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My Alzheimer's News

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#141 Guest_ricardo de ponsa_*

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Posted 22 July 2013 - 03:56 PM

Yes Good Luck with the move, makes it a bit easier when you have some people you know and trust to help you, at what can be a stressful time.

I bet you are glad all those Fruit machines are emulated on your laptop and not sitting side by side in your shed !!!!! Like some people we know. :)

Secure and Sheltered is piece of mind, and one less thing to constantly worry about. When you are settled you'll must post a pic of your new abode.

All the best Daryl.


Edited by ricardo de ponsa, 22 July 2013 - 03:58 PM.

#142 Daryl


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Posted 26 July 2013 - 06:19 AM

I have been told that I'm having to go into emergency respite care today for at least two weeks, perhaps longer... due to the fact that I am not coping with things at the moment, and the social services and my family and I feel that this is the safest and most obvious solution until I am hopefully back on my feet again.

I have an appointment with the housing manager on Tuesday and my social worker will be coming to pick me up from the Carehome I shall be staying in to take me to it, and hopefully, now I am living on my own, have a much smaller place to live. A place where I will be able to function much more easily.

I have, apparently, had a physical and mental breakdown due to exhaustion. Hopefully I will be able to rest and recuperate in the Carehome whilst I am there.

I just thought those who have been following this thread would like to know how things are at the moment

All The Best

My blogsite is here: click the icon --->   :computer:

My name is Daryl, I was born in 1965 and have been into FME since 2002!
On 23 June 2011, I was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease  In November 2012, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonian Syndrome too.
I can be found at:
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...or at Facebook here: --> https://www.facebook.com/daryl.lees

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#143 Guest_ricardo de ponsa_*

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Posted 26 July 2013 - 07:11 AM

Oh I am really sorry to hear of how your are, at the moment. Having a breakdown is very scary experience and you need plenty of good friends to help you back to good health. I know. There are a lot of things changing  with your lifestyle and surroundings, it must be very confusing without the extra burden of your medical condition.  Will you be staying at the same place you went to earlier ?

Hope you can recuperate at the carehome and be back to your old self!!! Thanks for letting us know how yer doin', as I'm sure everyone would have wondered what the ol' bu**er was getting up to!!! ;)

I wish you well and a speedy recovery..



P.S. Those young nurses will sort you out M8!!!!

Edited by ricardo de ponsa, 26 July 2013 - 07:57 PM.

#144 vectra666


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Posted 26 July 2013 - 08:27 PM

sorry to hear this i wish you a speedy recovery and hopefully you can try and get back to some kind of normality
best wishes vectra666
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#145 Guest_Tommy c_*

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Posted 26 July 2013 - 08:36 PM

Mmm i bet things are a little scary at the moment mate! hopefully you'll be sorted and rehoused to a more comfortable aborde withing the next few weeks.My best wishes to you mate.



#146 thunderstorm


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Posted 26 July 2013 - 08:59 PM

I do hope your looking after those cheeky cute nurses well Daryl and showing them who's boss !!!


You get back ere very soon or else I will ave to come and sort em nurses out meself mate!


Best wishes Neil

#147 stanmarsh14



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Posted 27 July 2013 - 04:37 PM

As promised Daryl, gonna come see you Tuesday, with an ETA at about 12pm (Was 11.30am, but buses don't quite work out), to rescue you from those lovely nurses ;)

#148 Guest_barcrest junky_*

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Posted 27 July 2013 - 05:02 PM

Thanks for keeping us updated Daryl. Hopefully you will now be getting the care you need and deserve. Make the most of your time in respite care and good to see Mark is coming to visit I would if I lived local. Hopefully you wlll have recovered enough for the meet up next month, or at least have a day release pass.

All the best


#149 Anosha



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Posted 12 August 2013 - 09:45 PM

I hear they are doing a lot of work for people suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease, but probably not the appropriate amount of work they should be doing. I heard there had a lot of hope for stem cell research though, so maybe in the upcoming years they can give you something to help out more. I know a lot of the time they give people who suffer from Alzheimer’s Disease the same medication as Schizophrenics, which doesn't seem quite right. All the best wishes to you though.

