Daryl, even though we've never met, I have followed your story for a long while. Shared in your good news and felt tearful at your sad news. Stay strong dear friend, you have a massive extended family here in FME land. Stay safe.

My Alzheimer's News
Started by Daryl, Jun 23 2011 11:58 AM
347 replies to this topic
Posted 16 May 2020 - 11:27 PM
- policematrix, Marlon36, stardust and 1 other like this
Come here to post jokes, oh and to play the occasional frutie.
Posted 21 May 2020 - 10:54 AM
Before this thread is locked and closed, I wanted to publish a slideshow that I made of my Mam throughout her life in photos...
I've included my sister, her daughter, in the presentation because she died just six weeks before my mum did.
They are free and at peace now... I wish peace to all those others that have sadly succumbed to this wretched plague enveloping our world too x
Here is the link to the slideshow - it is on my Facebook page as a status I made for it. The post is public so can be viewed by anyone with a Facebook account... Here's the link
- bri365, policematrix, Reg and 3 others like this
Posted 21 May 2020 - 08:17 PM
Very moving Daryl and a great choice of music.
- policematrix, Reg and stardust like this
Come here to post jokes, oh and to play the occasional frutie.
Posted 21 May 2020 - 08:29 PM
What a lovely tribute.
Daryl, you are a stronger man then you will ever know. When I lost my mum I could never had done something so close to ground zero and wish I had - it would have just completely broken me.
I hope that she is looking down on you proud of you and thank you for sharing something so important to you like this with us.
bri365 nailed it with his words.
Take care buddy.
- bri365, policematrix and stardust like this
Posted 21 May 2020 - 08:46 PM
Lots of love mate... stay strong
- bri365, policematrix and stardust like this
Posted 22 May 2020 - 08:17 PM
I think we all take something from this, but for me its life is very precious + short, how many times have you been bored? or wished away days? IF we all treat everyday like our last the world would be a very nice place and we should, it may very well be, but 1 day it will 100% be, im sorry if this comes across as depressing but thats not my intention at all, its to appreciate the gift of life as best we can
Posted 23 May 2020 - 06:07 PM
Thanks Marlon, it means a lot to me x
I'm going to ask to lock this thread now... it is being archived in PDF form for me by one of our lovely FME members, REG. I'm so thankful to him for managing to save it for me...
I've made a lot of friends here at Fruit-Emu... Most are still virtual and some I have actually met and we've become even closer, but all my friends mean so much to me in FME and you always will be. I'm not leaving FE but I am stopping posting about my condition, as I have my website for that and also, truth be told, my memory is now getting foggier to say the least... it might be grief, hopefully it is, but whatever it gets difficult to keep up where I'm at when I'm writing lol.
Thanks guys for following me here on this thread, from the day I was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease... this has also been like a little journey for me, learning as I went along how to be a carer, and also someone who has the condition as well - I think I managed both to the best of my ability.
Take care all,
Love Daryl x
- Geddy, bri365, policematrix and 1 other like this
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