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#121 jim2311



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Posted 07 May 2013 - 01:19 PM

Can't be that difficult...


A bottle of vodka and a dozen buds


Another bottle of vodka and another dozen buds


I mean you only need to remember 2 things plus the word ... another.


Seriously, we all know you've been looking forward to this break, and I'm sure you will enjoy the change of scenery.


I just hope you can cope without all your techno gadgets?

#122 Daryl


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Posted 09 May 2013 - 05:42 PM

Due to mobile data issues that are occurring here with myself and other members, this will probably be my last post here before I go to the carehome for respite.


My packing is nearly done (but only just started about two hours ago - I always leave to everything to the last minute ;)) - and I have telephoned the carehome to confirm my stay... the bloke, Dean his name is (a great fella), said to me just do a to-do list as you would if you were going on holiday - so that is what I have done, and it is has made it a lot less stressful!


I have been to my Mam and stepdad's flat to see them before I have care started given to me... my Mam, bless her hasn't a clue about it all - and after telling her at least three times, when I gave her a kiss 'goodbye' - she just said: "see you tomorrow sweetheart" - I miss my Mam being my mother sometimes, because at that particular moment in time I just needed a little reassurance, but my mum just didn't understand, not deliberately of course - it made me realise it is just one of the reasons that I am having to respite in the first place  :bigeyes19:


Anyway, thank you all for the support to those of you who have given it to me in the past here over the couple of years I started this thread... I hope after the rest, care and support I get in the carehome after my respite rejuvenates me more to how I used to feel... I can wish, can't I?!  :bigeyes19: lol

All The Best

My blogsite is here: click the icon --->   :computer:

My name is Daryl, I was born in 1965 and have been into FME since 2002!
On 23 June 2011, I was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease  In November 2012, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonian Syndrome too.
I can be found at:
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...or at Facebook here: --> https://www.facebook.com/daryl.lees

Visit my website on the icon above for my WebBlog, or pop over and see me on the social media at  ---> Daryl on... Facebook.png


#123 samson81


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Posted 09 May 2013 - 05:51 PM

Daryl I hope you have a great time in there mate,


Make sure to rest a plenty and chillax, everything outside will be ok as you have sorted that all out, we will still be here thinking about you and hoping you are making the best of the time there.


Anyways daryl I follow your posts here and FB like a real life storybook, if you cant make any posts while you are away there don't worry, as you will be able to fill us in when you get back home.


Have fun daryl mate look forward to speaking to you soon :)



#124 mummylou789



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Posted 09 May 2013 - 06:19 PM

i know im new here but so sorry! my nan just found out she has this too wish u all the best x

#125 Guest_ricardo de ponsa_*

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Posted 09 May 2013 - 06:20 PM

Hi Daryl,

       Have a great time just chilling out, not a bad thing at all, in fact everybody could do with a bit of 'Time Out'. Shame about the comms!!! Oh well it's all part of the therapy!!! Hmmmm yeah know what you mean about parents, been an orphan for 28 years now still not an easy issue to deal with.

Well have a great time, I'm off as well on my travels cruising around the Med on a boat  and look forward to chatting when we come back from our respite breaks. Take care and speak soon.






PS. Oh forgot Daryl.... Leave those young girls alone. :biglaugh:

Edited by ricardo de ponsa, 09 May 2013 - 08:03 PM.

#126 Guest_barcrest junky_*

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Posted 09 May 2013 - 07:03 PM

Have a really good time mate. Just wish I was a bit closer and could pop in and have a natter and a laugh. As Ric says we'll all still be here when you are back in the room. Just relax now, forget about all of this and just enjoy you being the centre of attention. Not sure if it is the right phrase but you definately "earned it".

All the best mate


#127 ady


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Posted 11 May 2013 - 06:59 PM

Just had a chat with Daryl, chuffed to say he say's he is all settled in at the Hilton :)


Unfortunatly he can't access FE via 3G at all so he asked me to pass the message.


Best wishes to the bloke who in my eyes, and a few others too, is the most genuine friend you can ever have.


Look after yourself Daryl and use the time you deserve.

#128 Daryl


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Posted 13 May 2013 - 05:57 PM

ady, on 11 May 2013 - 7:24 PM, said:

Just had a chat with Daryl, chuffed to say he say's he is all settled in at the Hilton :)


Unfortunatly he can't access FE via 3G at all so he asked me to pass the message.


Best wishes to the bloke who in my eyes, and a few others too, is the most genuine friend you can ever have.


Look after yourself Daryl and use the time you deserve.


Thanks Ady mate :) x


I have managed to log on, but it is temperamental... it is the first time I have been able  to do so since I arrived at my residential care home.


