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Should smoking be banned in public?

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Poll: Should smoking be banned in public? (1 member(s) have cast votes)

Should smoking be banned in public?

  1. Im a non-smoker and I think it should be banned (25 votes [37.88%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 37.88%

  2. Im a smoker and I think it should be banned (5 votes [7.58%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 7.58%

  3. Im a non-smoker and I think it shouldn't be banned (12 votes [18.18%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 18.18%

  4. Im a smoker and I think it shouldn't be banned (24 votes [36.36%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 36.36%

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#21 Monopoly60v8



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Posted 08 April 2004 - 05:47 PM

Why dont you just move away when someone lights a fag up then its not affecting you beacuse you not near it.

You cant really when your playing a fruity, also why should "I" have to move, im not the one cozing the annoyance.

#22 bigbeef161


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Posted 08 April 2004 - 05:48 PM

at the end of the day there is nothin any1 can say that will change anythin

so the smokers win either way

#23 LeoS


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Posted 08 April 2004 - 07:11 PM

Bigbeef161 wrote;

at the end of the day there is nothin any1 can say that will change anythin

so the smokers win either way

[fade:8757706a6a]No-smokers will win at the end, because in average they live longer!!! :wink: [/fade:8757706a6a]
Gr. LeoS ©

#24 TheMaxPower



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Posted 08 April 2004 - 08:14 PM

I quit smoking 30 months ago and I hate it. This is probably because I used the Allen Carr method and I have been brain washed!!

I still think that people should have a choice but if they decide they want to smoke then it should be in a place that is not going to affect people that don't want to breathe the stink!! However, I also feel that a lot of smokers don't care so a ban on smoking in public would not be a bad thing...

I now avoid smokey pubs / areas as I am sure many none smokers do. But why should we have to????

#25 martinmeu



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Posted 08 April 2004 - 08:36 PM

anyone out there who lights a fag when getting a jackpot carn't beat a jp fag its like ben in the pub

#26 Lewis777



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Posted 09 April 2004 - 12:53 AM

Aaaaahhhh...... the celebratory light of a well earned cigarette as the jackpot tune is playing - cant be beaten.

Just like the 8th cigarette you spark whilst doing your tits in a machine you should have known better not to have got involved with.

:evil: :D :evil: :D

#27 buzzin_nutta



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Posted 09 April 2004 - 08:14 AM

I work in the pub I live in, and to be honest I'm not overly happy about 70 - 100 people killing me a night :?

I hope they do ban smoking. People that smoke are against it because they dont want to give up. And anyone that says they like smoking is lying:

1.You smell like absolute crap
2.It costs a bomb
3.It gradually kills you
4.Addicted to beer is much better lol

I apologise for my awful username and previous posts from 13 years ago. I was a misguided chav.

#28 bigbeef161


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Posted 09 April 2004 - 08:45 AM

there are 35 adults in my family and 33 of them smoke i think that is a bad statistic

i would rather smoke stopped it will keep my family here for a few more years :cry:

#29 jayroller



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Posted 09 April 2004 - 08:48 AM

i am a smoker and can see where non smokers are coming from, I wouldnt like it if they came over to me and set a fire in front of me - blowing the smoke all over me. in fact i would be pissed off. On the other hand i would be more pissed off if I am waiting for my bus to arrive in the bus station and i am not allowed to spark up I need that cig just to relieve the stress (theres nothing more stressful than waiting for a bus thats probably never going to show up) , people would wish i was blowing smoke in their faces as i tend to get a bit aggro when the nicotine levels drop. If smoking was banned in public then i could see there being a few fights first thing in the morning i know i would be punching someone just cos i need to release that stress

At the end of the day it should be upto whoever owns the building (i.e. pub landlords)if they don't want people to smoke then fair enough i will go somewhere else

I really dont want smoking to be banned in public though

#30 buzzin_nutta



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Posted 09 April 2004 - 08:53 AM

Being in the pub trade I know how hard it would be to enforce a "house rule" rather than a proper gov. ban. It would be a lot harder to enforce a rule we as a business set, rather than a solid rule nationwide.

I apologise for my awful username and previous posts from 13 years ago. I was a misguided chav.

#31 Monopoly60v8



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Posted 09 April 2004 - 08:57 AM

If smoking was banned in public then i could see there being a few fights first thing in the morning i know i would be punching someone just cos i need to release that stress.

Once the drug is out of your system then you will all be happy bunnys with nice breath. :wink:

#32 Scmooster


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Posted 09 April 2004 - 09:57 AM

I cant even begin to discribe how angery it makes me feel

Get a life Monopoly. All a subject like this is doing is causing tension, but you knew that already which is why you posted it. You may as well talk about war, religion, politics or ethics, it's all the same and leads nowhere on a forum. You'll never change anything, finding out what people think will never change you, so what exactly are you trying to achieve? You're more concerned about a flippant remark I make about fat ginger people than an extremely valid issue I raise in argument against you ie the pollution caused by drivers; you're a sad prick looking for attention and I've seen this argument a million times. You add nothing new, you're not even that clever which is why you avoid getting into any real debate, so get off your bloody soap box and do something useful, light up a ciggy and STFU. :wink: Idiots with half a brain and the first taste of a contraversial issue and absolutely no argument of their own, that's what gets me angry. You can't debate this from a moral stand-point, it's not a question of morals. Whose fault is it people smoke? The tobacco grower, the tobacco farmer? The tobacco shipper? The tobacco supplier? The government? The advertising company? (yes they're out of it now, but only just) The smoker? Or is it Lack of education? Lack of discipline? Poor quality of life? Poor upbringing? Poor sense of personal hygiene?
There's a lot more to this than 'well should it be banned or not', even if you had the answer you're really looking for, what would you do about it? How would you help smokers? Do they even deserve help and if they do, why do they? Why don't they? What help should they get? Who pays? etc etc Oh but then this isn't a debate is it, it's just a poll.