#150 Daryl


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Posted 02 September 2013 - 10:59 PM

A big update


I have come first at closing for moving into a bungalow for people over 60 or with disabilities in a complex in the next town to me!


My nephew took me to have a look whilst it was up for 'bidding' at the local council (yes, you have bid on tenancy in our town, with the higher bands getting preference bids over those with lesser needs) and it will be ideal for me... It is just a five-minute walk for him from his house (that's 30 minutes for me then ;)) and there is a local store just 100 yds away, and a chip shop even nearer - bliss!


It is adapted for level access shower and toilet, a single bedroom (thank God, this bedroom tax is taking a fair chunk out of my money!) a much smaller living room too.


There is a community hall within spitting distance from the bungalow too - I think I will so very happy there in the twilight years to come... I am just awaiting the council to get in touch with me tomorrow to confirm, but at midnight, when the bidding closed, I was in queue position 1 :)

All The Best

My blogsite is here: click the icon --->   :computer:

My name is Daryl, I was born in 1965 and have been into FME since 2002!
On 23 June 2011, I was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease  In November 2012, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonian Syndrome too.
I can be found at:
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#151 Daryl


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 09:07 AM

Confirmed: the bungalow is mine


Ashfield Homes has telephoned me this morning to confirm that I have first acceptance, which I accepted straightaway, of the bungalow that I came first on for bidding.


I shall be moving within the next four weeks, after a property inspection of my place.


Good times ahead… :)




Attached File  2013-08-29 12.39.52.jpg   144.47KB   2 downloads


The front entrance…





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The bedroom to the side



All The Best

My blogsite is here: click the icon --->   :computer:

My name is Daryl, I was born in 1965 and have been into FME since 2002!
On 23 June 2011, I was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease  In November 2012, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonian Syndrome too.
I can be found at:
My new blog-site...
...or at Facebook here: --> https://www.facebook.com/daryl.lees

Visit my website on the icon above for my WebBlog, or pop over and see me on the social media at  ---> Daryl on... Facebook.png


#152 policematrix


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 10:24 AM

good luck man , hope you find it easier there  


#153 Guest_ricardo de ponsa_*

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Posted 03 September 2013 - 01:25 PM

Congratulations Daryl, Good news at last. Hope you get settled in soon.

#154 geegee-11



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Posted 03 September 2013 - 06:11 PM

having read all this thread i really am truly sorry to here of your problems daryl ive not been on here for quite some time and posted but was hoping to get back into it. never give in mate because when you do its game over fight it for as long as you can. my sister in laws dad had a mini stroke quite a while ago about same age as you too and this last year has been terrible for him he now has an advanced stage of alzeimers disease and it hit so quick. he was a butcher and has been for ages since leaving school i believe and hes had to finish because he cant remember orders and had to ask his staff how to make sausages which was the final straw. its about time millionaires put extra cash in to help fund this kind of research instead of relying on the poor to donate.wishing you well buddy. 

keep fighting dude and keep your head held high... :thumbs_up:

#155 Anosha



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Posted 04 September 2013 - 11:38 PM

Congrats on the new place! I hope you will find a lot of happiness here. Will they have you all setup with internet and all of that when you arrive? I'm glad you'll also have family close by (sometimes this is bad new..my family means my life is about to become a soap opera, but I hope in your case it is good news). The place looks great. Enjoy!

#156 Daryl


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Posted 19 September 2013 - 09:46 AM

*** Update ***


I have just recovered about from a bout of pneumonia and pleurisy, which has really knocked me off of my feet. I have had to rest up, and most of my posts here have been made from what felt like my ‘death bed’! lol


I went onto the council bidding site yesterday to check up on any progress with my bungalow but the keys are still in the maintenance department… however, I did pop into the bidding section to see the latest properties up for grabs - and guess what?


My flat that I am currently living in now is only up for people to bid on this week! It really felt weird seeing this place up for tenancy, especially as I have lived here over 17 years, and my late darling Dad moved in here in 1987 - its almost like a ‘loss’ even though I have initialised it all.


