hi can anyone please help, recently got magay money laundry machine with eclipse mpu, worked fine till the wife found mars cable lying loose inside and put it in the only place it would fit on mpu and now it wont start up! the power led is on and the security led is flashing, no power to board lights or alpha display tried everything but am an amature, any advise would be greatly appreciated
maygay problem
Started by mordue, Oct 11 2009 07:07 PM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 11 October 2009 - 07:07 PM
Posted 11 October 2009 - 07:36 PM
did you try taking the cable out again .... stupid question but these things happen
worst case senario is that the cables been put in wrong or the wrong place and blown the PSU (the PSUs in maygays arent the best of reliablity btw)
or the cable has caused the machine to halt starting up because somthing is wrong
worst case senario is that the cables been put in wrong or the wrong place and blown the PSU (the PSUs in maygays arent the best of reliablity btw)
or the cable has caused the machine to halt starting up because somthing is wrong
Posted 11 October 2009 - 07:44 PM
yeah av took the cable back out, av checked the psu but theres no fuses or anything in there just a copper coil with cabels coming from it
Posted 12 October 2009 - 09:12 PM
anybody got any other ideas
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