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Monopoly (Maygay) Help -Bulbs Too Bright

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#1 harrychampion


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Posted 18 August 2010 - 06:54 PM

Hi all

I have a Maygay Monopoly machine - but unfortunately I am afraid to use it because a section of the bulbs has gone really bright (and hot). I wonder if anybody can help me suss out what the problem is and help me take steps to fix it?

I have put a picture of it below.

Posted Image

Hope one of you can help.

Cheers in advance...

#2 cardie


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Posted 18 August 2010 - 07:15 PM

DONT TURN IT ON your risking a fire hazard check all connections to the motherboard, it might be the mux unit thats at fault and needs replacing, have you noticed any other changes within the machine, poor sound quality? machine taking ages to come on, that sort of stuff?

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#3 harrychampion


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Posted 18 August 2010 - 07:34 PM

DONT TURN IT ON your risking a fire hazard check all connections to the motherboard, it might be the mux unit thats at fault and needs replacing, have you noticed any other changes within the machine, poor sound quality? machine taking ages to come on, that sort of stuff?

No - all the sound etc. seems fine, just those sections of the bulbs. I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to fixing etc. What do I need to look at replacing/fixing? Really appreciate your help.

#4 cardie


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Posted 18 August 2010 - 08:11 PM

No - all the sound etc. seems fine, just those sections of the bulbs. I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to fixing etc. What do I need to look at replacing/fixing? Really appreciate your help.

Im pretty sure the motherboard in this machine (M1A/B) has the lamp unit built into it so if this is the problem (which I suspect it is) then you may have to get a new board, about £25 to £30 but im not 100% on this im afriad :(

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Rest in peace Barcrest !

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#5 skabaz


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Posted 19 August 2010 - 10:25 AM

yeah as cardie said its the main motherboard thats attached to the back door thats faulty.


#6 Guitar


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Posted 19 August 2010 - 03:03 PM

May I suggest asking the same question over at the "mpu mecca". There are a lot more techies over there who will be able to fix this for a few pounds of components rather than binning what is becoming a rare board.

The fact that other bulbs are lighting up "normally" suggests that 1 bit of the mux is missing / faulty.

Open the back door of the machine (with the power off and the cable removed!) take off the cover (if fitted) to the motherboard (large pcb about a foot long either green or red in colour) and see if the battery (usually blue or green with "VARTA" written on it) has leaked.

Like has been said before, do not power up the machine again until fixed.

If the battery has leaked (very common fault), then take pictures please and post them to show the extent of the damage. If the damage is minimal it can be easilly fixed. If it hasnt leaked then we are left with the same problem but with an unknown cause.

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#7 Starleisure


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Posted 19 August 2010 - 05:29 PM

Agreed with Baz unless your a tech your not going to want to find, unsolder then resolder the resister/transister once found.

Yes it is an old board but without being rude to anyone on here sometimes its best not to get in to deep unless you really do know what your doing.

Please note this is my opinion and im not saying anyone cant or should not do, just my honest thoughts.

Best wishes

#8 roderz



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Posted 20 August 2010 - 11:36 AM

Pretty easy fix if you got the components,
Some very clear Schematics for M1a/b have been upped @ mpu mecca ;-)



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