File Submitter: vectra666
File Submitted: 04 Oct 2012
File Category: MPU 5
here we have pink pussy the £25 version thanks to andy tutton for the original £5dx in which i used the reels from, and special thanks to tommy C who once again came to my rescue with scanning me a wider flyer as the one i used was to small with side art, and for doing the hidden lamps,alpha display, rescaling hi-lo reel and putting plums on the £4 win instead of the original bells and probably more which i,ve forgot. Some of the lamps (cats n dogs) overlap slightly giving an extra bit of dog in places lol he did say i needed to "mask" the lamps which i tried but failed but you shouldn,t notice it that much. Apart from all that it plays a good game it has a £5 board but it gives the tower repeater quite often had £35 streak so far. I will try and do everything myself in the coming dx,s
Shortcuts are-
space bar= start,
1,2,3= holds,
2= HI,
` = Cancel,
C= Collect and
X= Exchange for feature board.
Thankyou for reading and happy gaming!!!
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