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Itbox Emu

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#141 seedyrom


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Posted 30 July 2012 - 01:11 PM

I seem to have an issue with Colour of Money in that it loads up fine but as soon as the game is about to begin the screen goes all over the place and can't make out what is what:( hoping someone can shed some light on what i may be doing wrong?


#142 elcondor


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Posted 30 July 2012 - 02:23 PM

I find that happens on Windows 7 with some of the dynamic resolution changes - in XP it works OK.

#143 widget2k4



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Posted 30 July 2012 - 03:53 PM

CrystalMaze7 is the JPM game, that was converted from running on a variant of the original standalone WWTBAM cab (which means it's probably heavily reliant on early Direct X 7 DLLs). IIRC, the original cab used a touchscreen, trackball and buttons, but the game was heavily cut down to run on touchscreen only once some location test showed how bad the original hardware was.

Fruitix uses the same engine, so I don't see why one works and the other doesnt, though I think Crystal Maze has to dynamically alter its resolution mid game, which may be causing problems.

The XP one is the one made by Cool Games, which also uses Direct X 7, but was purpose built for the Itbox, Inde and Paragon cabs, so it's a bit friendlier - given how IN:DE machines are configured, they may be able to use decent graphics like DX8 or OpenGL, as the overall hardware is a bit meatier.

EDIT: This is all a bit strange, as the era that these things came out it would be DX8, but I guess they were still using Windows NT as a platform. Anyway, I'm going to fiddle around with using different DLLs on the VM, and see what happens.

Cool hope you get it working mate :)

#144 Sprero



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Posted 30 July 2012 - 04:11 PM

hi sprero do u put them codes in gamesini or in the xvi32 for the cursor to work

Hi goodwin,

its for IVI32. If you've already done the clipcursor edit you only need the 2nd hexedit.

So for monopoly to show the cursor,
click address, goto, then hexadecimal then type 59a67. 'F8' should be highlighted, change it to '00'.
If you haven't done the clipcursor edit, change address 59a61 from '00' to '01'.

#145 goodwin894


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Posted 30 July 2012 - 05:11 PM

So for monopoly to show the cursor,
click address, goto, then hexadecimal then type 59a67. 'F8' should be highlighted, change it to '00'.
If you haven't done the clipcursor edit, change address 59a61 from '00' to '01'.

got monopoly working now but battlecards come up with invalid address thats useing the code u put on here yesterday and how did u get the cursor for bejewelled 2 work i put in setcursor changed it to clip cursor and no luck thanks for all the help i am learning slowly lol

Edited by goodwin894, 30 July 2012 - 05:21 PM.

#146 widget2k4



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Posted 30 July 2012 - 05:56 PM

no one get inde crystalmaze to even boot?

#147 elcondor


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Posted 30 July 2012 - 06:47 PM

I need someone who has the real thing to check something for me - when I analyse the program, I see a call to:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Aladdin Shared\HASP\hasplm.ini (I analyses on 64-bit, so the 32-bit would be

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Aladdin Shared\HASP\hasplm.ini

Can anyone tell me whether there actually is a file there on the real machine, if so, can they zip up all of the
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Aladdin Shared\ folder, as it may be that there needs to be a dongle driver loaded, even if it isn't actually connected.

#148 widget2k4



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Posted 30 July 2012 - 06:49 PM

can anyone find a way to get monopolystreetsahead working without having to change the shell from 1 to 0 ? otherwise its in demo mode and it wont work for the inde 16in1 emulator.

I need someone who has the real thing to check something for me - when I analyse the program, I see a call to:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Aladdin Shared\HASP\hasplm.ini (I analyses on 64-bit, so the 32-bit would be

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Aladdin Shared\HASP\hasplm.ini

Can anyone tell me whether there actually is a file there on the real machine, if so, can they zip up all of the
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Aladdin Shared\ folder, as it may be that there needs to be a dongle driver loaded, even if it isn't actually connected.

is this for the inde machine ?
i have a genuine machine hard drive with all the inde software still on it.

#149 Paolo



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Posted 30 July 2012 - 08:10 PM

no one get inde crystalmaze to even boot?

Sorry widget tried it and it won't boot at all. You know this 16 in 1 frontscreen youve got- can you not use another frontscreen set up and tailor the games to load differently each to its own set up? Do you have to use this 16 in 1 set up? I only ask cos as you know the crystal maze game is the same as the one that mart loaded, just for the itbox setup instead of inde.

