I told you that the last person to be hanged in Britain was later found to be completely innocent. Your oh so clever reply was to tell me that, in fact, TWO people were hanged at the same time and one of them was guilty but we don't know which. You were trying to sound like you were well educated on the subject but just reminded me that you haven't a clue what you are on about. So unless your response had some hidden meaning that I'm "too slow" to understand, then you need to cop on.
Right, I'll try and put it in a form so simple that even Mr Jonas here gets it.
You post to this thread a statement that "the last person to be hanged in Britain was later found to be completely innocent". I replied with the fact that on the occasion of the last hanging in Britain there were 2 men hung simultaneously. This is a merely a statement of fact, so you cannot possibly know or state which was THE last, because they were simultaneous. Simultaneous means at the same time.
The last part of your statement about later being found to be completely innocent is also crap, on the basis it was known all along that ONE of them was innocent, so there was no "later found to be completely innocent" as it was a matter of fact at the time of the hanging. Interestingly the jury still found both men involved guilty of the crime of murder, knowing that both would go to the gallows and they were condemning a man innocent of the crime of murder, to death. No doubt he was guilty of another crime, but murder it was not. Neither have ever be found to be completely innocent and without a doubt both were there committing robbery at the time of the murder.
So, there you have it, what my response actually meant and why I posted it.
I personally think you are confusing that case with the James Hanratty and the A6 murder case. Sadly, however much his family protested his innocence, DNA evidence conclusively proved his guilt in 2002, some 40 years after he was hanged.