Not a complaint as such, but if we stay on this new board layout, would it be possible to install the old FE chat again? I miss those days...
TBH everyone complaining is like what happens on Facebook whenever they change. You get about 6 million status updates "OMG I hate new facebook!!!"
OK it looks different but everyone gets used to it, all the moaning is forgotten about.
I reckon if you stuck with this one for a fair bit and changed it back to VB again, some people might still say "looks crap change it back" lol
Only problem I found is that some peoples avatars have been reduced to the size of a stick thin. Sure this can be easily replicated though by the user
And as a suggestion, the link "Forums" on the left hand bar takes you to the portal. Would it be better to redirect that URL to the main forum page?
Least we still have the smileys!
As for Lincs, well I won't go into it...but it's a pretty poor argument. All I can say is make sure you are looking in the mirror properly because the fella staring back is not me!