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Hey im one of those annyoying people with stupid questions!

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#1 aarongale_uk


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Posted 06 October 2004 - 02:26 PM

i know you hate people like me etc etc etc,
just a few questions?

forcing a machine? do i use my key first and c how much is in it? then refuse all wins etc until i hit the top?

if you explain a few acoounts of forcing machine that would be good! and what i should expect etc!

Thanks for your help! and sorry to bother you!


#2 toby_last


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Posted 06 October 2004 - 07:25 PM

No Offence,

But I don't think you will get anyone replying or answering your 'annoying stupid quesitons'. Thats not what we are all here for.

#3 Gazeyre1966


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Posted 06 October 2004 - 08:46 PM

Some people never learn....GREED GREED GREED!!!! :twisted:

Learn the hard way son, just like the rest of us ex-addicts.

Enjoy the site though. 8)
<span style='font-family: Comic Sans MS'><span style='font-size: 12px;'>It's all done in the best possible taste. :bigeyes04:</span></span>

#4 Guest_altharic_*

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Posted 06 October 2004 - 09:00 PM

put money in press start refuse all wins even invincible boards it then goes whappy if its a crest, if its Bell Fruit run a mile.

Thats if you have £££ to go in also f*** the key off as the owners hate em.


#5 aarongale_uk


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Posted 07 October 2004 - 09:17 AM

why did some of you leave posts here if your going to critisize? i asked a simple question, im not an addict just a small time player with a little question!

You guyes are obv still bitter from all that you lost when you were addicts!

does the world owe you a favour boys? next time dont reply if you havent got anything better to say!

and to the helpful individuals thanks very much thats answered my question!

#6 Bencrest


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Posted 07 October 2004 - 12:06 PM

You are not an addict :

Buy you have a refloat key. There is NO SUCH THING as say a general player with refloat key. Not that it will be of any use to you anyway.

Oh, and you are right, I may be a little bitter from when I was an addict, but at least I learned my lesson. If you think that an 87000 is going to save your life I think you are more ignorant than someone who posts, and I quote :

Hey im one of those annyoying people with stupid questions!

...and then subsequently posts a stupid question, in an emulation [not a how to make machines pay out] forum, expecting serious replies. If you want info on refloat keys, go to somewhere for people such as yourself like RealFruits and Arcadenemy.

The key, as I am sure people no here will agree, is of little merit. Hopper level alone is no indicator of expected outcome. Oh, and as mentioned above, expect to be barred and have the police called in some places [while not illegal to use/own, managers at their discretion can bar you, and if they believe you are committing fraud, can call the police]

Last point, you honestly think that you are not addicted? I'll believe it when I see it, especially when you start forcing.

Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - http://www.gamblersaloud.com/ (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)

#7 Pgamblin


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Posted 07 October 2004 - 12:50 PM

why did some of you leave posts here if your going to critisize? i asked a simple question, im not an addict just a small time player with a little question!

You guyes are obv still bitter from all that you lost when you were addicts!

does the world owe you a favour boys? next time dont reply if you havent got anything better to say!

and to the helpful individuals thanks very much thats answered my question!

You have to be around regular and ask the right questions before people will start showing you respect and sharing cheats on machines.

The regulars here have also posted questions like is this emulated or where can i get cheats from so dont feel we single just you out. You'll grow out of it soon. Just remember the golden rule, Dont ask for cheats and anything newer than 3 years cannot be emulated (unless hybrid).

As for money lost from being addicted i owed £14,000 to the bank from playing machines and hell yeah i regret it and wish i never had, ive cleared my debts now and hardly play the machines at all. its thanks to this site i did that - not cheats.

So before posting another question think about the answer you could get from this board, starting with "I know you hate people like me but" this will get you flamed from the word go. How about "sorry to ask but i am new but can this be emulated" or "Great site love the emu's and roms, having a few difficulties on "insert machine name here" and i wondered whether someone could spare a little time telling me a bit about the machine. This will result in people listening to your question and posting positive answers.

Were all friendly here if you ask the right questions, like i mentioned in your last topic if you ignore the whole emu scene and post questions about cheats people will take it as an insult.

As for your question, the amount of money in the machine does not effect the payout, when you see people putting £40 into a machine thats backing it doesnt mean it will pay out, Forcing should only really be done if your getting onto the feature board with lots of bonuses and the machine is playing well, this will indicate it wont take too long and too much money to "FORCE" it to pay out.

