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Cash Arena...HELP???

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#1 Dj-Power


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Posted 03 April 2004 - 11:46 AM

This is my first post ................... :lol:

I used to play a machine called 'Cash Arena' it's the same sytle as ooh ahh Dracula and Fright Night....just erm..... :roll: ......wondering if any one has ever played this machine...or if anyone has a layout or knows of one in the making...if so....let me know. :wink:

Cheers 8)

#2 Bencrest


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Posted 03 April 2004 - 12:21 PM

Never played, and never seen, due to Barcrest having put a pic of Cash Run, with its magnetic card fan, up instead of Cash Arena :)

MPU5 though, so not much chance of it being emulated at all for the next 6000 years I'm afraid.....maybe a little sooner but not much :)

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#3 tracey2


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Posted 03 April 2004 - 01:53 PM

I remember Cash Arena as you say the same of Ooh Aah Dracula and Boulderdash. Always seems a bit nastier on the board than the other two i always thought (bloody Ceasar and his thumb down :D ).
BB is right in saying its MPU5 un-emuable tech but was their ever a BWB re-build that could of been MPU4? not to sure on that one :?
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#4 Bencrest


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Posted 03 April 2004 - 02:54 PM

No...but if it were a direct clone, an HDX is always possible, if anyone could throw some artwork my way......

I'm just off to the repository to check :)

EDIT] No flyer there I'm afraid, maybe one day....:)

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#5 Dj-Power


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Posted 03 April 2004 - 03:35 PM

It's a shame...i say it's a crying shame...for me cash arena was the best out of ooh aah dracula, fright night, boulderdash and cash arena...it was only 2 months ago when i descovered that cash arena was taken out of my local arcade (£15 jackpot may i add)...i still play on ooh ahh dracula, but i have to go 13 miles to play on it as it is the only one of the four that i can still find......as i got a layout ov ooh aar dracula i suppose that will have to do, can't understand why there aint a layout of Cash Arena as dracula is just as old.....

many thanks for your replys :lol:

#6 Bencrest


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Posted 03 April 2004 - 03:48 PM

can't understand why there aint a layout of Cash Arena as dracula is just as old.....

Quite simple really, Ooh Aah Dracula is an MPU5 machine. MPU5 can't be emulated - no ifs, no buts. What happened is that BWB released a 'rebuild' of Ooh Aah Dracula for the seaside market, and Barcrest 'encoded' it for MPU4 technology.

We can emulate MPU4, hence we can emulate the BWB version of Ooa Aah Dracula. That is the only case I know of where BWB released an MPU4 version of an MPU5 machine, so no posting on and on about 'why no BWB Smokey Bikin, why no BWB Psycho Cash Beast' - They were released on the MPU5 and so cannot be emulated full stop.

What is possible, as was show by two designers on this site, Fruitymad2003 and Hurtand165, is that some machines in MPU5 have an MPU4 clone, albeit with different graphics. The one that they released was Psycho Cash Beast HDX, using the Psycho graphics, but the MPU4 Bangin Away roms. Aside from the sound, they play almost identically.

If I could get hold of some photos of Cash Arena - as long as it is a direct clone of Ooh Aah Dracula - I could make an HDX, using the graphics from Cash Arena [MPU5], but using the MPU4 ROMs from BWB Ooh Aah Dracula.

Hope that makes some deal of sense, there may be some bits in there you don't understand, in which case reply here and I'll try clear stuff up :)

BarcrestBenito [finally changed the bulbs in Spiker, NEVER wants to take the MUX5 out AGAIN!!!]
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#7 Dj-Power


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Posted 03 April 2004 - 04:02 PM

Fair enough...my quest ends here....thanx for the replys....saves me searching and searching

#8 Zoltar


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Posted 03 April 2004 - 04:50 PM

I nominate BarcrestBenny Fruit EMU's official 'The bloke who slaps newbies for asking silly questions' lol

Quick... Get that list of emulated stuff posted somewhere before Benny gets some sort of repetitive wrist syndrome. lol

Thats from too much typing mate, not the other errm... non FME pastime we all get up to after hours.
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#9 mrcashpot



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Posted 05 April 2004 - 09:10 AM

A Hybrid is possible, i.e Cash Arena using the Boulderdash or Ooh Aah Dracula program roms. But the Cash Arena sounds seem to be out of the question though due to the encryption of its sound rom. However, could a Cash Arena sound rom be created by using a Yamaha keyboard like some older machines? Some sound roms have been created using a keyboard due to emulation difficulties of some sound roms e.g Viva Las Vegas.

#10 Dj-Power


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Posted 05 April 2004 - 11:23 PM

hmm...could they?........ is there really anyone out there willing to take on this task? nothing is impossible :wink:

#11 Bencrest


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Posted 06 April 2004 - 09:36 AM

I would, case of getting the artwork though :(

I think I'll do an HDX of Big Brother next, should be easy enough, and the sexual innuendo of Bangin Away would suit the Big Brother machine nicely - Well....the french version anyway :)

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#12 joseph



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Posted 06 April 2004 - 11:01 AM

Ive played this machine before but i didn't like it.

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