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new super casinos

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#1 high roller

high roller

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Posted 01 January 2005 - 09:25 PM

firstly a happy new year all.
not been on the board for about 4 months now but im back...

anyway, at the beginning of 2004 there was a lot of talk about £1 million jackpot machines comming to the uk.
a couple of months ago the gouverment backtracked there decision on opening 8 super casinos in london alone and dropped the number to 2 now with a total of 8 in the whole of the uk(the original number was 20-40 super casinos),because of a lot of complaints by the general public. also other major citties including manchester, birmingham and blackpool will be getting them if they get the final go ahead.
now i live in wembley about quater of a mile from the new stadium.
in a monthly newsletter we get from wembley they are saying that the first phaze has got the go ahead to build a super casino right next to wembley stadium. the local counceller has sent a questionaire to every house in the borough asking for there thoughts good or bad on these new super casinos with fruit machines paying a jackpot of £1 million pound.

slot machines - there is currently a limit on the number of slot machines in casinos,this limit will be removed. some of the machines will have jackpots of £1million, and in order to fund this the stakes will be as much as £100 a go

i lost £1000 on boxing day in a casino playing the £2000 50p a go jp fruities but that lasted me all night. that would be 10 spins on the new super fruities.
i think i would have a few goes each visit but that would be my limit.

what i would like to know is would you play them at £100 a go?

#2 buzzin_nutta



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Posted 01 January 2005 - 10:32 PM

Mate it grievs me handing over 30p a play...

So no, no way would I play £100 a go :o

I would stretch to a quid a go, anymore than that and its just ridiculously quick to blow money.

I apologise for my awful username and previous posts from 13 years ago. I was a misguided chav.

#3 martinmeu



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Posted 02 January 2005 - 01:29 AM

i dont think £100 ago would give the mojority off people a play for there money lets face it you need to be super rich to play them stakes or a super idiot.

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