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Thunderbirds Club Machine

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#1 mt01


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Posted 21 October 2004 - 08:02 PM

What a fantastic site.. how come I haven't found it before? I have downloaded JPM's Thunderbirds Club machine and have paid in over £1000 virtual pounds in the last two days. Does anyone know how the £1000 jackpot can be won?

any tips or cheats would be most welcome as i have vowed to keep playing it until i see the jackpot win!

Also does anyone know where i can find a download of the original operators manual, i know this sounds sad but i actually collect operating manuals for most things and i haven't got one for a fruit machine!

Thanks everyone!

#2 ady


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Posted 21 October 2004 - 08:12 PM

Cheers for the comments on the site, Duplu has created a fair community here.

There is a 'ready-to-pay' ROM avalible for this I believe...Afraid I don't have it though, sure it was posted in which case a good search of the forums will bring it to light.

As for the manual.....There are no databases at all held here. To be honest I think unless a member can scan one for you the best bet would be ebay.

#3 mt01


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Posted 21 October 2004 - 08:21 PM

thanks for the quick response. I will try e-bay. In the mean time i guess i will have to keep playing it. Out of the £1000 virtual i have poured in to the machine, i have won a total of £92 back. Does this mean that i may never make a real fruit machine player!

#4 Bencrest


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Posted 21 October 2004 - 08:30 PM

Not aware of a copy of the manual for Thunderbirds [I think JPM call the manuals 'Personality Packs?!'], but there are some for other machines over at


Also loads of interesting pics and stuff on there, used by designers when they make the layouts, which may be of interest to you. The originals often sell for a fair bit on eBay, but there are some excellent quality scans available. There is a Thunderbirds club 'flyer' on there, at the bottom. It comes 2 sided, hence front and back. Be warned though, they are around 10mb per side!!


Of course, if you want to see all that 'The Repository' has to offer, just go to


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#5 mt01


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Posted 21 October 2004 - 08:34 PM

Thanks for all the info and the ultra quick response. this site just gets better! since my last post i have inserted another £50 and won £4 back!
a personality pack! wats all that about then? must have come from one of those £1000 a day management power seminars!

#6 Bencrest


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Posted 21 October 2004 - 08:42 PM

Lol, not sure why JPM went with that name :D

I think they've been using it for the life of the Impact technology [i.e the machines that can be emulated, used since 1995], bus possibly before as well.

I can see that older Impact machines, such as Rollercoaster, had a personality. Most of the recent AWFUL JPMs had personality complexes :p

[EDIT] Oh, forgot to mention, on several of the JPM club machines, to get the JP out you have to put in say 200% of the JP amount [i.e £2000 in that case], take out very little along the way [say £400 from small wins, I normally open and close the back door on 'escape' to avoid a high value collect prize]...then after about £2000 in, just play the board until you get 'escape'. You'll probably get about £100. The next board normally gives Jackpot, and the one after normally gives another high win.

The above information is in no way guarenteed and shouldn't be used on the real £1000 JP version :D

Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
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#7 ChrisT1701


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Posted 21 October 2004 - 08:52 PM

Try this thread, you can down load it from there and it tells you exactly what to do with a ram file.....
Bad command or file name

ChrisT1701.sig not found: [A]dlib, [R]etry or [F]ail?>

#8 ChrisT1701


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Posted 21 October 2004 - 08:54 PM

Oops! Forgot to add the link :oops: http://www.fruit-emu...ht=thunderbirds
Bad command or file name

ChrisT1701.sig not found: [A]dlib, [R]etry or [F]ail?>

#9 DildoDez


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Posted 21 October 2004 - 09:08 PM

Lol, not sure why JPM went with that name :D

I think they've been using it for the life of the Impact technology [i.e the machines that can be emulated, used since 1995], bus possibly before as well.

You are correct, BB. They used the name "personality pack" for System 5 machines too.

#10 Pgamblin


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Posted 22 October 2004 - 07:11 AM

Wow its so nice to get a polite new person on the board and not some ignorant party time emulated requester.

Welcome to the boards dude and if you need any help just give us a shout.


#11 skabaz


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Posted 22 October 2004 - 11:27 AM

is it a thunderbirds club manual you are looking for or just any manual of a machine.

cause i can get some at about 5 quid each inc postage.


#12 mt01


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Posted 22 October 2004 - 02:48 PM

Just a quick note to say thanks to everyone who has replied. So far I have now put in just over £3000 and my win total is a staggering £310.00.

I think i may have to move on to another machine, ... well perhaps just one more go!

#13 Bencrest


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Posted 22 October 2004 - 02:59 PM

Did you try that RAM file?

It WILL drop the JP within about £20 :)

If you like machines like Thunderbirds, you should try Rameses Riches Club [Crystal, for JPeMu], Viva Rock Vegas Club [Basically Thunderbirds but with the Flintstones, for JPeMu]

Rameses Riches was OK with me, took about £450 to get £400 out from a JP, Viva Rock Vegas would probably bore the crap outta ya after playing Thunderbirds!

Oh, if theres any machines you can't get the JP out of, you can send the RAM files my way, I play them at warp speed, and can send them back when ready :)

Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
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#14 majormacca


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Posted 22 October 2004 - 10:52 PM

If only a thousand quid was that easy to win in real life....... sigh. :lol:

#15 algypan



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Posted 23 October 2004 - 08:03 AM

It works a treat.... :D

Dropped JP after £5 and the after play continued with another £270 8O

When i go to heaven, all fruit machines will be like this :?

#16 WonkySausage



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Posted 28 July 2021 - 12:23 PM

Just a quick query - does anyone know how to alter the payout %age on this.. no matter what you do (dip switches and the drop down %age list in the options/config) it always shows as 78% payout. Even going into the game itself, then hitting test with the door open, there's no option within the machine to alter %age like some JPM clubbers have.


Any help would be great :)



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