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Troublesome bandit hating Girlfriends

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#1 mikey95



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Posted 30 November 2004 - 10:30 PM

Does anyone have one of the above?

I have a hazelgrove 6x3 pool table and a super streetfighter videogame and my girlfriend is refusing to let me have the bandit i acquired (hurricane) in the house saying it makes our house look like a pub!
She is now even suggesting that i get rid of the pool table and we replace it with a dining table. Can you believe it?
Does anyone else have this problem? Does anyone know where i can get a replacement girlfriend or at least a trade in? (good runner, hardly used, low mileage teehee!!)

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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#2 DaemonX


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Posted 30 November 2004 - 10:41 PM

suggest a mini bar in the corner and stock it with vodka based drinks.

she'll be happy

don't forget the bacardi breezers :)

also may get you more women for 'girls nights in'

pick a new GF hehe
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#3 RB


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Posted 30 November 2004 - 10:41 PM

My House is a pub.....no my mistake an arcade...no wait...a pubcade...

steps over to the bar grabs a free drink and back to the fruitys........ :twisted:
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#4 impact


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Posted 30 November 2004 - 11:01 PM

tell your women that you can put a hard top on the pool table there you go a dinner table then remove hard top and turn it back into a pub how much your porkscratchings there mate

#5 Pgamblin


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Posted 01 December 2004 - 08:50 AM


RB when you gonna invite us roud for a beer then m8 ?

#6 pash


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Posted 01 December 2004 - 10:33 AM

a fruit-emu party? sonds interesting................................

#7 lincs leisure R us

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Posted 01 December 2004 - 11:02 AM

mikey95 after the other suggestions made in this thread u could think about renameing your house to: THE NAGS HEAD :lol:

#8 Guest_altharic_*

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Posted 01 December 2004 - 11:02 PM

Could be a lot worse my Mrs loves playing bandits but my addiction went years ago I really hate it when she plays them as she is turning into me.


#9 Booked_moss


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Posted 01 December 2004 - 11:10 PM

She got a small cock as well? :)

I think its better having a bird who hates gambling (as i split up with one) cause the alternitive is one thats as or more than addicted as you and therefore tapping you up for more money.

#10 mikey95



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Posted 02 December 2004 - 12:10 AM

tell your women that you can put a hard top on the pool table there you go a dinner table then remove hard top and turn it back into a pub how much your porkscratchings there mate

Tried that idea, she complained that you can't get your leg under the table and it would look unsightly even with a table cloth, The 3 big brass lights hanging over it doesn't help either! Tried suggesting a mini bar, doesn't work. Her friends come over now and again anyway but when i walk in the room they all look knowingly and stop talking. I FEEL PERSECUTED BECAUSE OF MY ARCADE HOUSE HHHHHHHHHEEEEEEELLPPPP (mebbe time to lay off the beer!!!)

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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#11 lincs leisure R us

lincs leisure R us


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Posted 02 December 2004 - 12:17 AM

i divorced my mrs in may this year and i tell u its the bestest thing since sliced bread. i'm a free agent and i can do what i want and when i want. trust me get rid :D no holds barred :)

#12 martinmeu



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Posted 02 December 2004 - 12:17 AM

a fruit-emu party? sonds interesting................................

why not organise one that sounds interesting or a weekend of fruitys and beer.

#13 mikey95



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Posted 02 December 2004 - 12:21 AM

i divorced my mrs in may this year and i tell u its the bestest thing since sliced bread. i'm a free agent and i can do what i want and when i want. trust me get rid :D no holds barred :)

Been there done that! If i do it again, i'll look indecisive! Also racks up the maintenance costs!
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#14 mikey95



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Posted 02 December 2004 - 12:22 AM

why not organise one that sounds interesting or a weekend of fruitys and beer.

If anyone fancies travelling to Cumbria, i'll happily arrange a blitz on the bandits of Carlisle pubs. Let me know and i'll sort something out (have to ask the mrs first though)

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
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#15 kensplace2



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Posted 02 January 2005 - 01:06 AM

Guess Im lucky in one respect, my other half actually bought me my first working fruity for xmas...

(had a couple before that, both dead, almost got one working, but blew the main board (a old ace machine payday) by getting to over excited when forcing the payout solenoids to work by injecting 5v into the octal buffers on the motherboard) All down to the fact one single chip on one of the reel drivers was dead, and I could not replace it, so decided to play around........)

Back on topic, she does not seem to be showing any signs of addiction, so fingers crossed, all is looking well!

#16 unclechicken


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Posted 02 January 2005 - 01:48 AM

Mine doesnt understand about fruit machines, i've got a MAME cab at my parents house stored in my dads shed.

I keep telling her im bringing it to our house to fix it up, and I just keep getting .....

1. Wheres it going to go??

2. Why do you want that if you can play them on your normal computer??

3. Wheres my laminate flooring you promised me??

4. Why are you coming towards me with a chainsaw???

(4 is a fantasy, not a reality!!)

But 1 to 3 always keep happening..... GRRRRRR!! :evil:

#17 kensplace2



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Posted 02 January 2005 - 02:17 AM

What is it with women and laminate flooring!!!!!

Try and convince her the fruit machine is a boyhood dream, like a barby house, then promise to buy her a toy (they like rabbits, specially rampant ones...) if she lets you have your toy....

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