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Project Amber Stuff

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#141 cardie


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Posted 02 January 2012 - 11:01 PM

Okay then what about some screen shots of progress?

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#142 Daryl


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Posted 02 January 2012 - 11:53 PM

lets all pester and moan till it gets an early realease and then lets all pester and moan because it aint working properly! We all have two simple choice in life, either have things done properly or have things done rushed.

Rushed? This was the emulator, that Guitar himself said something like it would change FME forever and would be released, fully working, in May 2011! Then it was June, then another month, then definitely a Christmas Day release... then another delay and stated that it would be out before the New Year, with even less working than promised in the May 2011 release!

Now as I have mentioned, I have never doubted Guitar's integrity and commitment to this Amber project... he has put 100% into it over the last five or so years, on his own, from scratch, and it mainly all his own work, but promises should never, with hindsight have been made to an already disillusioned FME scene, especially those that couldn't be maintained and kept.

Now I have mentioned personally that I am not bothered either way whether Amber is released or not - I don't play FME anymore (apart from the Random Game quiz over at DADs), but this lack of information on a scene desperate for something to give it a blood transfusion, will eventually leave some people feeling dismayed and let down, and hardly anyone will be bothered at all when they see it, because of all the empty promises and let downs we have seen throughout 2011.

I hope Guitar does release it for you all - soon - as an alpha, so as you can get used to it, and then work on the updates and release them to the emulator, as and when the remaining bugs are fixed, but I fear that there may be more problems now with Amber than before, especially as it has come together, other coding as knackered other coding (I don't know, just a guess) and has caused major conflicts with Amber that has made it become an unusable stage.

We will see, but please don't hold your breath too long... you have waited long enough and with some of the letdowns you've had, you could all be dead if you did! ;)

Guitar has every right to feel proud of himself for what he has achieved up to yet, and the FME scene, overall has given good support, which to an extent has been deserved, but these last few months have been pretty poor... he has said that if he keeps posting it is holding him up with the coding, which is fair enough, but then when he reveals a release date, which has passed on more than one occasion, and then nothing is mentioned at all, that support may tend to be lost and that would be a great shame.

I hope you all get it soon though. :)

Edited by Daryl, 02 January 2012 - 11:57 PM.

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#143 gemini17


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Posted 03 January 2012 - 07:01 AM

Well said Daryl.

My only point on this is as you state above,giving all speculated release dates!.
Giving false hope to such a large forum,only creates speculation :err:
I more than hope the new Emu is a success and I commend Guitar for taking on such a huge project.I would just urge all involved to continue giving us
updates on the progress of Amber,but not to post potential dates for its release,unless that is, you have the finished product to release.


#144 spa


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Posted 04 January 2012 - 05:55 PM

Does anyone care anymore anyway? It's been too long (just draging on and on) I'm and others I'm sure are simply not interested. It's just one delay afer another (it's getting ridiculous, way beyond a joke). It's at the point now where there interest in nearly all gone if it's not released in the next few days.

Find something else to do as FME is not what it once was!!!

Lost interest in fme altogether quite some time ago now. Still be nice to play some unemulated machines eventually. Saying that. Not loaded up mfme in ages.....

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#145 Johnnyafc



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Posted 04 January 2012 - 06:29 PM

Same as me, lost loads of interest in FME now, had a layout nearly complete for ages now really cant be arsed to finish it off
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#146 Guest_barcrest junky_*

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Posted 04 January 2012 - 06:30 PM

Same as me, lost loads of interest in FME now, had a layout nearly complete for ages now really cant be arsed to finish it off

Surprised you weren't chosen as the IC tester in chief for classic layouts - who got the job?


#147 Johnnyafc



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Posted 04 January 2012 - 07:04 PM

Did offer a couple of times heard nothing lol, :jimlad:
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#148 Daryl


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Posted 04 January 2012 - 07:10 PM

Surprised you weren't chosen as the IC tester in chief for classic layouts - who got the job?


To be honest BJ... who cares anymore?

FME will never be the same again, and Johnny is an absolute classic master, like captain haddock - there really has been something this time, with Amber topping it off for me, that thinks - just let them get on with it - I don't give a 'flying f**k' anymore.

I tried my hardest to get the people who throw the dice in FME to play the game with the scene, it hasn't worked, and to be honest, we are more in the dark now, thane were before... and there hasn't been any pestering about the emulator by any member at all... just promises from the creator of the emulator himself, that he didn't, or couldn't, keep, and hardly an explanation at all of why!

I know that 'if' or 'when' the emulator is released, there will be a mass download of it, the odd thanks to him for the release, then all the questions of 'why won't this work?' - 'how does this work?' - 'what do you do?' etc... Guitar will no doubt put a 'read me' file with it to explain it all, that hardly anyone will read, and because there will be no doubt bugs in the release, people will moan because it isn't perfect - but thats just it - it shouldn't be perfect, because the more people that play it, the better the feedback would be for Guitar to fix it, instead of just a few people: the scene can work together - if the people who throw the dice just don't treat them like minions!

