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Over 18 10p play £5 Jackpot

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#1 joseph



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Posted 17 July 2004 - 01:33 PM

I was in the arcade today Playing on Party Time and it had been moved and had an over 18 sticker on it but still said 10p play £5 jackpot I thought that was a bit odd I started playing on it and a man came over when the machine was about to pay out and asked me for ID I said look mate this machine is £5 jackpot dont need to be over 18 he said you do get off that machine. :(

By Law I can still play it cant I?

#2 DildoDez


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Posted 17 July 2004 - 03:06 PM

Isn't the law that you have to be over 16? i only ask this because they have "no under 16s to play" stickers on all the 10p £5 machines at my local bowling alley. it doesnt bother me im 17 anyway but i was just wondering. (cos the only other place id seen those stickers was on the lottery - lol)

If the machine had a no under 18s sticker on it and you are under 18 - then i think the arcade is perfectly entitled to tell you you can't play. As much as this sucks the sticker was there. That's right isn't it?

#3 eddiec



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Posted 17 July 2004 - 03:13 PM

years ago it was always 'supposed to be' under 18's couldn't play - even the crappy 2quid, all in 10p tokens ones. (i actually got told to stop playing a couple of them in a cinema one, when i was 15/16. bugged the hell out of me as it wasn't exactly like some huge jackpot)

Of course my playing was years ago and don't know how things are now, esp. at arcades, seaside or otherwise. used to be that seaside ones cared a lot less for that law.

my 2pence worth of useless old recollections

#4 joseph



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Posted 17 July 2004 - 03:17 PM

Its just since the machine has been moved last week i could play on it becasue it didnt have the sticker on the rest of the machines i can play but not PT so i went to another arcade that i could play PT in but lost £20 lol

#5 Zoltar


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Posted 17 July 2004 - 04:30 PM

Provided the law of the land is followed, then an arcade owner can go a step further. After all, it's his arcade so he makes the rules.

In reality, theres nothing to stop him from banning pensioners from playing on machines if he sees fit.

I can't wait until the rule is introduced where fruit machines can't be installed in chip shops and other open to all shops. Theres a guy from Withernsea who owns a couple of laundrettes and he has some 5p play £5 JP machines installed in them. He makes more off his machine than he does his laundrette. This type of situation can't be right. Tax the lot of em I say. Make it so unprofitable that only arcades and establishments that only allow over 18's in, can make a living.
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#6 eddiec



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Posted 17 July 2004 - 07:32 PM

Compost, i kind-of like your last comment from one perspective - if kids can't play fruities then there is a much better chance they will not have to go through the addiction that plenty of us have.

I know the arcade in leicester square, london, across from the burger king a few years ago were pretty down on young looking people and if you didn't look 18 they'd ask you to leave.

#7 CoasterDesignerpro



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Posted 17 July 2004 - 07:36 PM

There is nothing stopping you or any under 18 for that matter playing Party Time on 10p play £5jp. The over 18 sticker should be taken off.

Joseph, how long has that machine been outside 18 over?

If not long then it may not have had a chance to be taken off yet.

I am 16 and can only play 5p/10p £5 and £8 token jackpots. I go into arcades and play machines which may have low jps low stake with over 18 logo on the glass, but this does not stop me playing, BY LAW arcades can`t in reality stop you playing low stake low jp machines. Their licence is not in danger!!! The law says under 18`s may play £5 and £8token with 5p/10p stake and nothing else. Arcades have the right to stop you if you are playing anything else with a higher stake than 10p.

Also any machine which must not be used by under 18`s must be sited in an designated area where access is controlled.

BUT if the arcade owner says not to play that machine don`t otherwise you may be barred!!!

Obviously you already know what I have just said in the last 2 sentences, so that is a reminder. Please don`t take as insult!!!

I hope arcade owners read this site and see this post and get their acts together on the gaming industry and its rules.

I hope nothing else happens like that again.

#8 CoasterDesignerpro



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Posted 17 July 2004 - 07:45 PM

Joseph, was Party Time in the over 18 area. If so then you can`t play it.

There was a £5jp 10p in an over 18 area in an arcade near me but I can`t play it due to where it is sited. This machine was a 4pl Hokey Cokey.

#9 CoasterDesignerpro



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Posted 17 July 2004 - 07:56 PM

Please ignore my above but one post if in over 18 area.

#10 No1Stoney


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Posted 17 July 2004 - 08:00 PM

In one of my local arcades in Skegness there are some 20p/£6JP Bar Ex's in an unmarked area, outside the over 18's area. They are also near to a cash box where attendants are and I can play on these machines (being 16) without any hassle..

They know that I am under 18 yet still let me play.. 8O


#11 CoasterDesignerpro



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Posted 17 July 2004 - 08:23 PM

I did not include that in that in the post because arcades can only have a few machines with 20p play and when i type the post deletes up until i get to the place i need to add so i have to re-type the whole paragraph.

But overall arcades can have a few 20p machine.

#12 joseph



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Posted 17 July 2004 - 08:26 PM

Any one here live in Scarborough?

#13 mrcashpot



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Posted 26 July 2004 - 01:03 PM

I do not live in Scarborough, but the no under 18's to play sticker is not usually taken off even when it's a £5 JP machine because it was originally a £15/25 JP machine before the JP/stake was switched. All new machines are first at £25 JP for over 18's only THEN they are sometimes taken out of the over 18's area and switched to 10p play £5 JP for example.

#14 jaybee


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Posted 26 July 2004 - 06:43 PM

I'm in Sunny Scarborough, and the arcades here are tight as nuns bum holes. Every machine here is on 70% and in Corrigons they have gone over with a Dymo machine and writted 96% payout on a lot of £25 multi player machines, which is total crap!
I went over to Bridlington, 3 weeks ago with 30 pound in change and came back with over £120, never had a day like that since the £10JP days!
Could have been £200 if i knew when to stop!
Player three it's YOU!

#15 gimmegimmegimme


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Posted 26 July 2004 - 07:08 PM

Well according to the gamcare site, all cash fruities are for 18+ only.

#16 CoasterDesignerpro



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Posted 26 July 2004 - 10:51 PM

That is right, all cash jackpots are for over 18`s only.

AWP`s= £5 cash and £8 token jps can be played by anyone, any age.

#17 eddiec



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Posted 27 July 2004 - 12:05 AM

Dang. That sucks.... that means ya gotta know the barman or have some fake id to use the tokens for beer. ;)

Just kidding, i am not advocating/promoting doing anything illegal. :)
(Of course here in america you'd have to be 21 - ludicrous)

#18 GlobalPepper!


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Posted 27 July 2004 - 04:19 PM

eddiec where are u?
Back as the GlobalPepper!

#19 eddiec



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Posted 27 July 2004 - 07:07 PM

The avatar should give it away ;)

#20 subderma


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Posted 27 July 2004 - 09:07 PM

according to the law all gambling should be over 18's but arcades and the lotto have found some loop holes due to low stakes i think

but in the case of seaside arcades where you get a lot of families they would end up bankrupt if under 18's werent allowed in could you imagine telling your 15 year old sons to wait outside for an hour so they allow under 18's in and over 16's to play lo stake machines younger then 16 year olds play simply because there arent enough staff to run around saying your to young to play that

thats what i think dont know if its true but it makes sense to me
just one more quid and i'll call it a day!!
clink clink clink clink
oi love give us change for a tenner

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