forgot to add almost 3000downloads in 4 months, 5th highest in a year not too bad for a amatuer
You see vectra mate - that is just it with all this - you just want to bung them out - you just seem to to be wanting the glory of getting them out too - and as I have said to you, and you agreed, it isn't just a select few you need to apply your layouts too... the all of FME would like them mate, but when you release them, to a majority, they aren't that! You are more happy with providing precise figures about the amount of downloads you have ... but in all honesty mate, any of the 'Tom', 'Dick' and 'Harry's will download them - a lot of members just troll them for the laptops - they aren't bothered about it at all.
You seem to like that, because of the downloads occurring - but it certainly isn't for the quality of those layouts mate, I can assure you of that. You clearly are not listening to any advise that any of our top layout designers have given you - look at how Ady managed to reshape your layout above, within a few minutes.... and the advice given by Bencrest in post 7 - you say you will listen, but then just carry on as before
To be honest vectra mate you just seem to want glory here with your layouts, and when you receive the criticism, you try to find any excuse - by saying as an example on a comment 'I will do that next time' etc.
I will try and accept that you aren't bothered about your status colour anymore too, although I find that difficult to believe and understand... but believe me mate, your layouts are going to have to vastly improve before any status colour for Layout Designer is designated - because at this moment in time there is no agreement at all amongst the staff and moderators that it is merited.
If you want to keep going for your mass production, please go ahead and do so, but it will do no favours amongst regular FME members, and certainly not help you to achieve your recognition here on these forums as it is mate.
I want you to succeed, I have told you that mate - but a major effort has got to be shown in the quality of your work to get the recognition here on Fruit Emu you crave.
Think hard at it - work hard at it - and think of all FME when you are doing it, and hopefully in time you will see everything come to fruition - but certainly not until then vectra mate.
Now get cracking at getting your layouts to a quality, that we all know you can do - without the need to rush them out mate... go on, give it a try! 
All The Best
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