I know that I will not use it, but I hope that when it is released, Guitar does get the recognition and thanks he deserves for the work he has put into it - but it hasn't been handled well at all, especially these past few months... and I hope that hasn't spoilt it for everyone when they get it.

Peace to all. :)
All The Best

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#149 vectra666


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Posted 04 January 2012 - 08:07 PM

well said daryl it needs to be released as you put it to find any problems so they can be fixed and to give this and other fmu sites the much needed boost they all need or he,ll one day release it no one will download it as they,re won,t be anybody left to play on it on put layouts onto it, so come on guitar please.please,please release this before its to late even if its only the 1st editoin with revised editions to follow give the people in fruity land the breathe they need before its to late otherwise this site and others could close down due to lack of interest n motivation the scene is flat lining
The more I do today, The less I do tomorrow.
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#150 Guest_robinhood75_*

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Posted 04 January 2012 - 09:15 PM

Okay then what about some screen shots of progress?

I will add some soon OK.

On a side not...........

I'm sure all this moaning is not going to help in Ambers release. So what if it keeps getting put back loads of projects in real life get put on hold or put back for what ever reasons so if Amber is put back then it's for a reason not because Guitar wants to piss off the scene.

Just be happy that someone is doing something for everyone on here which will when released be a big help to the dying fme scene. Even the greats of fme land are saying they feel there is no life left in fe land so lets stop moaning about the put backs and look forward to whats coming.

BTW this is not directed at your req for screen shots cardie its just in general.

#151 mart1711



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Posted 04 January 2012 - 09:18 PM

The point of farcical has been passed some time ago... We have all been here before and it's no shock... Save the WIPS its like a soap opera.. The only WIP's i've ever looked forward to are POOK's. Its a sure fire guaruntee that a class A top notch layout is imminent.. This all feels like a charade.. This is no more available than the carrot that has been dangled via the pics of epoch etc running.. If these emulator messiahs are to be taken at their word 100% of the time then the delay in this emulator has "possibly" delayed and/or stopped another one being made public.. Note i used the word possibly!!!

Thats exactly my point Robin... People who have been around this scene a long time have seen all the " stop moaning about the put backs and look forward to whats coming" already and it held little water..

#152 Guest_barcrest junky_*

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Posted 04 January 2012 - 09:38 PM

Did offer a couple of times heard nothing lol, :jimlad:

Maybe he doesn't like lithograph?


#153 Daryl


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Posted 04 January 2012 - 09:41 PM

I'm sure all this moaning is not going to help in Ambers release

It's all very well saying that Robin, but the FME scene have been told since nearly the beginning of last year that Amber was being released in May, then June, then Christmas Day, then towards the end of the New Year, by the creator himself.

So what if it keeps getting put back loads of projects in real life get put on hold or put back for what ever reasons so if Amber is put back then it's for a reason not because Guitar wants to piss off the scene.

Well, as I have said, why should the creator himself say it is going to be released on all of those dates, if there are reasons for it not to be released at all?

Just be happy that someone is doing something for everyone on here which will when released be a big help to the dying fme scene. Even the greats of fme land are saying they feel there is no life left in fe land so lets stop moaning about the put backs and look forward to whats coming.

We would like to look forward to what is coming... we have been since May, June, Christmas and the New Year, so we have been told. If there are cutbacks, why say it is going to be released on these dates? We are only going on what we are told by the designer himself, and when he has said it is ready for release on four specific dates as I know of now, and then hear nothing at all and no release, what are we to think?

BTW this is not directed at your req for screen shots cardie its just in general.

Well I don't mind it being directed at me, I have broad shoulders lol... ;)

You must realise Robin that the scene has kept patience with Guitar, they have given him his space, for quite a few months, to be getting on with the Amber project... as I have said, it has been Guitar himself that has been making the bold claims about releases, raising everyones' hopes, and then disappointing them all when the deadline comes and goes, and no follow-up to it.

These posts I make might seem that I have a vendetta against Guitar... but I truly haven't. I don't know the guy, what he is like, what he does or even his real name, and I cannot ever, nor will I, judge him as a person... but as someone who has offered a great deal to the scene, and I know he must have worked hard to do this, only to let himself down in the process by, what seems to me, over-bragging his claims, he has caused more anxiety to the FME scene than if he hadn't said anything at all about releases, and just produced it when he was sure of it all - he has made all of these claims... not the FME scene.

