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Bullys Star Prize

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#1 KMurphy


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Posted 13 June 2010 - 12:32 AM

Does any know what the main stragegy for this machine, which are the best features, can it be forced and does it repeat? Is it best to play 25p/50p/£1 stakes etc.

Just appeared in my local and trying to figure the best way to play.

Any thoughts would be great.



#2 gemini17


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Posted 13 June 2010 - 01:59 AM

Does any know what the main stragegy for this machine, which are the best features, can it be forced and does it repeat? Is it best to play 25p/50p/£1 stakes etc.

Just appeared in my local and trying to figure the best way to play.

Any thoughts would be great.



Have you tried google???
Many sites out there have hints and tips on slots mr
Mindst my best tip,keep ya coins in ya pocket!!!
The vast majority of modern high techs is all or nowt-and if its set at £70 jack then fasten the zips on ya pockets 2!!!! :biglaugh: :biglaugh:

#3 Guest_barcrest junky_*

Guest_barcrest junky_*
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Posted 13 June 2010 - 07:30 AM

This site does not host hints and cheats. It is called Fruit Emu for a reason, that being it hosts emulators and roms and layouts that together will emulate older fruit machines. As Meidhuscroft said, there are several other sites out there that do host this sort of information; this one does not.

But thank you for posting something; this site welcomes frequent posters :)


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