Can you not see the whole machine on your PC?
Started by CrAzYbAr, Oct 28 2009 11:02 PM
25 replies to this topic
Posted 28 October 2009 - 11:02 PM
A frequent problem for FME users this, there are 2 possibilities that contribute to this
1) You have a 17" or so monitor on a small resolution
This should be easy to fix, by increasing the resolution through the control panel.
2) You are a laptop user with a smaller screen
Unfortunately there is little that can be done about this. Your laptop will have a smaller resolution than a standard 17" screen. You will have to download a smaller version of the layout(if it is available)
So..........What can YOU do about it!
1) If the machine is running on MFME 3, your layout should be able to be auto resize
2) If your layout is running on BFMu, you won't see the whole machine but scrolling up and down using keys should work.
3) If your machine is not running on these emulators, IE it is on 9.4, you will have to download a smaller version for your screen.
Please check the size of the layout you are downloading, it is available on the download page for the layout or on the release thread
1024DX Min resolution required 1024x768
1280DX Min resolution required 1280x1024*
1600DX Min resolution required 1600x1200
* Be aware running on a laptop with resolution 1440x900, you will not be able to see the bottom of the machine either.
FOR MORE INFORMATION! There are more replies on the same sticky topic in General FME Discussion however I dont really know how to copy entire threads yet...Bear with me on it, but for the meantime do check that post there aswell if you can't figure it out.
1) You have a 17" or so monitor on a small resolution
This should be easy to fix, by increasing the resolution through the control panel.
2) You are a laptop user with a smaller screen
Unfortunately there is little that can be done about this. Your laptop will have a smaller resolution than a standard 17" screen. You will have to download a smaller version of the layout(if it is available)
So..........What can YOU do about it!
1) If the machine is running on MFME 3, your layout should be able to be auto resize
2) If your layout is running on BFMu, you won't see the whole machine but scrolling up and down using keys should work.
3) If your machine is not running on these emulators, IE it is on 9.4, you will have to download a smaller version for your screen.
Please check the size of the layout you are downloading, it is available on the download page for the layout or on the release thread
1024DX Min resolution required 1024x768
1280DX Min resolution required 1280x1024*
1600DX Min resolution required 1600x1200
* Be aware running on a laptop with resolution 1440x900, you will not be able to see the bottom of the machine either.
FOR MORE INFORMATION! There are more replies on the same sticky topic in General FME Discussion however I dont really know how to copy entire threads yet...Bear with me on it, but for the meantime do check that post there aswell if you can't figure it out.
This is a site for EMULATION purposes of older machines. Not playing strategies.
If you are more interested in playing modern machines,
visit Jackpottyforums
(DOND is around now on this site..... How long was this sig out of date...!)
Posted 29 October 2009 - 12:09 AM
should we keep this bumped so its seen on the homepage?
but delete the posts every 2 or 3 days so it makes your post the 1st message seen?
but delete the posts every 2 or 3 days so it makes your post the 1st message seen?
Posted 29 October 2009 - 12:39 AM
It's stickied so it shouldn't matter too much.......As long as everyone knows what a sticky thread is lol, I've targeted the main places people ask, well I hope so!
This is a site for EMULATION purposes of older machines. Not playing strategies.
If you are more interested in playing modern machines,
visit Jackpottyforums
(DOND is around now on this site..... How long was this sig out of date...!)
Posted 29 October 2009 - 06:43 PM
The sentiment of the thread is great, problem is the numpites who generally have this problem never read past the chuffing shout box so won't see it....

Posted 29 October 2009 - 06:52 PM
Should possibly implement a new header under the Fruit-Emu logo..User CP Community etc..and entitle it FAQ.
Clicking on it would take you to a FAQ section obv..and it would have 'Why cant i see the whole of the machine' 'Why is there no DOND emu' etc etc.
Although as Geddy said..its easier for some ppl to post in the SB rather than actually 'searching' the site.
Clicking on it would take you to a FAQ section obv..and it would have 'Why cant i see the whole of the machine' 'Why is there no DOND emu' etc etc.
Although as Geddy said..its easier for some ppl to post in the SB rather than actually 'searching' the site.
Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know.

