Bgt Mini Wild Cherry Problems
Started by wadey, Sep 07 2012 11:08 PM
32 replies to this topic
Posted 10 September 2012 - 10:33 AM
Posted 10 September 2012 - 12:13 PM
would look something like this.....
Looking at it, it's some sort of voltage spike protection use, bit like a dummy diode you get on some laptops, which is designed to blow before anything else on the device, thus protecting the rest of the machine, with only a diode replacement needed to return the unit to full service.
Posted 10 September 2012 - 03:18 PM
The number on the main board is 910510-4 If that helps ?
Had a good look around and found nothing related to that board - but you could have a browse on the unidesa/cirsa site here: http://www.unidesa.c...on.php?clicar=1
it's in spanish so I hope you can understand it - pic of one of their mini range attached - looks like your cab to me.
Attached Files
Edited by captainhaddock, 10 September 2012 - 03:21 PM.
Posted 10 September 2012 - 04:51 PM
Yea looked a bit lie that but I suppose the silver end could of burnt off?would look something like this.....
And by what your saying it may go in the place of a diode?
And thanks captin haddock I'll have a look at that later and no I don't speak Spanish but google does!
Posted 10 September 2012 - 06:07 PM
iv emailed the cirsa people i might get a responce from them heres some picks of my machine anyway
i didnt notice how burnt that board is until i saw the photo and now i look at it thats not a symbol for a diode is it?
i didnt notice how burnt that board is until i saw the photo and now i look at it thats not a symbol for a diode is it?
Posted 08 November 2014 - 11:29 PM
Just to update an old thread for reference..... seams that system boards of of say a max-a-million are NOT compatible with these compact style BGT machines.
Part code for the Max-A-Million style machines are 960606-5
Part code for the Mini Wild Cherry style machines are 910510-4
- aaamusements and toibs like this
Posted 11 June 2023 - 09:32 PM
Speaking of this machine, I have roms, dumped from the very machine I have
You finally got one!!!
Posted 17 June 2023 - 01:57 PM
You finally got one!!!
Oh yes, still on pre-steel coinage unfortunately.. Anyone know how to retrofit a replacement mech for a Azkoyen L6 at all, or at an outside chance, know of someone able to update such a mech?
Using a MARS, Coin Controls mecs etc, is just not feasible, so an equivalent Azkoyen at the minimum is needed.
Also unfortunately with mine, after a time of use, reels go out of sync, and inside the machine due to it's small size, it gets pretty warm, with the main fan sounding like a jet engine, so I think first need to sort the fan (Should be pretty easy, as I have a number of large 12v PC fans), and I think the PSU could use with recapping.
Edited by stanmarsh14, 17 June 2023 - 01:59 PM.
Posted 17 July 2023 - 10:02 AM
Oh yes, still on pre-steel coinage unfortunately.. Anyone know how to retrofit a replacement mech for a Azkoyen L6 at all, or at an outside chance, know of someone able to update such a mech?
I'm going through this processs with mine now.
I have bought a newer X6 mech and am wiring it up to an Arduino microcontroller. I have this at a point where the new mech is acception coins and I can see which coin is inserted on my pc debug console.
The next step that I'll have a crack at this evening is sending the correct coin signals from the arduino to the machine, then it's all good. All I need to do (I think) is send a couple pulses down the correct coin signal lines whise monitoring the inhibit line.
There is no direct mech replacement, __unlesss__ you can find someone who will program the coins to the correct pins. I tried euro coin, but missed the call from the engineer who was then on holiday so ended up with a regular X6 programmed mech.
On my wild cherry, the graphics say it accepts £2 coins, but none of the signal lines are for £2. I guess it's because I have a slightly older version of software in mine? 1.9 or something (I need to check). I am planning on pulsing the 50p line 4 times to simulate a £2 coin via 50p's being put into it. I can't do the £1 line as it would end up with the wrong hopper count.
It would be nice to connect a note reader up to the serial port on the arduino, but I have no idea what not readers are easy to interface to. Quite a number of years ago when I worked for Cromptons I wrote quite a bit of code that interfaced to CCtalk mechs and hoppers. Note readers weren't a things for us back in 2005!
I did have a crazy idea about making a board that intercepts the mech, display and hopper, then in theory I could halve the value of the coin in and payouts to increase the jackpot of the machine. That would me a heafty amount of work though then the graphics would beed upading too. I don't have the time for that at the moment. I would prefer to do that on something like a Las Vegas Six, £1 play £50 jackpot.
In summary: [X6 -> Arduuino -> BGT]
Posted 10 November 2023 - 06:26 PM
Hi @khards2
I am looking at my Wild Cherry too. I think there may be an easier way than using a microcontroller. Some questions you might be able to answer.
1 Do you have a tech doc for the Azkoyen L6?
2 I tried shorting ground to pin 4 to simulate a coin and it showed 5p but couldn't get any otheres to work.
3 What do you mean by monitoring the inhibit line? I just assume this was the inhibit line for all coins so grounding this would accept everything.
This is the pin diagram I was looking at, it's not the L6, tried to find one similar.
Posted 17 December 2023 - 01:05 AM
Go in desertislandfruits this site is dead
Resourcer/Bug Finder
Posted 31 March 2024 - 08:10 PM
Hi @khards2
I am looking at my Wild Cherry too. I think there may be an easier way than using a microcontroller. Some questions you might be able to answer.
1 Do you have a tech doc for the Azkoyen L6?
2 I tried shorting ground to pin 4 to simulate a coin and it showed 5p but couldn't get any otheres to work.
3 What do you mean by monitoring the inhibit line? I just assume this was the inhibit line for all coins so grounding this would accept everything.
This is the pin diagram I was looking at, it's not the L6, tried to find one similar.
Apologies, I don't come here often! Please drop me an email or facebook "keith hards at outlook com"
You will need some logic as the original mech and later mech use more than one line for signalling. You can't map them 1 to 1! I found using a micocontroller easiest due to my background working with them. You may find logic gate IC's easier.
If you are able to program a 3.5 mech with a parrallel output then you won't need any logic between the two. I didn't have access to a Azkoyn programmer
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