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bombfire night?

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#1 fruitmachineemu



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Posted 05 November 2009 - 04:22 PM

what is everyone doing tonight anything good were just chilling out watching other people waste they money on fireworks lol

#2 lincs1


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Posted 05 November 2009 - 04:24 PM

what is everyone doing tonight anything good were just chilling out watching other people waste they money on fireworks lol

so what u doing on here if your watching every1 else?

Get out more Danny

#3 fruitmachineemu



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Posted 05 November 2009 - 04:26 PM

to cold to do anything lol

#4 voodoomau5



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Posted 05 November 2009 - 04:40 PM

nothing going doown round here i think, too rainy

#5 Guest_tommy c_*

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Posted 05 November 2009 - 09:53 PM

Well this is the first year i haven't had the family around and had a bommy just couldn't be arsed this year.

#6 Guest_DAD_*

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Posted 05 November 2009 - 10:00 PM

The word is BONFIRE!!

#7 Shooer magooer

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Posted 06 November 2009 - 09:10 AM

Perhaps they have Bombfires in Afghanistan?

#8 Matty.N



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Posted 06 November 2009 - 06:20 PM

i just let off a load of rockets etc me & my mates had managed to get a hold of ;D

#9 decaff


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Posted 10 November 2009 - 08:23 AM

The word is BONFIRE!!

DAD, if you look in the general direction of the horizon you will see the English language disappearing slowly over it, leaving behind a cultural vacuum which, equally slowly, is being filled with texting and cave-speak.

Doubtless, the texting will become too intellectually challenging for some before long and communication will eventually just be a matter of deciphering different types of grunts.

It speaks for itself that, in general, foreigners speak far better English than the English!

#10 CrAzYbAr


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Posted 10 November 2009 - 12:56 PM

DAD, if you look in the general direction of the horizon you will see the English language disappearing slowly over it, leaving behind a cultural vacuum which, equally slowly, is being filled with texting and cave-speak.

Doubtless, the texting will become too intellectually challenging for some before long and communication will eventually just be a matter of deciphering different types of grunts.

It speaks for itself that, in general, foreigners speak far better English than the English!

Thing is.........I don't even know how Bombfire can be used as text speak or anything useful...It's a longer word to type and the M and B keys are each side of the N.
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