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Someone Please Help Me

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#1 BladE43



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Posted 05 February 2011 - 11:15 PM

I have asked before but failed.

I have a b3 Grand casino and am very bored of the current games installed.

I am after the £35 version monty python and £35 cashino as I love them. I dont care that they will only play in demo mode. Just like playing them lol.

I have seen somone on ebay selling a grand casino with these games installed and I even offered to buy them off of him but got no reply.

If someone has them please couls you send me them. I will pay if needs be.

I hope someone helps me out as I guess they are members here who have them.

Thank you in advance for any help.
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#2 BladE43



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Posted 06 February 2011 - 04:49 PM

Please, someone must haver them.

I will be willing to pay a good amount for them. Im sick of everyone ignoring me when I ask.

Is it a massive secret or something?

I will donate to become a gold member if no ones wants to sell them but put the money towards the site.

I have not yet donated as I dont really use it and have not downloaded anything and it would seem no one is willing to give me or point me in the direction of these files. So why would I give money to a place that wont help mr with a small favour.

I hope this dont sound rude as its not meant to be, but I hope you understand where I am coming from. It would seem you need to be in the "in crowd" to get any information on these b3 game files.

If and when I get into all this I will contribute all I can and if I ever get hold of some game files I would upload them straight away for people.

As it stands I am talking to a fruit machine tech for a arcade and hoping I can talk him into giving me a copy of all the HDD so I can get the game files for all the games out there.

Thank you for any help.
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#3 Guest_barcrest junky_*

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Posted 06 February 2011 - 05:41 PM

I am quite sure that if members could help you they will- just be patient.

The whole of the emulation scene is about members assisting each other - some write emulators, some buy machines, some dump ROMs, some host ROMs and some write layouts, all to help other members share the experience. If anyone of those activities didn't happen then we wouldn't have the scene the currently have - over 3000 classic machines to play on our computers.

In fact, one part of the chain (the main part as it only done by 1 someone) has currently seized up, meaning the scene is slowly dying out, but we live in hope.

You could widen your scope and also try posting on Fruity Fans FME - they have some members on there who are more into the current technologies.

Hope I have helped a bit.


#4 BladE43



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Posted 06 February 2011 - 06:58 PM

Thank you Barcrest Junky, I understand who it all works etc as I have done a lot of reading through it.

I just got upset as I see endless machines on ebay with those games installed and no one is willing to sell/give me them. Its like its a secret or buy the machine lol.

I have never been on the other sites as I thought this was the main place to be ;-) I see a lot of slagging off if a new member asks for something but I cant give anything as I have nothing new to give.

I just hope someone will see this and help me out and let me know where I can download the 2 games I am after.

I was looking through the repro and I have a few games for B3 machines that are not there. So Cliff if I can email you. I will send you them so you can upload them for others to download.

Thank you
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#5 Darienne



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Posted 07 February 2011 - 09:28 AM

You need to contact the member called "kdservices" - he has all the games
I believe he uploaded them all to MegaUpload - so if you do a little searching of the forums you may come across the links and download them yourself (I know the links are out there as I downloaded the games myself some time ago, but not sure where I placed them on my PC)

Edited by Darienne, 07 February 2011 - 09:28 AM.

#6 piesthecat



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Posted 07 February 2011 - 05:42 PM

wasn't there loads of B3 roms on cliffs repro ???
if you cant get hold of "kdservices" try "nails"

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