew up in Scarborough and would spend every saturday in the arcades. £1.50 would last all day on the video games... One day I gave the fruits a wirl and won £5 in cash - Quite a lot then cos most of the JPs were tokens....

From that day on I saved even more of my dinner money so I could play the fruits as well as the videos... I would win a fair few quid picking up the odd stray nudge that a unaware punter left.

Lite a Nudge was one of my favourites along with nudge double up.... Great days...

#3 tracey2


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Posted 12 March 2004 - 06:50 PM

I think the first gamble on a fruit machine i ever did was when i was about 10 on a caravan site club in blackpool. I put 10p in and manage to win £1.40, how i don't know but what a great feeling. Ever year we would go to blackpool on the family holiday and i got more and more hooked. Since i was 17 i have learned alot of valuble lessons when it comes to fruit machines (the highs and the lows) and now i will not play machine any without knowing exactly what i'm doing before i start. It's knowledge and experience that makes you win on fruit machines not luck, well maybe a little of luck :)
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#4 Protocol


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Posted 12 March 2004 - 08:05 PM

I started off playing on video games like sidearms, double dragon, street fighter....i think my first fruit machine i played was Sunset Boueulvard and super jester as it was next to it...

#5 pash


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Posted 12 March 2004 - 08:49 PM

Well mine was when we discovered the "cheat" that when the logo went red on "Casino Las Vegas" you were guaranteed the £10 jp

Why the hell isnt this JPM machine emulated!?

#6 mdwhitstable


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Posted 12 March 2004 - 09:29 PM

Casino Las Vegas???
Was that the game when you could land on a ? square quite near the end, then if you could get "dice skill" or something similar you could stop it on 11, you would then move forward 11 places onto a "same again" square which would take you to JP + Repeat, the last square on the trail??

Does that make sense?

I used to love that game if that is the game you mean, if it is the game you mean I agree it should be emulated.

#7 martinmeu



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Posted 12 March 2004 - 10:10 PM

Casino Las Vegas???
Was that the game when you could land on a ? square quite near the end, then if you could get "dice skill" or something similar you could stop it on 11, you would then move forward 11 places onto a "same again" square which would take you to JP + Repeat, the last square on the trail??

Does that make sense?

I used to love that game if that is the game you mean, if it is the game you mean I agree it should be emulated.

las vegas strip and it is in the down section have fun.

#8 pash


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Posted 13 March 2004 - 08:22 AM

No it was definately called casino las vegas it is probably best describes as an early version of megabucks and had a guy with a ten gallon hat on it!

#9 flyer


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Posted 13 March 2004 - 09:04 AM

i remember start playing the 2ps 10ps slots. use to play adders and ladders.i also remember as a kid my parents had a caravan down sheepy.was was never to far from a machine.
thanks flyer

#10 mdwhitstable


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Posted 13 March 2004 - 05:54 PM

It is definately not called Las Vegas Strip, thats the one that says "it's showtime in Las Vegas" when you start the feature. You could collect the different Casino's/ Features on the trail, Palamino Club, Luxor etc. That is a good game too though.
There was a western themed Viva Las Vegas clone, called Magnificent Sevens?? I think that is what it called anyway.

#11 Bencrest


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Posted 13 March 2004 - 06:08 PM

Magnificent 7s was a clone of Las Vegas Strip -

Now this is making no sense to me lol :S

Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - http://www.gamblersaloud.com/ (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)

#12 Guest_robinhood75_*

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Posted 17 January 2012 - 04:48 AM

First machine I played was a 2p play machine that had a kind of red black roulette type gamble on it as far as I can remember. Was kinda the same era as test pilot, in fact they was right next to each other in Smithy's in Cleethorpes. I won that day and I bought my first ever kebab too with my winnings guess I was sucked in right there and then.

#13 jamesy4


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Posted 17 January 2012 - 04:56 AM

I started on the fruit machines when i was 4 years old back in (1992 and carried on until now) when most of the classics were out, ghost run, tupenny nudger, strike-a-cash, pinball, tik tok cash, fairground, indiana jones, money spuinner, money talks and exchanged unlimited. Some machines i don't play in this day and age is 'Deal Or No Deal (They Are Not Worth The Coins)' but tend to play Rainbow Riches (£70JP Version) and the good ol' Party Times, RockStar (aka Rock N Roll Jackpots), Return of The Jackpots, Pink Panther (The One With The Bonus Thing in Center With Features(left) and Cash(right)). So nearly 20 years of gambling!



