Posted 31 May 2008 - 09:13 PM
Not a wheel clamp.
For Pete's sake.
I've lost my job - never mind Arthur.
I'll chuck him out.
Not the taxman.
Come on, rose tinted spectacles mean we love this machine now. Mike Reid. Butchers. Queen Vic. Happy Hour by The Housemartins. Big Maygay gold/red/brown sevens for jackpots.
I've got to agree with Gary C on this one, so I'll don the flame retardant jacket. £60 for a board on Jumping Juggling Rockin' and Rollin' Jackpots returning that rock, roll, juggle and jump is hard to believe. I'm not saying you're lying but I suspect a little exagerationypoos....hmmm? JJRARJRTRRJAJ is a tricky machine at times. I've played it in the darkest depths of Toddington services. I've played it in the dizzy heights of Kettering Shipleys. I've played it in the slimy backwater of Northampton Tenpin. I've played it here, I've played it there, I've played it under the stairs, I've played it every-bloopin' where. It's frustrating as hell on a good day and frustrating as a load of postings by Stu5445554 on a bad day. Yet £60 for a board? Believe me that is unheard of, so rare, very terribly unlucky, pending no exagerationypoos.
I won't commment on the first two cardiehated machines, never played 'em.
Sometimes you can get very strange versions of machines. An arcade in Leicester used to have a really odd Dr. Who. £6 jackpot (cash conversion) 5p play. £20 for a board was not a huge rarity. Streaked like mad.
Also talking of Mike Reid, The Guvnor could take a packet on £6 jackpot/20p play. You don't get that on the emulator, but often it'd go £40 with only a few 40p wins off the single red seven, gamble lose then a little streakypoos.
Cross your heart hope to die blah blah blah JJRARJRTRRJAJ really did take £60 for a board?