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When Is New Emulator Due?

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#21 deadsy


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Posted 06 January 2005 - 04:43 PM


Sure, we all know it would be great to play these more modern machines but is it worth risking the death of our scene because we pushed the manufacturers a little too far and they served legal action against us?

Yes, that would be horrible. I remember the FME scene disapppearing from the radar for quite some time a while back. First off, you could always get the latest stuff at Maroney's Web Hovel (or elsewhere) and then 6 months later .... NOTHING! All the sites had closed down. Type "MPU3/4" into Yahoo and all it led to was dead links and sites which were still alive & kicking but had downloads. Ugh! That was horrible. I wouldn't like that to happen again.
"When the lights stop flashing stick another pound in"

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