Indications of a red board leave you with the choice to either ignore it and take the lowest win possible (eg trying to make the machine streak) or taking th IM probably one jackpot and then leaving the machine alone.

Now the air is clear so everyone as you were and let the emulating continue.

Gunner Out.

#8 aarongale_uk


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Posted 07 October 2004 - 01:14 PM

i was wrong to say 'im one of those annoying people' etc etc and next time i shall use your advice! and please dont tell me what i am.....which is not an addict! i have a good job with good money with a a good car and a good girlfriend, and errr play machine on the ODD occasion and play emulators mostly! i am not a down and out with £14,000 debt! that spends all day on this site! im failry new too fruitys so how was i to know you were going to kick off about my 'stupid' question

Gunner out lol

#9 Bencrest


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Posted 07 October 2004 - 04:10 PM

Trust PGs tips to calm the situation down :)

Anyway, trust me, you haven't been singled out. You'll also learn during your stay here I try to be helpful but sometimes get a little wound up by the smallest things :)

Well, the best advice would be to not play machines at all, but I know thats not the info you were after. A problem with the refill keys on modern machines is that they either need a door open as well, or will only work once before you have to turn the machine off and on again to make them work. They are really only useful for checking Hopper Balance [i.e £1 coins in the hopper], but can also be used for checking last bank amount, changing volume, e.t.c.

The reason I say that hopper balance isn't the most important factor [in my post above] when determining if a machine is worth playing, is that some places will refill machines after a large payout, so while the hopper is full the machine owes nothing and you would struggle to break even. Also, I find on BFM machines, such as Monopoly, a bloke was showing off for putting £25 in and gettin £50 out. He warned me not to go on it as he said it would rip me off, but I went on anyway. Put a £5 note in and took about £57 from memory. Now - the £1 hopper would be reading £50 below what it should [£200 as an example as it had the note mech], but it still owed money.

Thats why I never used refloat keys, A) I didn't want to get barred, and B) They don't give a clear picture of a machines state of readiness :)

Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - http://www.gamblersaloud.com/ (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)

#10 aarongale_uk


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Posted 08 October 2004 - 07:12 AM

Thanks alot for that, quite informative! i only have one because quite alot of players have them, to be honest it hasnt done much! i have my own machine (rogan dosh, which you emailed me about the other day barcrest bonito) i live in hemel hempstead hertforshire if you are interested in buying it! £200!

Thanks for the help!

and i'll ask the right questions next time!!



#11 Pgamblin


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Posted 08 October 2004 - 02:59 PM


Now my work here is done and i shall now return to that little hole in ady's head.

Ciao for now

#12 ady


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Posted 08 October 2004 - 05:15 PM


Now my work here is done and i shall now return to that little hole in ady's head.

Ciao for now

Paul what´s this....you covering for me on my hol´s

:oops: <--Me Monday to Friday in the sun!!!!

#13 fruitymad2003


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Posted 08 October 2004 - 05:50 PM

Adydb Wrote:

:oops: <--Me Monday to Friday in the sun!!!!

Now thats a pic i would like to see ;)

#14 Bencrest


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Posted 08 October 2004 - 07:42 PM

Heres me with my PC in my living room window area at the moment - after 4 hours in Photoshop I had failed to notice that I had sunburnt my face to f**k...... I talk to you now with about 3 inches of E45 on my face :o

Glad this thread turned out ok :)

Oh, you asked about forcing - the idea is to refuse all wins, until you are offered either the jackpot or equivalent feature. HOWEVER this does vary with some machines - i.e there was the old Vivid method, but I'm sure you can find more info on that in other posts on around here!

I used to force, I felt that rather than recycling and pushing the %age payout up [which is a bad thing], to force the percentage down would give a faster profit / payout. Not always the case - sometimes I think the best method is :

Bankbuilding :)

Reason? I've BB'd with about a £20 stake and come out with £60 before. Sometimes [especially on Club machines], taking a win of a certain value can kick off a streak. Also, if you Bankbuild, and the machine appears to be dead, you might have something in the bank to take with you. If you force £50 in with no luck, you can guarentee that some git will put 75p of 5ps in and get £50 out :)

Anyway, you'll have to experiment. To see what you think is best, get a recentish £25 machine from the emu. Give whatever method you feel like a shot. You'll need to make sure the %age payout is no higher than 78% as thats about the max you'll get in pubs - 70% is still about though, and I bet most 78% stickers are lying :) You will also have to do this several times, as most machines come from a Factory Reset state, and need a fair bit through until they balance out!

Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - http://www.gamblersaloud.com/ (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)

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