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#14 cja272


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Posted 17 January 2012 - 07:34 AM

I started playing fruit machines on family holidays in Great Yarmouth in the 80s i used to always play line up(10 play) and as there was at least 1 in every aracde at the time there was plenty to choose from .Also 2p play test pilot,blue streak,cash alarm etc

Edited by cja272, 17 January 2012 - 07:35 AM.

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#15 vectra666


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Posted 17 January 2012 - 08:25 AM

Nice to see older posts restarted as for the casino las vegas fruit above it is a jpm one where the logo goes red it,s available in the jpm emu section only classic I wish this fruit could be made lifelike please as its a great fruit to play anyways back to the topic I can,t remember much of the early holiday gambles but I 1st started serious gambling in 1990 caused by my bros he had a "system" lol,where he wrote down the hi-lo numbers in order pages n pages of em never worked ha ha but that was on "topstop" barcrest my 1st real gamble also played machines like cash-wise,cash counter,flashcash,action bank,old jpm,s like switchback note shoot the list is endless in my over 20yrs of gamblin I must of played on 100,s of different machines rangin from £2er,s to £500,s so I know a thing or two about em to many classics to list but on a down side I wish I wasn,t so hooked no so bad today, but would,ve saved over £50k by now if I,d of not dropped my 1st quid in topstop never mind have some happy memories of good payouts on em happy days bring back the lower jp,s I say tokens lol
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#16 todd1970


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Posted 17 January 2012 - 03:42 PM

Jeeeezz , this IS an old thread...

Hmmm..trying to think of mine it was so many years ago , probably harks back to the days of Blue Moon , Cloud 999 days...i was playing it in the pub didnt really have a clue what i was doing.

Guy playing the machine next to me says...naw m8..when you get the nudge then holds after it..as long as there is a matching pair on the winline..dont hold them , and the 3 of a kind will drop in.

Next nudge..tried it..was amazed..jeez this guy was right , that works ! must have caught it on its run , and took about £20 odd out of it , most of it in the £4.80 in tokens.

I think that was me hooked after that , that was 25 years ago or so.
Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know. :)

#17 shajder


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Posted 18 January 2012 - 07:59 PM

My first go was up at my then-local bowling alley with a mate. I just played arcade machines back then, but I had a spare 40p or so and stuck it in Downtown (think it was Bell Fruit). Was £6 jackpot in tokens. Got on the board, went a few goes and took Mystery Wallet feature. Didn't have a clue what it was, but it gave me £5.40! We thought we were rich!

All in tokens and I even asked if I could change them up for cash at the desk! Funnily enough, they said no, but you could use them towards food from their fast food bit?! Strange. Think I kept them and went back a few days later and probably lost it all.

That was possibly around 1993 at a guess.

Been hooked ever since and I dread to think how much I have spent on them seeing as it's nearly 20 years later!

Luckily enough I hate the new ones (DoND - need I say more?!) and hate the £70 jackpots, so I don't really bother any more. However, on the occasional day out to Southend, there are a few old machines there.

Loved the days of Road Hog, Hot Rod, Viva Espania, Andy Capp, etc!

#18 cashbox1


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Posted 18 January 2012 - 10:25 PM

started playing the old line up`s and chances unlimited`s then came razzle dazzle and the old jpm`s.......ahhh happy days lol :D

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#19 dannypyeman


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Posted 19 January 2012 - 01:35 AM

I used to watch friends play on viva espania £6 token jackpot, from there i found myself in the town centre visiting shitleys and knobles and within months i was making regular visits to the change desk as i pissed away a good hard earned £500 a month on all the usual old favourates.

#20 wullieboy36


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Posted 19 January 2012 - 08:56 PM

wene a started it was a old 1 arm bandit style of bar x the xs gave 40p and the bars gave 1pnd .a remember playing it in an arcade on the peir in blackpool n winning abt 4 pnd a had changed 50p into 2ps jst 2 play it cos a had seen a woman win from it n by luck it did pay .diffrent story these days if ad seen some 1 win from a machin a wouldent even go near it lol. But from there on that was me hooked and played the likes of fruit cracker .line up tuppeny nudger.7 heaven and the list goes on right up 2 party time. bullion bars crazy fruits open the box.golden game ect the machines these days are shit quick wallet empteirs is wat they are lol a say the same bring back the older machines.

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