I am doing well, the carers are lovely, as are most of the residents too - they all have their own mental health issues to deal with, and I will praise each  for their effort in handling their illnesses in their own way.


I have had fantastic meals since I have been here... in fact I have eaten more than I ever would've done at home - probably because there isn't any cooking to do or pots to wash either!


The staff are handling my meds too... it probably going to be one of the rarest weeks in history where I am taking all my meds, at proper times and all in the correct order! ;)


I will do an update when I get back home Friday - if I have the energy (all this relaxation and rest is exhausting me - truth! :)) - but until then thank you to Ady for posting the update for me, and thank you to all those who have supported on this journey so far...


...I now feel there is some more life in me yet! :)


Thanks all :) xx

All The Best

My blogsite is here: click the icon --->   :computer:

My name is Daryl, I was born in 1965 and have been into FME since 2002!
On 23 June 2011, I was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease  In November 2012, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonian Syndrome too.
I can be found at:
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...or at Facebook here: --> https://www.facebook.com/daryl.lees

Visit my website on the icon above for my WebBlog, or pop over and see me on the social media at  ---> Daryl on... Facebook.png


#129 Daryl


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Posted 17 May 2013 - 02:22 PM

I have come home from my respite care... and I have got to say that I have had the loveliest rest - I didn't realise how exhausted and emotionally drained and shattered I was until I went into Oakdene Residential Carehome.

The carers there are lovely... they leave you to do just what you want, go where you want and are very supportive, even walking with me to the shop when I needed anything. They took care of my medications for me - an occasion that has allowed me to actually have my medications at the correct time, in the correct order and on a regular basis - something that I sadly neglect, due to circumstances. The meals have been homemade, regular, with a choice so that it isn't universal at mealtimes. They have some ’challenging’ residents live with them at the carehome, so to actually find time for them to be so supportive goes to show that their are good people within a system that sometimes does get a bad press.

The residents, each with their own personal mental and physical disabilities, have been very supportive too. It can be difficult for a few of the residents to communicate with you, but I can honestly say that I didn't have one bad experience with any of them.

I had my own room, with ensuite bathroom and a key too. Obviously the carers have a skeleton key as well... this came into action with me on just one o casino but by accident I might add...

...I went to the loo in the middle of the night, and I went to pull the light on. Thinking the light bulb had blown, I just decided to sit their in the dark - doing what you do on the loo. The next thing I know is that two members of staff came rushing into my room and pulled the sliding door open on the ensuite room too the bathroom. I Am there sat on the 'throne' wondering what the hell was going on... I had pulled the emergency chord with it being dark, not the light chord! Feeling a proper plonker didn't come into it - still it gave us all a good laugh!

My Social Worker has telephoned me at home today and she asked how I got on... she was very pleased and I have already booked with her my next respite care package for September... she feels that she doesn't want me to leave it long periods without any because I am getting a little worse in my conditions and this respite will help keep me on track - and it certainly has made me feel better emotionally and physically too - I feel invigorated somehow, which can only be a very positive thing.

Thank you to those of you who have sent me personal wishes and have read my posts in this thread from the beginning... I promise I will always try my best o keep you updated with my travels on this adventure of my lifetime :)

Love and peace to all :) xx
All The Best

My blogsite is here: click the icon --->   :computer:

My name is Daryl, I was born in 1965 and have been into FME since 2002!
On 23 June 2011, I was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease  In November 2012, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonian Syndrome too.
I can be found at:
My new blog-site...
...or at Facebook here: --> https://www.facebook.com/daryl.lees

Visit my website on the icon above for my WebBlog, or pop over and see me on the social media at  ---> Daryl on... Facebook.png


#130 Daryl


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Posted 20 May 2013 - 01:13 PM

Dementia Awareness Week :)


All The Best

My blogsite is here: click the icon --->   :computer:

My name is Daryl, I was born in 1965 and have been into FME since 2002!
On 23 June 2011, I was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease  In November 2012, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonian Syndrome too.
I can be found at:
My new blog-site...
...or at Facebook here: --> https://www.facebook.com/daryl.lees

Visit my website on the icon above for my WebBlog, or pop over and see me on the social media at  ---> Daryl on... Facebook.png


#131 Guest_ricardo de ponsa_*

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Posted 20 May 2013 - 03:59 PM

Glad you had a good holiday M8. Christ you can't have a good s**t in peace nowadays. :biglaugh: . Had a good hol, met up with a lady who was having respite from looking after her mother who has dementia. Got on very well and was very interesting to chat with this lady. turns out she only lives a couple of streets away !!!!!!! The only trouble of going abroad it's full of foreigners, but then isn't everywhere. (JOKE Not racist comment). :)

Well it sounds as though you had some time to yourself, which is whats matters, and that's good. I'm spending the next month/year trying to remember where the hell I took all those 800 photos and......WHY ?????

