I have some of the layouts/ROMs from this site, and ran them through ClrMame Pro with the latest DAT files (referring specifically to "Fruit Machine Layouts - MFME (20040804)". To my surprise, there were lots of "errors" found. These included:
:arrow: wrong name on ZIP files (well, this was expected, and to be honest, why should the Classic and DX layouts have EXACTLY the same name? ClrMame is WRONG in my opinion)
:arrow: unneeded files - ZIP files at that (does this mean some of your files AREN'T in the ClrMame DAT?)
:arrow: Missing Sets/ROMs (does this mean the files you have aren't all of the games available?)
Here is the summary of that set (MFME Layouts):
Missing Sets: 450 of 493 Wrong SetName Case: 0 Wrong Named Sets: 73 Missing Roms: 2654 of 2976
So, I guess my questions are:
What ROM manager would you suggest for Fruit Machine ROMs/Layouts?
Are there games not available on your site? Similarly, are there games on your site not implemented in other packs?
Is there a "right" set of ROMs?
Oh, and also... what are these Snapshots that there are DAT files for? Sorry, newbie question I'm sure! :oops: