Very confusing matey and dont follow at all!!!!
Thanks Daryl for replying to my post matey-I know basics of comps but my field is nursing not computing-lol
Love to play em just aint got a clue what ya on bout-but do follow the thread partly and know that this is a breakthrough and Guitar brings back a post previous,highlighting a stat membership fee to the site.
All that is put into fmfe from admin to creators,hats off to you all and a thousand thankyous.Im sorry some of us are thick when it comes to comps but we aint all tech wizards-but never think the hard work is not appreciated and goes unrecognized.
We have all been there mate, we all start somewhere. I am 44 and I struggle with technology, but learnt enough to make sure that I can play the fruities on my computer, infact, it was the main reason I brought one, all those years ago now - it seems like a hazy memory since the start of Fruit Machine Emulation all those years ago.
If you stick at it mate, you will be able to pick up the basics - promise!