Take Care M8.

                         El Ricardo.

#132 Daryl


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 02:44 AM

I did a daily journal whilst I was in respite care, using an app on my MacBook, that when I had I had actually finished the journal, saved it all not only as a document, but also a PDF.


This has come in handy, because thanks to my website, I have managed to upload my journal for you all to read there... I have been remembering things just reading it back.


Some of the day's events may be short and sweet - empathy and exhaustion may have played a part there, but I did manage to keep writing it each day, along with an alarm, so as I could remember, and let you share that little journey with me...





...happy reading! (don't forget - you'll need a PDF reader installed on your computer to read it!) :)

All The Best

My blogsite is here: click the icon --->   :computer:

My name is Daryl, I was born in 1965 and have been into FME since 2002!
On 23 June 2011, I was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease  In November 2012, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonian Syndrome too.
I can be found at:
My new blog-site...
...or at Facebook here: --> https://www.facebook.com/daryl.lees

Visit my website on the icon above for my WebBlog, or pop over and see me on the social media at  ---> Daryl on... Facebook.png


#133 Daryl


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Posted 04 June 2013 - 04:56 PM

A lovely poem published from the Alzheimer's Team on Facebook - could be me in the future...


...minus the wife and kids - I've enough baggage! ;)


Cranky Old Man

What do you see nurses? . . .. . .What do you see?
What are you thinking .. . when you're looking at me?
A cranky old man, . . . . . .not very wise,
Uncertain of habit .. . . . . . . .. with faraway eyes?
Who dribbles his food .. . ... . . and makes no reply.
When you say in a loud voice . .'I do wish you'd try!'
Who seems not to notice . . .the things that you do.
And forever is losing . . . . . .. . . A sock or shoe?
Who, resisting or not . . . ... lets you do as you will,
With bathing and feeding . . . .The long day to fill?
Is that what you're thinking?. .Is that what you see?
Then open your eyes, nurse .you're not looking at me.
I'll tell you who I am . . . . .. As I sit here so still,
As I do at your bidding, .. . . . as I eat at your will.
I'm a small child of Ten . .with a father and mother,
Brothers and sisters .. . . .. . who love one another
A young boy of Sixteen . . . .. with wings on his feet
Dreaming that soon now . . .. . . a lover he'll meet.
A groom soon at Twenty . . . ..my heart gives a leap.
Remembering, the vows .. .. .that I promised to keep.
At Twenty-Five, now . . . . .I have young of my own.
Who need me to guide . . . And a secure happy home.
A man of Thirty . .. . . . . My young now grown fast,
Bound to each other . . .. With ties that should last.
At Forty, my young sons .. .have grown and are gone,
But my woman is beside me . . to see I don't mourn.
At Fifty, once more, .. ...Babies play 'round my knee,
Again, we know children . . . . My loved one and me.
Dark days are upon me . . . . My wife is now dead.
I look at the future ... . . . . I shudder with dread.
For my young are all rearing .. . . young of their own.
And I think of the years . . . And the love that I've known.
I'm now an old man . . . . . . .. and nature is cruel.
It's jest to make old age . . . . . . . look like a fool.
The body, it crumbles .. .. . grace and vigour, depart.
There is now a stone . . . where I once had a heart.
But inside this old carcass . A young man still dwells,
And now and again . . . . . my battered heart swells
I remember the joys . . . . .. . I remember the pain.
And I'm loving and living . . . . . . . life over again.
I think of the years, all too few . . .. gone too fast.
And accept the stark fact . . . that nothing can last.
So open your eyes, people .. . . . .. . . open and see.
Not a cranky old man .
Look closer . . . . see .. .. . .. .... . ME!!

All The Best

My blogsite is here: click the icon --->   :computer:

My name is Daryl, I was born in 1965 and have been into FME since 2002!
On 23 June 2011, I was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease  In November 2012, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonian Syndrome too.
I can be found at:
My new blog-site...
...or at Facebook here: --> https://www.facebook.com/daryl.lees

Visit my website on the icon above for my WebBlog, or pop over and see me on the social media at  ---> Daryl on... Facebook.png


#134 Guest_ricardo de ponsa_*

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Posted 04 June 2013 - 05:12 PM

Hi Daryl,

               Interesting poem you have there. It goes up in years, 25, 30, 40, 50 and then 'I'm now an old man ........ and nature is cruel.'

Bit worrying that!!!!!!

#135 Daryl


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Posted 08 June 2013 - 12:02 AM

Just to show that I can take the wee-wee out of myself...


