Let me explain, I was trying to answer your question about the difference between c/d Monty Python and C/d Monty Python 7 and that's when I hit the problem with my second machine. On Machine 1 I have c/d Monty Python 7 and one machine 2 I have c/d Monty Python now here the problem, when I tried to change the category to c/d it accepted the changes and when I went to upload the c/d Monty Python it began and stopped for as moment and then continued to load but when I went to hit enable it stated the category of game was wrong so I checked and checked again for some reason even the main game now doesn't load and states it's the wrong category I'm hoping there is a quick solution to this as I don't want to shell out money for a new hard drive again at this time so can anyone help me with this little problem

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, Sep 15 2010 08:58 PM
607 replies to this topic
Posted 19 November 2013 - 08:15 PM
Posted 19 November 2013 - 08:26 PM
Let me explain, I was trying to answer your question about the difference between c/d Monty Python and C/d Monty Python 7 and that's when I hit the problem with my second machine. On Machine 1 I have c/d Monty Python 7 and one machine 2 I have c/d Monty Python now here the problem, when I tried to change the category to c/d it accepted the changes and when I went to upload the c/d Monty Python it began and stopped for as moment and then continued to load but when I went to hit enable it stated the category of game was wrong so I checked and checked again for some reason even the main game now doesn't load and states it's the wrong category I'm hoping there is a quick solution to this as I don't want to shell out money for a new hard drive again at this time so can anyone help me with this little problem
Yikes...Sorry mate .
I've never come across that before so wouldn't know what to do.
Posted 19 November 2013 - 08:32 PM
Phil would you know how to correct the error Please
Posted 19 November 2013 - 08:48 PM
I wouldn't have a clue apart from going down the same route as before and getting a reimage.
If the install stopped and then started again it encountered a problem and hasn't installed properly, possibly corrupting the HDD in the process.
I can't understand why you lot keep messing about with these machines and just keep wanting more and more.
777 games were NEVER meant to run in Rio cabs, so it's much safer not to have them on there, or even trying to install them, when you have all the games that ARE meant to run in a Rio working fine, then you should just be happy with what you've got.
The only difference after all, is that the 777 games have the pie gamble option on them, so is it worth risking everything getting corrupted just for the sake of that?
Posted 19 November 2013 - 09:14 PM
I'm sorry for being a royal pain in the rear, if it is me that's pissed you off I apologise. Now my problem is to get a reimage done now having two machines helps but I need another adapter so I can copy my first machines hard drive to my second in the hope it will correct the fault which will cost money, something I cannot spare at the moment so will have to wait and correct it as soon as but I cannot understand what happened as I haven't played on it for two weeks. I did everything you're supposed to so why did it just bugger up like that it's never done it before when I've changed the category from b3 to c/d.
If I cannot correct the fault myself how much does it cost to get a re-imaged drive of a Cashino 500
Posted 19 November 2013 - 09:22 PM
I wouldn't have a clue apart from going down the same route as before and getting a reimage.
If the install stopped and then started again it encountered a problem and hasn't installed properly, possibly corrupting the HDD in the process.
I can't understand why you lot keep messing about with these machines and just keep wanting more and more.
777 games were NEVER meant to run in Rio cabs, so it's much safer not to have them on there, or even trying to install them, when you have all the games that ARE meant to run in a Rio working fine, then you should just be happy with what you've got.
The only difference after all, is that the 777 games have the pie gamble option on them, so is it worth risking everything getting corrupted just for the sake of that?
I think im gonna remove the two 777 games I have on my machine as the other night during loading of Monty Python7 my screens went funny. Im not gonna risk that again and go through the heartache of damaging my Grand Casino machine.
Posted 20 November 2013 - 09:59 AM
I'm sorry for being a royal pain in the rear, if it is me that's pissed you off I apologise. Now my problem is to get a reimage done now having two machines helps but I need another adapter so I can copy my first machines hard drive to my second in the hope it will correct the fault which will cost money, something I cannot spare at the moment so will have to wait and correct it as soon as but I cannot understand what happened as I haven't played on it for two weeks. I did everything you're supposed to so why did it just bugger up like that it's never done it before when I've changed the category from b3 to c/d.
If I cannot correct the fault myself how much does it cost to get a re-imaged drive of a Cashino 500
I'm afraid I can't answer that question, Rich no loinger does them after the last fiasco, so you'll have to get someone one here to do it for you.
Didn't someone offer to do it last time for either a tenner or free?
Posted 20 November 2013 - 10:06 AM
I think im gonna remove the two 777 games I have on my machine as the other night during loading of Monty Python7 my screens went funny. Im not gonna risk that again and go through the heartache of damaging my Grand Casino machine.
That might be wise, but if they are already on and playing fine, then you might be ok.
Even the games which were made for Rio cabs can install incorrectly, you have to bear in mind, that they weren't really supposed to have more than one game on them, let alone keep being changed.
So my advice is, change the games as little as possible, that way you minimise the chance of something going wrong. I only ever change the game when I've got a JP (B3 games) If it means I have the same game on for months, then so be it.
Mind you I'm playing them in cash mode not demo mode, so in theory you two playing them in demo, can get a few JP's everyday so it might not work in your case!
At the end of the day they are computers, and as such can suddenly go wrong for no end of reasons, most of which you might never find out why it happened.
Posted 20 November 2013 - 03:20 PM
Thanks Phil, I'm going to remove the hard drive from both machines and copy one to the other so I can try my ghosting set up out I bought and I'll let you know the results when I've completed the work. I'm hoping everything will go like clockwork and there will be no problems. I start my college course next Tuesday to learn all I can learn about these and other machines and how to fix all faults, so when an error occurs I can fix the thing. Maybe this is the ultimate test ?????? Pass the course and get a job doing this for a living wow just the thought of being able to fix a machine (Any) sounds great.
Posted 21 November 2013 - 06:16 PM
Hi guys just a quick update for you both machine are now up and running and it only cost me £20 which I gave my mate for helping me cool or what
Posted 21 November 2013 - 06:43 PM
Glad to hear you got both your machines working again