You have had one of the beta emulators released to you I believe, have you noticed any difference in all the bugs that have occurred since you have received them? When you received it and realised that Guitar had set various dates to release to the FME scene, didn't you query it, if it was so buggy? Is the emulator going backwards in technology now? (i.e. mute when the release is supposed to occur)

We wouldn't be at this stage now, if we hadn't been left to believe that over 8 months ago we were receiving the bloody thing! ;)
All The Best

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My name is Daryl, I was born in 1965 and have been into FME since 2002!
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#154 Guest_robinhood75_*

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Posted 04 January 2012 - 10:17 PM

I have been testing with guitar up until Dec and have seen bits added and taken away to make it more fun and enjoyable for when it's released. There are problems that can pop up like when you change something or add something and it breaks something else and so on so these have to be reworked so that they all work as one and don't have any bugs.

I know it's annoying when a release date is announced and then it passes with no release I was very pi$$ed off with what happened with the none release of MFME. All I'm saying is just be patient it will be released, when I don't know but it will be released.

#155 cainer



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Posted 04 January 2012 - 10:26 PM

There are problems that can pop up like when you change something or add something and it breaks something else and so on

sounds like the same problem AMD/ATI have with gfx drivers lol

#156 Guest_barcrest junky_*

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Posted 04 January 2012 - 10:26 PM

To be honest BJ... who cares anymore?

Well I certainly do, and I suspect that you do too, deep down. This feckin' hobby gets right down into the fibres of your soul. There are also many others who care deeply.

Project amber is really 2 fold. Clearly it is an emulator in its' own right, but also it is highly likely it will be used as the graphics engine for designing in MAME as and when that ever comes to fruition. Amber does look brilliant and I believe it really will transform the landscape, but it cannot start on that until it is released.

The reality is that any amount of anyone posting "for god's sake hurry up guitar" will not get it released sooner and we all appreciate that point. Yes some screen shots would be nice, but the emulator would be nicer. Just an update post from guitar might be good, the last thing we had was on boxing day when he said Friday at the latest and possibly earlier. Friday has come and gone and no further news, so it is not surprising that people post as they do.

Ok I will put up and shut up and promise not to say another word about amber / guitar until it is released. I hope that action helps in making it happen.


#157 Daryl


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Posted 04 January 2012 - 10:49 PM

I'll do a truce with you then BJ and do a trouser-fastener... keep it zippy! ;)

Beating on about it isn't getting any response from Guitar anyway, but believe me, I really am not bothered and WON'T download it... it is just another continuing disappointment in FME land.

:ph34r: (me zipped!) ;)
All The Best

My blogsite is here: click the icon --->   :computer:

My name is Daryl, I was born in 1965 and have been into FME since 2002!
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#158 nails


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Posted 04 January 2012 - 11:11 PM

I tried my hardest to get the people who throw the dice in FME to play the game with the scene, it hasn't worked

you cant force something that isn't ready. ive been waiting the same time as everybody else, and the key to success is to shut up and wait. Sure i tried to get a pre-release copy working, but to no avail.

i have to admit, the whole release thing could have been done better. Guitar has every right to lay off the project and pursue his own interests, but it did come at a price. perhaps not for him, but the countless `minions` who were left hanging. dare i say it, but the whole release and cancellation thing was almost a carbon copy of the whole wizard fiasco. He wound the scene up a kipper and now has (apparently to me) f***ed FME over by releasing the carrot dangling video and now retorting to the mecca.

That said, as of this point, the guitar promise of a release is still true and the only thing stopping the release is his proud creation having additions or subtractions of code.

as for not giving a shit, i dont believe you. why? because here you are posting in a forum.

#159 Daryl


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Posted 04 January 2012 - 11:24 PM

I still post at the forums Nails because I have been here for many years mate... have made some good cyber-pals on the FME forums, and still concerned about how FME turns out in the end. I don't give a 'shit' about the emulator personally for myself because apart from the Random Game over at DADs, I don't have my FME collection anymore... and after the saga in the middle of year, where my illness got in the way of rational thinking, and the letdown we received with MFME, after all the anticipation... it just left me, and since I have been using my Mac PC (using OSX Lion) I haven't any need for FME.

I am posting on a forum because although I won't play FME now, both MFME and Amber if it released, I still DO care what happens with the scene in general - I have been with it since a few months after its beginning and of course I care about it, and so do, and will continue, as long as I can, continue to post at all the FME forums.

It's a lot better to be inside the tent pissing out... than outside the tent, pissing in! ;)
All The Best

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My name is Daryl, I was born in 1965 and have been into FME since 2002!
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#160 wearecity


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Posted 05 January 2012 - 01:13 AM

I'm still looking forward to it myself, but from now on I think Guitar should just not give any more potential release date. Fair enough if he wants to post some more WIP vids, screenshots, that would be great, but in answer to any when are we going to see it questions, the answer should be when it is done.

I appreciate things break when over areas are improved, but there does need to be a point where Guitar should say enough is now working to give it a release.

Looking at the vids on youtube it looks like it will most certainly bring a new level of realism to FME, particularly with the lamping effects.

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