Cant Download
Started by JuicyFruity, Feb 16 2010 02:13 PM
5 replies to this topic
Posted 16 February 2010 - 02:13 PM
just registered to downlad some roms and as soon as i try my first download i get
[#10857] You have exceeded the maximum amount of bandwidth allotted to you by the administrator for the day.
so do i need to post x amount to be able to download, if this is the case you'll end up with loads of non-relevant posts
** off to download some machines from non restristed sites :-) **
[#10857] You have exceeded the maximum amount of bandwidth allotted to you by the administrator for the day.
so do i need to post x amount to be able to download, if this is the case you'll end up with loads of non-relevant posts
** off to download some machines from non restristed sites :-) **
- JuicyFruity likes this
Posted 16 February 2010 - 02:37 PM
Getting the same error. There should have been some thorough testing of the new software before upgrading, lots of bugs/things missing..
Edited by >_>, 16 February 2010 - 02:38 PM.
Posted 16 February 2010 - 02:48 PM
Thats why Duplu has started another topic when he re-opened the board to post your problems. It's not easy shifting hosts and takes a lot of work organising a forum and trying to keep members happy. and snidey remarks about proper testing don't help from people who have no idea why the change has happened.
The board has been online for 2 hours and I've seen nothing but moaning, some ungrateful members IMO!! give Duplu a chance to get sorted FFS!!!
The board has been online for 2 hours and I've seen nothing but moaning, some ungrateful members IMO!! give Duplu a chance to get sorted FFS!!!
- Matty.N likes this
Posted 16 February 2010 - 02:51 PM
Thats why Duplu has started another topic when he re-opened the board to post your problems. It's not easy shifting hosts and takes a lot of work organising a forum and trying to keep members happy. and snidey remarks about proper testing don't help from people who have no idea why the change has happened.
The board has been online for 2 hours and I've seen nothing but moaning, some ungrateful members IMO!! give Duplu a chance to get sorted FFS!!!
& its just the newer files i believe
the older ones are fine
just registered to downlad some roms and as soon as i try my first download i get
[#10857] You have exceeded the maximum amount of bandwidth allotted to you by the administrator for the day.
so do i need to post x amount to be able to download, if this is the case you'll end up with loads of non-relevant posts
** off to download some machines from non restristed sites :-) **
confirmed your email?
also good luck finding fruits for free on other sites

Posted 16 February 2010 - 04:47 PM
just registered to downlad some roms and as soon as i try my first download i get
[#10857] You have exceeded the maximum amount of bandwidth allotted to you by the administrator for the day.
so do i need to post x amount to be able to download, if this is the case you'll end up with loads of non-relevant posts
** off to download some machines from non restristed sites :-) **
Posted 16 February 2010 - 05:06 PM
Theres plenty around if you know where to lookalso good luck finding fruits for free on other sites

just checked and it works, thanks dupluFixed

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