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JPM`s Casino Las Vegas

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#1 pash


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Posted 31 December 2004 - 09:06 AM

This machine seems to be JPM`s bastard son as i cant find evidence of its existence anywhere but i can assure you it did exist and i believe it was impact tech so to all you rom ferrets out there if you can get me the roms for this machine (and hopefully some artwork :D ) i will not only DX but i would do the classic which is a first for me.

This is the first machine that got me hooked they had a few in blackburn in the mid - late 90`s and this was the first machine that i discovered what an IM board was i thought i was a genius :p not only that but i was in the pub where i worked where it was played by pissed up people all night so used to pay out pretty well at the end of the night.

A classic machine from the golden days of JPM it was a £10 Jackpot machine i think it was released just before the AWP jackpot was increased to £15

(jesus i think this is my longest ever post!)

#2 Holdem9


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Posted 29 December 2006 - 01:37 PM

Hi Pash,

I have just aquired a working Casino Las Vegas Machine and wanted some info on what they are worth. It needs some refurb, but is fully working, just needs a couple of locks replacing by the looks of it.

I'm an avid gamer myself and took it as payment for some IT work i did.

It's sitting in my Dining room at present, looks quite good, but the girlfriend wants rid - any ideas?

Appreciate the help


#3 Steveir



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Posted 30 December 2006 - 12:10 PM

If anyone does do a DX of this please feel free to use my Classic layout as a basis.

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