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Mazooma machines

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#1 grazy1979


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Posted 22 April 2004 - 09:53 PM

Hi All,

I wondered if anybody knows how long it will me before we start to see mazooma (i think thats how you spell it) will be on this site! They are my fave machines, esp the golden game and golden arena games, but like most of them!

I know they are not more than 5 years old as mazooma only started in 2001, but im dying to play it om my computer!

I'm not really into standard AWP's I'm more of a lo tech streak and win spins kinda person!

Love playing the golden game too much he he he!!!

Thanks peeps


#2 Cola_Addict


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Posted 23 April 2004 - 08:36 AM

It will be a while yet as they use technology that cant be emulated at the moment. They make some top machines though that i would love to play again.

#3 Bencrest


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Posted 23 April 2004 - 01:32 PM

It will be a while yet as they use technology that cant be emulated at the moment. They make some top machines though that i would love to play again.

Mazooma? TOP machines?! Yikes, sounds like the annual meeting of the 'I have too much money and have to give it all to Mazooma' clan!

Well, I spose that Mazoomas aren't too bad, I like the way that you can collect on ? marks, but I can't forgive some of their machines no matter how hard I try to - even on £5 they have a VERY rigid block around the £1/80p mark on all the ones I've played.

I think they are all BFM Scorp4 tech, which may be emulated some time before 2010, although who knows - maybe Mazooma use some kind of dodgy encryption, and they could never be emulated?

That would be the best news I'd heard in all of my life!

Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - http://www.gamblersaloud.com/ (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)

#4 Cola_Addict


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Posted 23 April 2004 - 05:02 PM

True some of them are a little on the tight side but i like them. Never played any on £5 jp so wouldnt know. Collecting on a ? is good though ;)

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