Guest_tommy c_*
Posted 29 October 2009 - 08:20 PM
That would be a good idea having a sticky headline on the front page sayin g this site does not host any dond games whatsoever!.
Posted 29 October 2009 - 08:41 PM
That would be a good idea having a sticky headline on the front page sayin g this site does not host any dond games whatsoever!.
When new members sign up they face a very short simple message "no cheats or new machines".
I don't read T&C's when I sign up usually I admit as they are far too long....but on here they arn't...a simple Six liner...
Posted 29 October 2009 - 08:44 PM
i still think keeping it bumped so its on the front page will help
or as was said, making it a sticky on the front page/recent threads if poss
or as was said, making it a sticky on the front page/recent threads if poss
Posted 29 October 2009 - 08:47 PM
i still think keeping it bumped so its on the front page will help
or as was said, making it a sticky on the front page/recent threads if poss
Been said before Matt....
n00bs don't read the 'welcome' note mate....the forums nor the FAQ's.............so there is no way on this earth they'll read sticky's bud.
Guest_tommy c_*
Posted 29 October 2009 - 09:03 PM
That maybe but they musn't be reading it as they still ask the same question time after time so maybe something really in there face would work!.Why?
When new members sign up they face a very short simple message "no cheats or new machines".
Posted 29 October 2009 - 09:27 PM
That maybe but they musn't be reading it as they still ask the same question time after time so maybe something really in there face would work!.
And............I think i'm reading tom correctly....................but that is to spell it out on the replies i'm sorry to say on the forums..............Thats my thoughts.
So, can I get this straight (as matty said)............you think a sticky will resolve it?
As established members (without looking and being honest) can you tell me of any One single sticky?---bet you can't!---and you read the forums day in and out!.......I have made a few, and i'm honest I can Only remember One...geddy's whats been emu'd.
Guest_tommy c_*
Posted 29 October 2009 - 09:32 PM
Nope didn't say resolve it but something staring them in the face which can't be missed would reduce the same fooking shite being asked all the time.only a comment which i thought may be a good idea as so many are sick of reading it..as for me i don't really give a shit i just read the thread name and if it's the same tripe i don't read it.And............I think i'm reading tom correctly....................but that is to spell it out on the replies i'm sorry to say on the forums..............
So, can I get this straight............you think a sticky will resolve it?
As established members (without looking and being honest) can you tell me of any One single sticky?---bet you can't!---and you read the forums day in and out!.......I have made a few, and i'm honest I can Only remember One...geddy's whats been emu'd.
Posted 29 October 2009 - 09:44 PM
Yeah..agree with tommy and ady..unfortunatley a thread cannot be 'stickied' on the homepage..therefore when users log in they only see the homepage threads and not all topics and threads like you do if you were to individially click them all..where the stickys are.
Dunno what the solution would be though..but as tommy says..surely if its 'in ya face' no n00b has got an excuse to ask.
Dunno what the solution would be though..but as tommy says..surely if its 'in ya face' no n00b has got an excuse to ask.
Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know.

Posted 30 October 2009 - 12:42 AM
Yeah..agree with tommy and ady..unfortunatley a thread cannot be 'stickied' on the homepage..therefore when users log in they only see the homepage threads and not all topics and threads like you do if you were to individially click them all..where the stickys are.
thats what i wanted to do
if you kept posting in it then it would keep on the home page
but clear the posts every 10 or 20 posts so that when they click it shows jons post & not our replies
Posted 30 October 2009 - 03:16 PM
Only suggestion I have is if they ask for it 5 times they are banned... hehe, no actually put a message in the 'artwork' on the site.
You are never going ti get rid of it. Crazy fruits, party time etc etc.... it is just what is new because we want it all and want it now!!!
You are never going ti get rid of it. Crazy fruits, party time etc etc.... it is just what is new because we want it all and want it now!!!
Posted 30 October 2009 - 03:22 PM
**Only suggestion I have to put a message in the 'artwork' on the site.
Now that really does make sense and is such an easy solution!
**Quote edited slightly but the idea was being suggested.
Guest_barcrest junky_*
Posted 30 October 2009 - 08:27 PM
Does it really matter - there is always one of us around to put them right and if I'm in a foul mood I can post something evil to make me feel better:bigeyes14:
EDIT And Geddy's responses are normally peachey
EDIT And Geddy's responses are normally peachey
Edited by barcrest junky, 30 October 2009 - 08:27 PM.
And Geddy's responses are normally peachey
Posted 24 March 2010 - 11:25 AM
I have a solution to this but it takes a bit of effort. I'm running Windows inside VirtualBox on a Linux laptop. I can change the window size of the VB application to anything I like, then VB reports this to Windows as the device screen size. So you can then run the layout in Windows inside VB. Only part of the desktop area is shown on the laptop but VB scrolls as you move the mouse to the edge of the screen so you can just about get all the buttons and feature board in view.
Like I said it's a bit long-winded, but it works for me. VirtualBox is open source and free.
Like I said it's a bit long-winded, but it works for me. VirtualBox is open source and free.
Posted 04 September 2011 - 01:45 PM
you geeks need something real in your lives. getting angry about newbies posting a pretty fair question is harsh especially since you cant solve it for laptops!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 04 September 2011 - 01:55 PM
you geeks need something real in your lives. getting angry about newbies posting a pretty fair question is harsh especially since you cant solve it for laptops!!!!!!!!!!
ouch....Yeah I do with post's like that.........can you not see why?
And you came here for?
I didn't suss pinmame and I read the forums.....
There's LOADS of help given, even by questions asked a million times if they are asked correctly....LIKE THE ONE YOU SUGGESTED!
That answer is easy, some can alto size and some can't be...the Ones that can't be need to be re-created....either read the FAQ's, create yourself (where there are also help files and advice given).....now I have NEVER in the time since FME began seen such a pathetic post .... ESPECIALLY from a 1st One made!
We have planks here of course....i'm curious you are a new member posting stuff like this...sorry fella you are a dupe (and a dope!) that needs to create a new account because you are a total idiot!
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