Spa, you got a pm

Video Based Bpak Files
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, Sep 15 2010 08:58 PM
607 replies to this topic
Posted 19 September 2013 - 07:23 PM
Posted 19 September 2013 - 07:24 PM
Here they are.
Attached Files
- gav2010 likes this - My youtube channel - My Drive
Posted 19 September 2013 - 07:24 PM
I took a look at my top box and it looks okay but will probably never install it. Just in case I need to get the machine repaired or re-imaged like now for example. I have it upstairs in my office so when I'm not writing I can play it in 2 days I put £300 in shows you how much I like playing the game even though there's a slight fault on Grand Casino (let me explain that a little better) the fault only comes on when a certain lines that have grand casino mixed with wilds. It resets the machine but none of that matters any more as my machine is down until I either get the machine re-imaged, ghosted or repaired yours Pelham
Posted 19 September 2013 - 07:26 PM
Oh you got the bit that goes on the side of the big one as well!
I took a look at my top box and it looks okay but will probably never install it. Just in case I need to get the machine repaired or re-imaged like now for example. I have it upstairs in my office so when I'm not writing I can play it in 2 days I put £300 in shows you how much I like playing the game even though there's a slight fault on Grand Casino (let me explain that a little better) the fault only comes on when a certain lines that have grand casino mixed with wilds. It resets the machine but none of that matters any more as my machine is down until I either get the machine re-imaged, ghosted or repaired yours Pelham
You don't need to send the whole machine away, just take the HDD out of the pc.
Posted 19 September 2013 - 07:27 PM
Pmed back
Well, I wasn't really sure what it was. Will fit it, or try too lol! - My youtube channel - My Drive
Posted 19 September 2013 - 07:28 PM
Spa - They are the really annoying add on boxes - They attach to the side of the main box and both side can have them - Tbh bin job most of the time as they stick out and get bashed when on the barrow.
Posted 19 September 2013 - 07:32 PM
It's dead easy to put the topbox on, open very topdoor, fasten box to machine connect mains cable to mains cable (thich black wires like the power cable to the wall socket and connect the blue plug to the connectors on mux board that says blue next to it.
Close all doors back up, job done
Pmed back
Well, I wasn't really sure what it was. Will fit it, or try too lol!
Either ebay it, or I hear Star Leisure are after some
Pm'd back.... brace yourself!
Why is everything going in the above post instead of seperate ones?
Posted 19 September 2013 - 07:32 PM
Yeah, the top one should be fine. It's that little weird one
I did fit the tops on the midas and the CMS. The CMS one it great with multi coloured flu lights!
Not yet fitted the slotto gamblers top. - My youtube channel - My Drive
Posted 19 September 2013 - 07:38 PM
Ooo the slotto gambers look great in full flow
Perfect for Christmas
Posted 19 September 2013 - 07:39 PM
How very dare you use the 'C' word in September!
Posted 19 September 2013 - 07:45 PM
96 days.
Posted 19 September 2013 - 07:48 PM
That's it, I'm officially in a state of panic, things to buy, presents to wrap, cards to write, I'll be a nervous wreck by morning, so thanks for that Stu!
Posted 19 September 2013 - 08:03 PM
Pictures or it didn't happen - My youtube channel - My Drive
Posted 19 September 2013 - 08:09 PM
I hear this year the must have Christmas gift is a Rio cab - Oh look i have 40 you can buy
You're a tryer Stu, I'll give you that mate!
Posted 19 September 2013 - 08:11 PM
I would love to see you just try and wrap one, lol.
Posted 19 September 2013 - 08:33 PM
Lmao, about 80 rolls of xmas wrap should do it :-).
Posted 20 September 2013 - 08:58 PM
Well just finished playing my machine, been on it for about 4 hours tonight and stuck about £450 of demo credits through and all I got was £196.50 on Grand Casino.
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