...from my Facebook 'Bitstrips' app ;)




Attached File  Daryl's Bitstrip.jpg   57.69KB   1 downloads

All The Best

My blogsite is here: click the icon --->   :computer:

My name is Daryl, I was born in 1965 and have been into FME since 2002!
On 23 June 2011, I was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease  In November 2012, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonian Syndrome too.
I can be found at:
My new blog-site...
...or at Facebook here: --> https://www.facebook.com/daryl.lees

Visit my website on the icon above for my WebBlog, or pop over and see me on the social media at  ---> Daryl on... Facebook.png


#136 Daryl


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Posted 15 July 2013 - 11:04 AM

A couple of quite significant updates for those that have followed me in my journey and capers...

...I have been officially informed that I have now entered the second stage of Alzheimer's Disease. I have gone from mild to moderate form of the illness, which is, I am told the normal stage process after a coupe of years from diagnosis - bearing in mind I had the symptoms a good year or so before I was given the official verdict in June 2011. So that is a milestone passed in this journey of mine, and I can still keep you informed and do my Moderating duties here too - so lets cling to that at least.

The second bit of information is that my nephew is going to live with his girlfriend in the coming weeks (and I should think so after 7 years of being in a relationship with her - let her put up with him full time now... it'll either make or break 'em!!).

Because of this, I have been told that I shall no longer be able to live where I am in my present home, where I have lived for 20 years, and where my Dad literally died at the side of me... I am not that upset about having to go to be honest because I realise, after what I have mentioned in the first paragraph, that things aren't certainly going to get any better. My Social Worker has applied to my council for an updated application form for moving, and I have received it today. She is going to come to the flat and fill the form in for me. Also the spare bedroom tax will kick in when my nephew leaves here and I so will begrudge having to pay that... so they can rehouse me, and my flat will suit a couple with a child or adult with them. My Social Worker, along with my care coordinator are going to get the council to seek me a smaller place in some sheltered or secured accommodation, where I can live on my own whilst I still can, but be in a place for when the time comes when I cannot... there are a few council properties lie that, but they may have to go into the private rented groups for more of those places.

So there you have it... a big change all round - but I'm still me, and what's more... I'm still here! ;)
All The Best

My blogsite is here: click the icon --->   :computer:

My name is Daryl, I was born in 1965 and have been into FME since 2002!
On 23 June 2011, I was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease  In November 2012, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonian Syndrome too.
I can be found at:
My new blog-site...
...or at Facebook here: --> https://www.facebook.com/daryl.lees

Visit my website on the icon above for my WebBlog, or pop over and see me on the social media at  ---> Daryl on... Facebook.png


#137 jim2311



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Posted 15 July 2013 - 11:50 AM

Can't be much fun moving through circumstance, and not through choice. I would have thought relocating someone with Alzheimer's would be the last thing you would want to do, removing them from their comfort zone and familiar surroundings and neighbours.

Hopefully "THEY" know best. However don't let them Bully you by using gentle coersion to move into a flat you don't really want. Give yourself a day or two to decide, and above all else... make sure you can still get internet access.

#138 Guest_ricardo de ponsa_*

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Posted 15 July 2013 - 12:37 PM

Hi Daryl,

            Thanks for the update M8. As Jim already said, moving to somewhere different at a time like this cannot be easy at all, but I'm sure your care coordinator will there to help you along the way. Leaving familiar surroundings, especially with strong memories of your parents is a very upsetting process. I know.

            As always I wish you all the best in your battle with Dementia.

                              Your still Daryl and your still here. Good on yer' M8. :)



Edited by ricardo de ponsa, 15 July 2013 - 12:37 PM.

#139 Daryl


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Posted 22 July 2013 - 02:26 PM

My nephew officially moves out tomorrow and I have been to Council to remove from living with me.

My social worker has been today and filled in my housing exchange application for smaller and more secure and sheltered accommodation because my flat now us officially too big... it was even when my nephew lived here.

The Housing Manager at Ashfield Homes has made an appointment to see me and my social worker one day next week, day tbc, about my needs and future security.

So it looks like now within a matter of a few weeks I shall be living somewhere new, which I am glad of to be honest now, because all this has become a little too much to handle... but my social worker is a dynamo and I am very grateful of all that she has done for me.

Take care :)
All The Best

My blogsite is here: click the icon --->   :computer:

My name is Daryl, I was born in 1965 and have been into FME since 2002!
On 23 June 2011, I was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease  In November 2012, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonian Syndrome too.
I can be found at:
My new blog-site...
...or at Facebook here: --> https://www.facebook.com/daryl.lees

Visit my website on the icon above for my WebBlog, or pop over and see me on the social media at  ---> Daryl on... Facebook.png


#140 I have finished

I have finished

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Posted 22 July 2013 - 03:09 PM

Good luck Daryl, Let us know how you're getting on there.

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