I have no idea of how to contact him, but hopefully someone on here is a friend of his and keeps in touch? Failing that, if he's had enough of FME, the attached picture is good enough that someone else could pick the layout up from where he left off and finish off as a '1280' layout. It could be resized down to a '1024' but I'd be worried about some of the lamps being readable, there's a lot going on with the top glass.
Only 'issues' I can see are that the artwork is in a lamped state, so it would mean working in reverse - I typically sort my artwork out so I have the whole machine as one large unlamped BMP, and then copy / paste the individual off lamps into new BMPs, then lamp them, save them as 'on' BMPs, and do that for the whole layout. Then I load in the unlamped background art (the whole machine inc side-art), and then load in the lamps one by one. No idea if that's how other people still do it, that's how I started back in 2005 and how I've always done it since!
In this instance, I'd be unsure if I'd be better 'unlamping' the whole machine, getting the background image back to being in a switched off state, and then relamping it all - or if it would be possible to cut / paste the lamps, in their 'on' state, and 'unlamp' them one by one (by changing brightness, contrast, e.t.c.).
Apart from that, people mentioned above about the cabinet colour - if this was originally released in a silver cabinet, then I guess - in the interest of authenticity - whoever picked it up could put it into a silver cabinet. Doesn't really have to be done, and not attacking the original designers, it's just an option.
If someone really wanted to get some work done, they could attempt the decals for the notes on the right - although in some ways, I kinda like the realistic nature of the decals having fallen in to the plastics of the machine 
There's a Red Gaming Rampage on eBay (or there was when I checked yesterday), the central plastics, which hold the cash stack decals, have completely fallen inside the machine - with the door closed and the machine locked, you can read the 'MIND YOUR HEAD' warning inside the back of the machine 
Edited by Bencrest, 09 December 2012 - 11:33 AM.