#150 Sprero



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Posted 30 July 2012 - 08:30 PM

got monopoly working now but battlecards come up with invalid address thats useing the code u put on here yesterday and how did u get the cursor for bejewelled 2 work i put in setcursor changed it to clip cursor and no luck thanks for all the help i am learning slowly lol

In IVI32 when you put the address in make sure there's a $ in front of it,(ivi32 normally puts in it for you).
I don't know the quick way for setcursor but changing 136663(hex) from 00 to 01 works.

#151 widget2k4



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Posted 30 July 2012 - 08:52 PM

Sorry widget tried it and it won't boot at all. You know this 16 in 1 frontscreen youve got- can you not use another frontscreen set up and tailor the games to load differently each to its own set up? Do you have to use this 16 in 1 set up? I only ask cos as you know the crystal maze game is the same as the one that mart loaded, just for the itbox setup instead of inde.

Really needs to be the 16 in 1 because I have managed to get the coin mech working with that but cannot get it working with any of the others.

#152 goodwin894


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Posted 30 July 2012 - 09:31 PM

In IVI32 when you put the address in make sure there's a $ in front of it,(ivi32 normally puts in it for you).
I don't know the quick way for setcursor but changing 136663(hex) from 00 to 01

thanks sprero both working now just one more to go top of the pops 2 same prob lol

#153 jim2311



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Posted 31 July 2012 - 12:42 AM

now just one more to go top of the pops 2 same prob lol

Which TOPT2 are you having the problem with?

If its the ITBOX version (Bell fruit) then changing ShowCursor to ClipCursor using the Hex Edit will work.

If its the INDE version then a simple solution to show the cursor is to... open the folder, then open the...game.ini (notepad file)
and add ShowCursor=1 to the bottom of the display list...see below.


When you close the file it will ask you to save changes.. say yes ofcourse.

Goodnight Pop Pickers!

#154 elcondor


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 07:05 AM

can anyone find a way to get monopolystreetsahead working without having to change the shell from 1 to 0 ? otherwise its in demo mode and it wont work for the inde 16in1 emulator.

is this for the inde machine ?
i have a genuine machine hard drive with all the inde software still on it.

I'm talking about the JPM itbox one - I haven't downloaded the IN:DE one yet.

#155 widget2k4



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Posted 31 July 2012 - 07:23 AM

I'm talking about the JPM itbox one - I haven't downloaded the IN:DE one yet.

ok no problem, i dont have that one as i only need the inde one to work.

#156 seedyrom


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 08:03 AM

I find that happens on Windows 7 with some of the dynamic resolution changes - in XP it works OK.

Thanks for the reply elcondor, don't have a spare machine to put XP on but will bare it mind:)

Out of interest from someone who probably knows this sort of thing how hard would it be for someone (who is clued up on programming) to make an emu to play all these SWP games on all formats and iron out all these various issues?

#157 widget2k4



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Posted 31 July 2012 - 08:57 AM

Thanks for the reply elcondor, don't have a spare machine to put XP on but will bare it mind:)

Out of interest from someone who probably knows this sort of thing how hard would it be for someone (who is clued up on programming) to make an emu to play all these SWP games on all formats and iron out all these various issues?

i beleive there is already a multi emu out there that does both inde and itbox in one

#158 seedyrom


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 09:26 AM

Thanks for the info Widget, If anyone can point me in the direction of said multi emu i would very much appreciate it;)

To anyones knowledge if i was to purchase a 7"/10" netbook with a touch screen and running XP any reason why i shouldn't get to play these games on it much the same as on a itbox?


oh and if so what would be the minimum spec required? Cheers

#159 prospero



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Posted 31 July 2012 - 09:42 AM

Hi Seedy http://www.fruit-emu...attach_id=11280 This is the link to the dual server. I hav'nt tried it but you may as well give it a go.

I'm running the emu on an old dell optiplex sx260 running xp with no problems. It doesnt even have a dedicated graphics card. Cant see why a decent netbook should'nt run them as well.

Hope this helps.

#160 seedyrom


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 10:22 AM

Cheers for the hook up Prospero:)

Seen a couple of cheapish VYE Vs37 Mini Notebooks only 1gb / 800mhz and running XP so may give one a try and see how it goes;)

Thanks for everyones help it's much appreciated;)

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