a year or so ago i found what looked like an engineer was taking money from counts as every time he done a certain one there was always £20 missing but when anyone else done it the machine was spot on
today i have just come back from 3 weeks off and the count that i done this engineer had done them at one count it looked like he had had £20 the second week i was away then i checked last weeks meter readings and it said there should be £241 but he had only given them £221 then i looked at machine float that he had writen down and that said £260 instead of £320 and there was no excess given to site and it wasnt in the machine so it looks like he had that aswell
i have told the boss before and he said that so and so wouldnt do that and other people including my manager have also found that money was missing when he done there counts
basicly what can i do this person is the bosses blue eyed boy and he wont have a word said against him because he is the bosses eyes and ears when he is not there ??

Engineer Problem
Started by cgleisure, Jul 18 2011 01:18 PM
4 replies to this topic
Posted 18 July 2011 - 01:18 PM
Posted 18 July 2011 - 03:10 PM
When I was at crown leisure we had a security manager who I always told of anything I thought unusual, he put in measures like cctv etc to catch the culprits, does your company have anyone like this?
Posted 18 July 2011 - 03:21 PM
I'd also start to refuse to work with this tea leaf / deal with his unfinished jobs etc, and state that with this pinching going on, you do not wish to be subjected to possible risk of being involved if / when the boys in blue come knocking, also if needs be, going above this managers head, and stating the same.
Posted 18 July 2011 - 04:32 PM
problem is he is the owners blue eyed boy who can do nothin wrong as he is the bosse eyes and ears when he is not there even the manager is not allowed to bollock him

Posted 18 July 2011 - 06:54 PM
problem is he is the owners blue eyed boy who can do nothin wrong as he is the bosse eyes and ears when he is not there even the manager is not allowed to bollock him
In this case you should distance yourself from the colleague as best you can and not rock the boat. Hardly ideal, but you don't want to lose your job. Upset the owner and you could quickly find yourself pushed out the door. Concentrate on keeping your own nose clean and look for a new job if you have to.
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