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Fruit machine cheat guide for regular posters.

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#21 Zoltar


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Posted 02 May 2004 - 06:34 PM

i have to agree monopoly60v8. 8) anmd the guide is a joke anyway. had it 4 ages now and i honestly thought someone was taking the piss...

"keep putting money into the machine and refuse all wins. after a while the machine will emit "3 loud beeps" and dump the hopper. this works on any machine"


The 3 loud beeps method lol. I hope you realise that the tips/cheats you are looking over is at least 5 years old. I haven't downloaded or asked for the guide but I got hold of a copy, claimed to be written by an ex-fruit machine service engineer/programmer, conveniently released in 1998, 3 years after the machines these tips supposedly work on had been re-chipped.

These were meant for origional £6 JP AWP's and £150 clubbers back in 1993. Try them on these machines that are emulated to see if the cheats are worthy or a crock of shite.

I just cannot believe that a folded and stapled A4 photocopied booklet with 15 pages tops that cost me £5 back in 98 is still doing the rounds like gold dust still today.

I'm amazed at whats going on here.

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#22 Scmooster


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Posted 03 May 2004 - 06:32 AM

Yawn, Monopoly I'm not even going to give you the pleasure of an educated response, I'm not going to sit here writing one-syllable words just so that you can understand what I'm saying. Congratulations though on your astounding impressions, you should be on stage, Jimmy Cricket. Tell the truth though sad lad, you're just pissed cos you want them and know that because you have to ask, you're not getting them.

Were talking THEM btw, there's 3 here, ONE may be older but the info still applies because it's simple common sense applied to a few tips from an engineer. The others aren't hundreds of kb's, they're MB's, and I'm sooooo happy you ALL already either have them or know what's in them, cos it saves me sending them to you eh?

The trouble is with you people (you know who I'm talking to cos you're still here) you want everything on your terms, you hate being dictated to and anyone that tries is shot down in flames. It's the same for the layout designers, no-one is ever happy, you always want more more more. Well I'm not shying away, if you don't like the offer then tough, you think I didn't expect all this? Lol, I work with idiots every single day of my life, predictable, sad little fools so, I can hold my own here.

So, just so we all know where we stand then: I'll continue as I set out, I'm beginning to feel like I have friends now with all this e-mail. Lol, you say I've got the sweets? Well here's some news for you in a language you all understand. 'They're my f***in sweets and I'll hand them out where I f***in like, if you don't like it you can f*** off or fight, either way I'm going nowhere' :wink: The reason? There's far more who want this and are quite happy to ask than there is ungreatful half-wits, funny, just like outside in the real world eh? The minority are not gonna ruin this for the rest. Nice try though, in fact, keep trying. ;)

#23 ady


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Posted 03 May 2004 - 07:02 AM

Come on guy's let's all calm down hu........

To start with....Yes I did have this already....And yes it is old news....

But, Scoo did try posting a link but it didn't work--so first thing Scoo if you don't know is, if you upload to Emu it has to be (Virus free of course) and zipped.

Should scoo have uploaded it then none of this would have blown-up, so lesson learned hu?

This is turning into another one of those silly row's that the staff will dump in the abyss never to be seen again.......so we all get the message now so why are the insults still flying?

Sorry this finished on the 30th April!!!

#24 Monopoly60v8



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Posted 03 May 2004 - 09:11 AM

Congratulations though on your astounding impressions, you should be on stage, Jimmy Cricket

Jimmy Cricket? That cockroachy thing from pinocchio?? :? Mate you've lost the plot :p

Tell the truth though sad lad, you're just pissed cos you want them and know that because you have to ask, you're not getting them.

Actually, I got mine with a CD I bought on E-Bay before I knew of this site.

you'd have to be a blind no-armed pygmy with autism and amnesia not to sell at least 1 a week.

Well here's some news for you in a language you all understand, 'They're my f***in sweets and I'll hand them out where I f***in like, if you don't like it you can f*** off or fight, either way I'm going nowhere'

I work with idiots every single day of my life, predictable, sad little fools

Listen, You seem to think you're very intelligent, You're anything but. I see you as a compulsive attention seeker. You get people like you on all forums, Thinking your better and smarter than everyone, constantly running down peoples spelling and grammer and with posts full of sarcasm and offensive remarks. I mean you even make fun of people with autism, that is just soooo low. You're so sad and you dont even see it, and the worst part is you'll never change,

Were talking THEM btw

Should that not be We're? OMG a spelling mistake, how will you live with yourself. :p

#25 g-man



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Posted 03 May 2004 - 12:07 PM

If this is the guide I think it is,then it's 90% garbage mixed with 10% accurate(but uselessly out of date) info.
When people sell it on ebay etc and claim ownership they are just scamming.Most of it is just cobbled together from stuff that's been floating around the net for years(in fact some guides I wrote years ago for a long gone fruity site appeared in it word for word).

#26 RB


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Posted 03 May 2004 - 01:19 PM

A general rule of thumb:- If its available to the public...its out of date.

Who in there right mind gives a money maker away...The only way of making money is from selling this outdated TAT...

All praise the good of ebay.....££££££
Cyberpunk:- alienated loner who lives on the edge of society in generally dystopic future where daily life is impacted by rapid technological change, an ubiquitous datasphere of computerized information, and invasive modification of the human body.....Hmmmmm


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