File Submitter: hitthesix
File Submitted: 04 Apr 2010
File Category: System 1
Massive thanks to ploggy for uploading the started layout and some of the reel images.
thanks also to system 1 who was a great help with his knowledge of this particular machine.and also for play testing.
and the play testers £6 in tokens, superbank+ niall quinn
set on 25p play with the jackpot at @£10 and 96%
sadly the meters don't work properly on this(i did try just about everything to get them to work) but it was having none of it.
one other emu issue with this is when you get the " make time" feature or the "time machine feature. you have to wait till the reel times out,
so best to autothrottle to the max, as the reel will stop after 30 seconds.
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