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Homepage Hijacker HELP!!!

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#1 Guest_LekyUK_*

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Posted 21 April 2004 - 11:48 AM

Not being the most computer literate person in the world i need help....

My homepage has been hijacked...that is its usually Uk Yahoo but everytime I change it, it changes back to a Viagra and Penis Enlargement site. Not that I'm claiming to be well endowed but its p*ssing me right off!!!

I have AdAware, Spybot, Norton AV AND AVG Viruskiller and they arnt removing it.

I've read some help topics on AdAware that are over my head in computer speak.

Does anyone know of an easy way to resolve this problem. I feel violated boo hoo!!

AND most important.....I've read these programs are a kind of Trojan....does this open me up to other attacks like Dialers etc?

#2 ady


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Posted 21 April 2004 - 01:46 PM

Not being the most computer literate person in the world i need help....

My homepage has been hijacked...that is its usually Uk Yahoo but everytime I change it, it changes back to a Viagra and Penis Enlargement site. Not that I'm claiming to be well endowed but its p*ssing me right off!!!

I have AdAware, Spybot, Norton AV AND AVG Viruskiller and they arnt removing it.

I've read some help topics on AdAware that are over my head in computer speak.

Does anyone know of an easy way to resolve this problem. I feel violated boo hoo!!

AND most important.....I've read these programs are a kind of Trojan....does this open me up to other attacks like Dialers etc?

Once you have ran these 'anti' programs I would suggest you clear your cache and cookies etc.......

If you are running XP it has the system restore facility, and bug's can be stored here as Windows presumes they are 'good' programs. An idea is to disconnect from the net, run your 'Anti' programs and then create a new restore point (which you now know is clean) and delete all the older ones. This was the problem with the W32.sobig virus and that is why weeks down the line you restored to a point because of a minor prob and then it was back again!!!

#3 Guest_LekyUK_*

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Posted 21 April 2004 - 02:14 PM

I'm at work now so I havent tried it but......AdAware and the others wont/cant identify the source....if I'm offline and I scan, the programs still wont be capable to spot the problem so any backup file would still contain the source of the hijack.

Y the Fu*k do people write shity programs like this...its not like you use the new homepage....arrrgghhh!!

However, (breathe deep and....exhale) I'll give it a whirl.

And thanks!!!!

#4 Daryl


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Posted 21 April 2004 - 04:47 PM

I think the best thing you can do mate is a "full format", and reset your computer to 'manufacturer/factory settings".

These people that do these things, just haven't really got a life, have they?

Anyway, if you do a full format restore, backup all the files you know are "safe", format your PC with the system disk you had when you purchased the computer, and put back your backed-up files, that way, you are saving all the information you want, and ridding your PC of the programs that have hijacked your computer.

Also, remember to make sure you don't click on anything without your anti-virus programs on, and be careful which sites you go to as well.

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#5 subby



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Posted 21 April 2004 - 04:58 PM

Re-install internet explorer .. it will clear all previous settings and if you have run trojan scans etc and you still have the problem save all your stuff and use your factory restore disks if you have them.

#6 fruitymad2003


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Posted 21 April 2004 - 05:00 PM

I had a trojan couple months ago

Run norton anti virus did a full system scan found it

Then run Ad-Ware and think its gone lol hopefully

#7 subby



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Posted 21 April 2004 - 05:15 PM


Theres a program on the end of that link will solve your problem .. its free too!

#8 ady


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Posted 21 April 2004 - 05:22 PM

Re-install internet explorer .. it will clear all previous settings and if you have run trojan scans etc and you still have the problem save all your stuff and use your factory restore disks if you have them.

Not trying to sound rude, but what good will this do as trojans etc are on the Hard-Drive and hidden in 'host' programs -- not just on the door-mat at the front door...........This is like saying delete Emu and re-install and all will be ok?????

#9 Bencrest


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Posted 21 April 2004 - 05:22 PM

These people that do these things, just haven't really got a life, have they?

Lol, they can make reasonable amounts of cash though :o

I'm a great believer that companies like Norton release most of the virii these days - I can't believe how many people rushed into shops to buy NAV and NIS when Sobig, Mydoom and Blaster were around - a good way for Norton et al to boost profits.

Lets be honest, you couldn't put it past them now, could you?

Last time I had an IE hijack [not my current one :p ] it was redirecting whatever I typed into the Address Bar through a Lycos search unless it knew the address....so sites like Fruit-Emu would result in a Lycos search, whereas sites like Microsoft wouldn't.

One well written email later, and they sent me a patch - surely they had written it though? For it to force me through their search they must get cash for the ads e.t.c, unless they are only click based.

Oh, that and scrapping IE - I mainly use Mozilla Normal/Firefox/Firebird here, and on the computers I installed it on at college :)

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#10 fruitymad2003


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Posted 21 April 2004 - 05:32 PM

lol BB that really wouldnt suprise me mate the amount of viruses that go round now days i have an awful cold ;)

lol bad joke :)
I know lol :)

#11 Guest_LekyUK_*

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Posted 21 April 2004 - 05:47 PM

Its nice to know the world isnt full of fu*kwits.

I'll try everything including boiling my harddrive in bleach and then using a brillo pad just to make sure!!!!

If I find a solution I'll be sure to post.

As a way to say thanks I'll let you into a little secret..try Marks and Spencer 4 cheese lasagne....bloody marvellous.

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#12 subby



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Posted 21 April 2004 - 05:50 PM

*Some* trojans have a run-once setting... reinstalling can in *some* cases re-set the settings to default .. no harm in trying is there?

#13 ady


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Posted 21 April 2004 - 06:18 PM

Not being the most computer literate person in the world i need help....

My homepage has been hijacked...that is its usually Uk Yahoo but everytime I change it, it changes back to a Viagra and Penis Enlargement site. Not that I'm claiming to be well endowed but its p*ssing me right off!!!

I have AdAware, Spybot, Norton AV AND AVG Viruskiller and they arnt removing it.

I've read some help topics on AdAware that are over my head in computer speak.

Does anyone know of an easy way to resolve this problem. I feel violated boo hoo!!

AND most important.....I've read these programs are a kind of Trojan....does this open me up to other attacks like Dialers etc?

Once you have ran these 'anti' programs I would suggest you clear your cache and cookies etc.......

If you are running XP it has the system restore facility, and bug's can be stored here as Windows presumes they are 'good' programs. An idea is to disconnect from the net, run your 'Anti' programs and then create a new restore point (which you now know is clean) and delete all the older ones. This was the problem with the W32.sobig virus and that is why weeks down the line you restored to a point because of a minor prob and then it was back again!!!

Would still try this, but before you do delete it.........................what was that site called... :oops:

#14 Guest_LekyUK_*

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Posted 26 April 2004 - 08:57 AM

I've been trying to solve the prob by using practically every bit of software out there.

One thing I have notived is that different packages find different things. I've used SpyBot, Adaware and another program which name escapes me at present last night.

I find it worrying that as you think you are safe you use another program which identifies new problems.

but I have a question.....the program I used last night is a trial version...it identifies problems but does not 'sort them'.

There are a few Registry Entries which its advising me to look at. They are bit left from Kazaa, IMESH and one called 180solutions. Can I simply delete these entries in the registry? Along with that there are a few .dll files in my Windows system folder like 'netpals.dll' which I know sounds iffy. Again can I delete it? I worrieed this might effect other programs.

I'll post the name of the progam used...it seems to see stuff AdAware doesnt.

#15 lynx2oo2


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Posted 26 April 2004 - 11:08 AM

I've been trying to solve the prob by using practically every bit of software out there.

One thing I have notived is that different packages find different things. I've used SpyBot, Adaware and another program which name escapes me at present last night.

I find it worrying that as you think you are safe you use another program which identifies new problems.

but I have a question.....the program I used last night is a trial version...it identifies problems but does not 'sort them'.

There are a few Registry Entries which its advising me to look at. They are bit left from Kazaa, IMESH and one called 180solutions. Can I simply delete these entries in the registry? Along with that there are a few .dll files in my Windows system folder like 'netpals.dll' which I know sounds iffy. Again can I delete it? I worrieed this might effect other programs.

I'll post the name of the progam used...it seems to see stuff AdAware doesnt.

Look Here for info on netpals.dll, as for the registry entries, It should be ok to delete the registry entries, but make sure you backup your registry first, ie "start, run, regedit, file, export.

If you need to restore the registry, use either start, run, regedit, file, import or system restore.

Good luck.

#16 barcrest



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Posted 26 April 2004 - 11:19 AM

You don't need to re-format the p.c. at all and i certainly wouldn't recommend going down that rout as restoring all your settings back how you like them and setting everything up is right royal pain in the arse...

When you say you have run ad-aware, have you actually updated it's definitions file to the latest one? Like wise with your anti-virus. If these are not uptodate then there is no point using them as they are usless.

What operating system did you say you are using? Mail me or add yourself to my MSN and i'll talk you through sorting it out. I have seen simular problems here at work and have been able to fix them 100% of the time without re-installing everything.
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#17 Cuey


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Posted 26 April 2004 - 11:22 AM

Do a google search for "hijackthis" download it and read any help files available.

Without a doubt the most useful piece of anti hijack software available.

It pretty much just edits the registry but you don't need to be a genius to figure it out without screwing up your pc.
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#18 Guest_LekyUK_*

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Posted 26 April 2004 - 11:37 AM

Thanks for the adivice....

When I get home I'll take your advice. All the software is up-to-date. If I cant solve it 2n8 I'll contact you. Please send e-mail address to LekyUK@hotmail.com.

On the subject of system restore....I apologise fo keep banging on about my problems but I'm at work I have have to restrict how much I f*ck about here....

It seems the problems I have had have started over the last 4 weeks. I havent done anything I will miss since then so can I restore to a date 4 weeks ago and carry on as normal?

#19 barcrest



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Posted 26 April 2004 - 02:35 PM

You should be able to restore to an ealier point but this can bring about other problems. One i have seen is that windows updates then fail to work and you have to rename the catroot folder and clear your cache to re-enable this... You would be better removing the offending item if you can. Have you removed anything strange from your start up keys in the registry and the start up folder.
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#20 Guest_LekyUK_*

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Posted 26 April 2004 - 03:16 PM

Could you tell me how to reach that part of the registry please?

I'm thinking the offending item is something like has 'C:Window/start' in it. It lists that when it changes my home page but i'm mot sure how to edit it as I can't find it.

Cheers pal.

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