File Submitter: ploggy
File Submitted: 21 Mar 2012
File Updated: 12 Apr 2012
File Category: MPS
Here's an updated 1600 DX for a MPS JPM machine called Noteshoot. Was playing my old 1280 version and decided that it needed an update. Use MFME3.2 to play.
Big thanks goes to Bugs, for the classic that was used to make both DX's. And also Liam, for the reel images that were used.

Shortcuts for this, are:
Cancel - `
Hold 1 - 1
Hold 2 - 2
Hold 3 - 3
Take - T
Winstake/Shuffle - W
Start/Gamble - Space
Select - S
£1 Insert - 0
20p Insert - 9
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