i gave my views as to why the move would have a great impact on my life and how it would be counter-productive, only to be informed that `it was going to happen, and thats that..`
after speaking to my union it appears that i have a case known as Custom and Practice. in this case i have been doing my set hours and a set work place for a lengthy period of time, i have grounds to refuse any such off under consultation. Did i forget to say there was no 30 day consultation, but TOLD im moving in 27 days??
today i was phoned and asked to put my proposed hours in for my new proposed workplace, dispite my formal grievance have not been heard! - much to the anger of my trade union rep. he's advised me to stay put, even if it laps to the new workplace, until the formal grievance is satisfied.
Consultation explianation - basically, if you havea contract, and for what ever reason say the company cannot fulfill the contract, or a change on conditions makes a change, then a consultation takes place - with a view that they want something else from you, and you either do or do not have grounds to fight it, thus a new contract is drawn with your noew working conditions. if in the even you do have grounds, then you can refuse any such offer. the consultation with either evolve into a new offer, or the consultastion process finished.
What is meant by custom and practice?
Some terms may be implied through custom and practice in a particular trade or with a particular employer.
For example, it may become customary (over a period of time) to leave early on a Friday, or to add an extra day to a Bank Holiday. In order for an entitlement to become established by custom and practice, it must usually be long-standing, uninterrupted, automatically received, expected and well-known.
Also, sometimes the idea of custom and practice is used to interpret an express term, for example "reasonable overtime".
Edited by nails, 22 November 2011 - 10:35 PM.