Posted 21 November 2013 - 06:49 PM
Ive decided not to carry on with the search for Rainbow Riches7 as theres no guarantee it will work on a rio and could be risky installing it as its only meant for the T777 cabs
as with all 777 games.

Posted 21 November 2013 - 08:53 PM
i think we have been over this time and time again - access the HD on your pc and completely clear the install directory. when you reboot the rio it just goes to the main menu page stating that no game has been loaded.
Posted 21 November 2013 - 09:02 PM
Here is what ive been told a complete games list for the Enhanced Rio:
B3 Grand Casino7
B3 Monty Python7
B3 Rainbow Riches7
CD jackpot Joker
CD LuckyStrike
CD Monty Python
CD Monty Python7
B3 Cashino
CD Elvis Smash Hits
B3 Elvis Top 20
B3 Grand Casino
B3 Monty Python Holy Grail
B3 Rainbow Riches
CD Rocky Balbonus
There could be more but that's the list I've been given
you missed out the £35 version of cashino
Posted 26 November 2013 - 10:09 PM
Well im now on the long road of saving hard to get a 777 cab with at least 4 games installed.
It may take about a year but should be worth the wait and I have my Rio to keep me going until then
It may take about a year but should be worth the wait and I have my Rio to keep me going until then

Posted 27 November 2013 - 11:26 PM
This is what I was told by a friend who works at a local Gala Bingo centre:
Triple 8 is the way forward, Triple 7 will start appearing cheap soon as all the Gala Bingo and chain arcades are changing
To the Triple 8's.
I see AMG Leisure are now selling £70 JP T777 cabs (Rainbow Riches Party with 5 games installed) for £5195 + VAT so looks like they are starting to creep down in price
Posted 28 November 2013 - 10:45 AM
Still alot that from Amg there only worth that because of the way they can take cash!
Not seen a single 888 in the 6/7 I've been to over the months. They have there own menu on them with a choice of over 25 games over 2 pages I can't see why they want to spend a large sum bringing in 888 cabs that have nothing to offer a 777 can't. All 888 games seem to run on 777. And every chain arcade have 777s and select few have 888 just to show off really and probably got them when 1st released on promo
Not seen a single 888 in the 6/7 I've been to over the months. They have there own menu on them with a choice of over 25 games over 2 pages I can't see why they want to spend a large sum bringing in 888 cabs that have nothing to offer a 777 can't. All 888 games seem to run on 777. And every chain arcade have 777s and select few have 888 just to show off really and probably got them when 1st released on promo
Posted 28 November 2013 - 12:18 PM
All I want is a 777 with rocky freespins maybe a few other games but will wait to see if Stuart ever gets one in at Star Leisure but at just under £6000 It'll have to wait a while for one of those. I'll begin saving in January and see what comes available but where do you look for one. What's AMG???? and what games are available?????
Posted 28 November 2013 - 12:32 PM
Amg don't sell to public
Posted 28 November 2013 - 05:37 PM
Still alot that from Amg there only worth that because of the way they can take cash!
Not seen a single 888 in the 6/7 I've been to over the months. They have there own menu on them with a choice of over 25 games over 2 pages I can't see why they want to spend a large sum bringing in 888 cabs that have nothing to offer a 777 can't. All 888 games seem to run on 777. And every chain arcade have 777s and select few have 888 just to show off really and probably got them when 1st released on promo
I agree, I still think the 777s are more popular than the 888s. If anything I can see the 888s dropping in price and becoming cheaper than the 777s in a year or so.
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