Once the drug is out of your system then you will all be happy bunnys with nice breath.

8O I don't want to be a fricken bunny thank you very much! :evil: So halitosis is directly linked to smoking then? What, even if I never clean my teeth and eat lots of garlic and onions, all I have to do is stop smoking and my breath will smell nice and I turn into a frickin happy bouncy bunny? Are you past the age of consent?

#33 Bencrest


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Posted 09 April 2004 - 10:29 AM

Lol, this is starting to remind me of a certain thread over at FruitForums, the one with 50 pages :)

Any more out of you two, and this will be chucked into youknowwhere, okies? :)

Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - http://www.gamblersaloud.com/ (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)

#34 RB


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Posted 09 April 2004 - 03:54 PM

personal view as a smoker is:- give people the right to choose! :?
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#35 joseph



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Posted 09 April 2004 - 04:48 PM

Which do you lot think are the best brand of fags?

#36 Monopoly60v8



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Posted 09 April 2004 - 07:27 PM

You're more concerned about a flippant remark I make about fat ginger people

Correct. People who make remarks like that are so pathetic.

All I can say is the topic was ment as a bit of fun, you're taking it way too seriously.

I was gonna reply to the points you made, but you're so self opinionated it wont make a difference what I say.

Also what is with all the offensive comments?

Get a life Monopoly

you're not even that clever

get off your bloody soap box and do something useful

you're a sad prick looking for attention

All I done was start a poll asking if smoking should be banned or not.

I think you should apologise.

#37 Scmooster


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Posted 10 April 2004 - 05:38 AM

Any more out of you two, and this will be chucked into youknowwhere, okies?

8O You have admin rights now? :lol:

Monopoly: Firstly, I am opinionated yes, I believe anyone over 35 should be, and have the conviction to do something about it too when it matters. As for you not being able to change that, correct, at this point in time your arguments are childish and weightless, they're also counter-productive and a tad hypocritical, but my opinions change all the time, I'm not so arrogant as to think I know best, or that I'm that clever either, I'm quite willing to understand a persons point of view whether I think it's right or not, I'm open to it provided the person with it understands why they are of the opinion in the first place, instead of just thinking because it's the right thing to do or 'they heard it somewhere'. AND, I'm the first to offer an apology whether I think I owe one or not, and to admit when I'm in the wrong: So, I apologise for anything you've read that you've taken offense to (this works both ways btw) but welcome to the real world. Sadly people do not roll over and play dead anymore, more and more are fighting for what they believe (believe being the operative here) and power to them! But more and more are spouting 'next-doors' trash and standing by it without fully understanding what it is they're actually saying (I'm not saying that's what's happened here, I'm just tired of it when it does and find it very hard to say anything further to the person concerned)
So, I get involved to see just how much conviction the person has who posted whatever and see whether he or she actually believes what they say and understands why, this is an opportunity for personal growth and understanding (mine), not an opportunity to flame. You say it's just a poll, but you did get involved in the debate every step of the way, you should have said you were ill-equipped for the fight and that this was just a simple poll, and that way sad little opinionated feck-whits like me don't 'get the wrong end and come pokin with' :o this is getting way out of hand now, for a simple poll, I'm off for another hit and a beer. (that's a joke btw) ;) My apologies. (to all who sat through this sad opinionated drivvle) :roll:

#38 Irvster



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Posted 10 April 2004 - 05:51 AM

i sat through it mate....needed to go for a ciggie afterwards!!!
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#39 Monopoly60v8



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Posted 10 April 2004 - 08:19 AM

at this point in time your arguments are childish and weightless

What arguments are you talking about? Why dont you put a quote beside what your writing.

I apologise for anything you've read that you've taken offense to (this works both ways btw)

ok, Do you want me to apoligise for posting a poll? or do you want me to apologise for calling you pathetic. Again, why not put quotes in? First of all you're not getting an apology. All I done was post a poll asking if smoking should be banned or not. I am/was under the impression that this web site is more for humour than serious debate. Secondly, You posted an offensive remark

Ugly, freckly, ginger-haired fat women, they should be banned in public

and I said it was pathetic to write that. Why should I apoligise? Are you saying there was nothing wrong with making that comment like that? Lucky for you there are not many women on this site.

Sadly people do not roll over and play dead anymore, more and more are fighting for what they believe (believe being the operative here) and power to them! But more and more are spouting 'next-doors' trash and standing by it without fully understanding what it is they're actually saying (I'm not saying that's what's happened here, I'm just tired of it when it does and find it very hard to say anything further to the person concerned)

What are you on about now?

I get involved to see just how much conviction the person has who posted whatever and see whether he or she actually believes what they say and understands why

Please put a quote and I will explain in as much detail as possible what I ment.

You say it's just a poll, but you did get involved in the debate every step of the way, you should have said you were ill-equipped for the fight and that this was just a simple poll

Fight? God, how many times do i need to say this, It was ment for a bit of fun, like im really gonna write;

Should smoking be banned in public?

*PLEASE NOTE* I am ill-equipped for the fight and this is just a simple poll, no fun is aloud here and you must take this 100% seriously.

Next time you post put a quote beside what you're writing, show me exactly what i have said. You're just posting a bunch of meaningless crap trying to make yourself sound intelligent.

And how any of you lot find this guy funny i'll never know, hes such an egotist.

#40 buzzin_nutta



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Posted 10 April 2004 - 09:29 AM

Now now people...

Calm down.

Both of you shut up and get on with playing fruities.

:wink: take a chill pill :wink:

I apologise for my awful username and previous posts from 13 years ago. I was a misguided chav.

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