help with austin powers
Started by matt1334, Sep 06 2009 06:13 AM
15 replies to this topic
Posted 06 September 2009 - 06:13 AM
hi peeps firstly wanna say what a great site , and im looking forward to learning from everyone, i need to start by probably a simple thing to do.
basically i have been given a austin powers fruity and i wanna turn up the volume any ideas thanks matt
basically i have been given a austin powers fruity and i wanna turn up the volume any ideas thanks matt
Posted 06 September 2009 - 07:06 AM
You need a refill key mate, put the key in and turn it whilst holding on of the hold buttons and the volume pops up on the display.
Posted 06 September 2009 - 12:14 PM
You need a refill key mate, put the key in and turn it whilst holding on of the hold buttons and the volume pops up on the display.
you can also do this without a refill key simply by bridging the 2 wires together on the refill switch
Posted 06 September 2009 - 04:35 PM
thanks for the replies , i have the 25 jackpot one, the one without all the cool sounds doh !!! gutted to be honest but hey ho...
thanks agian fellas il give it a try
thanks agian fellas il give it a try
Posted 06 September 2009 - 05:01 PM
middle buttons the volume when in refill mode
Posted 06 September 2009 - 05:10 PM
I'll help you for............................. a millioooooooooooon dollars..
Posted 06 September 2009 - 07:44 PM
a millllllionnnnnn dollars sure you except monopoly money lol
Guest_barcrest junky_*
Posted 06 September 2009 - 07:58 PM
I'll help you for............................. a millioooooooooooon dollars..
Offers of help for a dollar consideration:eek:

Posted 06 September 2009 - 08:01 PM
so how can you help baby yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 06 September 2009 - 08:05 PM
Matt, have you had a flash (no lose feature) yet? I've got the same program (crap sounds) £25 and £5 JP but doesn't matter how many jackpots i turn down still haven't had it flash yet
Posted 06 September 2009 - 08:10 PM
i only picked it up on friday and havent had much time on it, what does it do if you turn down jps ? i got the code breaker twice but not sure of the sequences as yet
Posted 06 September 2009 - 08:34 PM
i haven't played tons to be honest but i turned down about 5 jackpots at the weekend (3-2-1 button sequence for follow me which you can do the temple of treasure method for) once i took jackpot it completly died on me! it likes to give you true skill on a lot of things when your backing it, but seems to die as soon as you take the JP. i changed it to a £15 jp tonight even though i don't have the decals and i got the top feature (Not MEGA) and it wen't £25!!! thats the biggest win i've had so far.... I've had 75 out of loads of £25 mpu5 machines but this game's a stubborn fecker!!..
Posted 08 September 2009 - 07:09 PM
hi andy got it today, austin powers flashed and the fem bot lights up ,,,lol winner
Posted 09 September 2009 - 12:24 AM
i haven't played tons to be honest but i turned down about 5 jackpots at the weekend (3-2-1 button sequence for follow me which you can do the temple of treasure method for) once i took jackpot it completly died on me! it likes to give you true skill on a lot of things when your backing it, but seems to die as soon as you take the JP. i changed it to a £15 jp tonight even though i don't have the decals and i got the top feature (Not MEGA) and it wen't £25!!! thats the biggest win i've had so far.... I've had 75 out of loads of £25 mpu5 machines but this game's a stubborn fecker!!..
Dont knock back the jackpots then, Knock back the true skill repeat instead.
If its the 1st rom (£25 version) its goes for £100+ on occasions..Latter roms not the same.
Posted 14 September 2009 - 01:18 PM
hey, it might be alot to ask, but on this machine can anyone tell me what it means when after you have invincible and are able to take the barcode from nudges, after you take the austin danger powers feature, when you are off the board the barcode keeps flashing for a period of time..
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