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That Ebay Disc Seller

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#41 Guest_robinhood75_*

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Posted 12 October 2011 - 11:11 PM

Made me laugh too, because it's the perfect interwebz trap... The inviter being someone nobody knows and anyone who actually takes him up on it looks like a saft clown... To be honest I only thought it was 13-17 yar olds who actually offered anyone out of the internet but this mug has proved me wrong.

Wanna fite ya wee lad :p

#42 dannypyeman


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Posted 13 October 2011 - 12:31 AM

Wanna fite ya wee lad :p

i'll take you on no probs :p

#43 Guest_Tommy c_*

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Posted 13 October 2011 - 10:02 AM

Just shows the mentality of this vixen dude when he has to come on a forum to charlie big spuds it!!! TOOL!!

#44 jim2311



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Posted 13 October 2011 - 12:00 PM

charlie big spuds it!!!

That's a new one on me....what's the origin?

#45 todd1970


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Posted 13 October 2011 - 12:11 PM

Dont mess with this guy...hes mental , he will kill the lot of ye..im gonna write him an apologetic PM and ask him not to batter me.
Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know. :)

#46 Guest_barcrest junky_*

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Posted 13 October 2011 - 07:16 PM

Dont mess with this guy...hes mental , he will kill the lot of ye..im gonna write him an apologetic PM and ask him not to batter me.

ya big jessie


#47 jediknight


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Posted 21 October 2011 - 09:02 AM

thanks for all the replies dudes, love you all, i do realise how much work goes into these layouts etc and keep up the good work, was only just playing the jackpoteers the other day and thinking this is freaking awesome,so carry on doing what youre doing,thanks again.

#48 jediknight


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Posted 21 October 2011 - 09:30 PM

if you did your homework properley, you will find that by selling layouts with roms on this site would be a breach of the law of some kind and the fruit machine companys (barcrest, vivid etc) could and would take legal steps to put this website into dispute.

is anyone reaaly going to bother doing that? people download things that breach copyright and laws and no end of other shit all day and night, i jus wish there was a legal way to do it then you guys could earn some money, keep this awesome site running forever and a day and all would be smiling xx
keep up the good work anyway.

#49 carlosgee



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Posted 22 October 2011 - 01:36 PM

sorry about your cancer, i truly am, but what has this got to do with the main issue?? Yes people are hacked off discs are being sold etc, but from both sides there is no need for all of this. This is a family emu site where all ages come, and i would be horrified at some of the dicussions on here. I think we all need to take a look back at this.I personally dont have a problem with the sellers so long as it is made clear that the downloads are free, and was mentioned by WyldVixen, it is just costs for the time involved. I do object to those that refuse to share that comment, that is where my gripe is, but enough of the bitching guys
http://www.wwe.com/w...enov08/8662404/ 8th pic on the first row...me perving with me cam on maria

#50 xvxvx


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Posted 22 October 2011 - 06:49 PM

Having a cancer scare does (I have had one myself yet I do not put it on the internet,nor do I advertised that my mother had it and she nearly died)..
Give anyone the right to steal other people work and make a profit from it .without so much as a donation to the people who the got the stuff off.
"family emulation" .if they are old enough to gamble be it real or fake, then there they are old enough to handle adult conversations ..

Edited by xvxvx, 22 October 2011 - 06:49 PM.

Run187/runinc/judas messias and probably a whole load of other names have been used by me here..

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