Made a couple of £20 deposits and got a bonus £12.
The T&C's state the above and also that it's based on the 19:45 kick-off games...but the 19:45 bit only hit me when I re-read them...30 mins after being booted by a chat host.
Made a deposit today and the bonus wasn't added.....why?......because it's a 20:45 kick-off!.......yup my fault compleatly!
But........should live help not realise this straight away?......I in fact had to wait 12 minuites before I even knew my question was in a queue.....then after a few questions (as you can see) I wasn't answered but simply cut-off of their chat.
That was my 2nd chat attempt so therefore wasted a whole 40 minutes just sitting here looking at a small box waiting for a reply.......and even then they didn't know the T&C's themselves........but to just be cut-off......I was like whaaaa!
I'd already got it (the bonus 3 times when it's ongoing).......Surely they should know that lol..
Now here's the million dollar question to you guy's. (poll above).