I'll send you an e-mail, you can pretty much get me on when I am on a comp.
I am afraid to say version 10025 is going to break all layouts completely. The save/load bug is caused by me using a shitty freeware compression tool that doesn't work properly.
I have found a much better compression tool now, but as such ALL layouts will become void.
Any layouts you have made yourself will have to be redone. However as long as you have the original artwork saved, I have almost got the create a layout wizard working spot on.
I hope to have 10025 out by Sunday evening which should fix the load/save bugs, be pretty much ready to use as a full on editor, Layout wizards working, and the layout file system should then be finalised, meaning no more layout fiddling to keep up to date.
It will still be subject to layout testing and bug fixing, but by then all the major components should be installed and working to allow it to be used as a proper layout editor.
If the bug fixing goes well, it may even include an update to the alpha display to finally show dots and commas (surprised noone noticed before), and the new reel editor.
Classic tools will be finalised after that, so within a week it should be ready for layout designers to start doing their thing. And Hopper handling will be added somewhere around this time too.
After that I have some tidying jobs to do, a bit of housekeeping to catch errors a bit better, a bit of a code cleanup and comment.
Then finally I will add sound once everything else is complete, it needs my full attention and I will be getting help so I dont want to be partially coding something else trying to listen to someone tell me how the hell sound works.