Still, it has got to be done, and I’ve got to think of the future, so I’m sure that my Dad would’ve wanted that for me - well, I know I do at any rate! ;)

All The Best

My blogsite is here: click the icon --->   :computer:

My name is Daryl, I was born in 1965 and have been into FME since 2002!
On 23 June 2011, I was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease  In November 2012, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonian Syndrome too.
I can be found at:
My new blog-site...
...or at Facebook here: --> https://www.facebook.com/daryl.lees

Visit my website on the icon above for my WebBlog, or pop over and see me on the social media at  ---> Daryl on... Facebook.png


#157 Daryl


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Posted 26 September 2013 - 09:58 PM

I'm sorry I haven't been as active as I usually am guys, not just on this 'sticky' thread with me bleating on, but also as a Moderator - but I have had quite a few personal issues to resolve, although I have tried to keep up with things here and have put my 'input' in on more than one occasion! ;)


My biggest cross to bear has been my Mam - here is an extract from my website in the News and Events section about what I had to witness the other day, and how it has been in general with her and my stepfather for the past few weeks - those of you who are friends with me on Facebook will know more personally what I am waffling about:


My mother's advanced Alzheimer's Disease is now rapidly getting worse.


She has started to wander from home, and on a number of occasions has gone 'AWOL' without my stepfather really realising that she has gone missing. Only on Saturday last (21 September) I was in town, and there was my Mam, stood with a ball of knitting in one hand, her handbag in the other, with her dressed tucked inside her underwear looking for her 'Mam'! (my grandmother has now been dead for nearly 20 years).


However, the Social Services, in their infinite wisdom, have said that they are both 'fine and well' at home and that they both don't need to go into care, even though they both have Alzheimer's Disease...  we have now relinquished all responsibility to the Social Services and told them that they must now visit them daily, do their shopping, wash their washing, clean their 'mess' up when they have accidents, provide the medication for my stepfather for Warfarin, take them to GP and hospital appointments - because I and my stepsister have had to do all this, along with my illnesses the same as theirs' and my stepsister's son in the intensive care unit in hospital...


...disgusted just doesn't begin to tell you how I feel about it!

All The Best

My blogsite is here: click the icon --->   :computer:

My name is Daryl, I was born in 1965 and have been into FME since 2002!
On 23 June 2011, I was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease  In November 2012, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonian Syndrome too.
I can be found at:
My new blog-site...
...or at Facebook here: --> https://www.facebook.com/daryl.lees

Visit my website on the icon above for my WebBlog, or pop over and see me on the social media at  ---> Daryl on... Facebook.png


#158 samson81


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 05:55 AM

Damn Daryl so sorry to hear this bad news mate.


Whilst I don't always post in this thread mate I do follow on here and on FB with your progress.


I do hope you can come through this on the positive side and hope that your mam gets the treatment and help that should be a standard for people with this type of condition.


As you know I will always support this illness/disease as it doesn't get the attention it should.


Speak soon my good friend Sam

#159 vectra666


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Posted 27 September 2013 - 07:35 AM

When I read your post daryl my exact thoughts were 'what a f*c*ing piss take this country is' I mean there's your family crying out for a little bit of help whether its help on a daily basis or 24hr care as its no life for you and your family to let her carry on walking the streets like she has people pointing the finger laughing etc because of government cuts there's not the care there should be but they can waste money helping foreigners to speak english and give money to countries as rich and more prosperous than us but not help our own people, I bet the fat cat councillors won't be having their xmas bonuses/parties cut this year whilst millions of ordinary working folk face poverty this year, like this foodbank what a joke that is scroungers complain they've no money after fags n booze to eat are given help with more free stuff pmsl this country needs a swift kick up arse start putting money where its needed for the needy like yourselves rant over
I hope you get ALL the help you all need and deserve and to the council take the blindfolds off and see what's happening around yourselves
Take care daryl regards vecs.
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Enjoy FME and Happy Gaming!!!!

#160 Guest_ricardo de ponsa_*

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Posted 27 September 2013 - 05:07 PM

I totally agree with Vecs post. The NHS has and still does waste millions of pounds on mis-managed I.T. projects that are  not fit for purpose. Closing wards to convert them into offices!!! Looking after people who have never paid a penny towards the health services or anything else.

I agree the resources should go to helping the needy, especially people like your poor mum. Daryl I wish your Mum well and hope she gets the care she needs, leaving you to cope with your own problems without any additional worry or stress.



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