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Monte carlo or Bust for sale

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#21 fuzion


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Posted 06 November 2009 - 12:32 PM

BWB reno reels. Now sure what you mean about multiplayer, this is a single unit machine


#22 jamesb99_1999


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Posted 06 November 2009 - 01:20 PM

The multiplayer you are thinking of is not BWB it's Reno Casino and it's got pontoon, roullette and slots as the multiplayer feature if I remember correctly.
J<br /><br /><br /><br />A man

#23 fuzion


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Posted 06 November 2009 - 01:25 PM

Yeah I know the one you mean, its a sit down 4 player jobbie. There was actually a BWB video machine released around 1994 called 'Reno Casino' as well. I only ever saw one, but the roms are available in the archive.


#24 Andy2003


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Posted 06 November 2009 - 04:29 PM

fuzion, you seriously thinking about a LCD changeover? your a tech wiz! you'll have to take lots of photo's if you do that one mate... Very interested!!!!

I remember reading a forum thread once and i swear someone had a scart connection from their monte carlo to their TV?

I have a projector at home.. could you imagine playing monte on a 100" screen!! wicked!!! and yes all the other emulator's i play through the projector. i'll have to video it one day and show you all. quite funny if i get the missus beside to pretend to push the start button! LOL

#25 fuzion


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Posted 06 November 2009 - 06:42 PM

Its certainly possible, fruitman off this forum has had his BWB vids running through a normal TV via a scart mod. I've performed the scart mod but I can only get a monochrome screen, probably something to do with my LCD TV not supporting RGB maybe. What I require is an RGB to VGA convertor board. They are around £50. People use them with Jamma board to LCD conversions.

I'm downsizing, I'm dismantling my Miami Dice and Reno Reels and hopefully building a BWB video console into a Party Time sit down cabinet.

Thats the plan, like to get it done before christmas if at all possible.


#26 clarkey1984


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Posted 11 January 2010 - 08:48 PM

A big bump for this thread, but i thought i would let andy2003 (and anyone else who is interested) know how the machine is getting on now.

This baby has finally moved out streakseims girlfriends kitchen and can now be found sitting happily opposite the bar x (i have moved the room around, again so i can fit 2 machines in) and i have done a few bits to it as well...

Put new bulbs in the hold 2 and the Hi or Lo button (cant remember which one it was) that andy very kindly left me some spares of.

Fixed the top lock so that the door doesn't sit about 7 0r 8mm out as it was, i removed the big thick washer that was between the barrel and the locking bar on the back of the lock so it fits a little bit tighter, plus i spaced the lock out at the front using the metal plate that was inside of the door before to to make it even tighter as it still wasn't flush but it is now, call me silly, but stuff like that bugs me, it has to be level, although this shitty looking arrangement of bits of metal is only temporary, i will be making a spacer block out of wood and painting it black so it looks better soon.

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I also managed to find the other lock i robbed from inside the bottom of the bar x that used to hold a little door closed that houses the drop trays and fitted it in the bottom of the door as it had a lock missing, but the locking bar was too long and i havent got anything here to cut it with, so back to the bar x again, stole the bar of the top back door lock of that (which was short enough to fit) and just moved the little metal plate up a bit inside the bar x so the longer bar would still work.

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Then i did what dom (streakseims) suggested, after me him and his mate callum carried it up 2 flights of long stairs, i filled in the yellow sticker reflecting how heavy i think the machine is :lol:

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Then, after coffee and sandwiches, i set to work again....

The flaky paint on the front, although not a problem, just gave me something to do today as i had a days holiday off work (waiting for hughes electrical to deliver some stuff so i had to be in all day, and what better way to do use my day than work on a classic machine!


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After, well, should i say half way, it looks a little bumpy in places so it needs another few coats to look proper. Not finished yet!

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^^^^ Ignore the straggly bits under the freshly painted black bit, those were flakes of the old paint that had stuck to the glass, they have gone now.

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I tried to make a wooden block for the top lock but due to the tight space it needed to fit in and the size of the hole i needed to drill to fit the barrel through, it didnt really work, i made 4 blocks, and all of em broke on the sides, so i had to make do with painting what i had already done black so at least it matches in now.

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And, thats it so far, next job, top bulbs and another start button coz it has a crack in it, again, doesn't really matter but i want it to be mint! Oh yeah, and a refill lock.
Heres whats putting the UK's gambling industry on its arse....

#27 fruitman69


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Posted 12 January 2010 - 05:53 AM

And if you still have the problem with non acceptance of 10p its the 10p inhibit you need to link on the mech.... or your mech is on old 10p's rofl.....
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