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nice 1st job this morning
Started by cgleisure, Feb 17 2013 04:53 PM
18 replies to this topic
Posted 17 February 2013 - 04:53 PM
Posted 17 February 2013 - 05:12 PM
Thievin' gits.....
Posted 17 February 2013 - 05:22 PM
Ouch but doesn't surprise me the amount they hold now a days and probably a full cashbox too . Makes a change someone robbing them normally the other way around wonder how they took all the cash away in a wheel barrow
The more I do today, The less I do tomorrow.
Fme is alive and screaming into the 21st century!
Enjoy FME and Happy Gaming!!!!
Fme is alive and screaming into the 21st century!
Enjoy FME and Happy Gaming!!!!
Guest_ricardo de ponsa_*
Posted 17 February 2013 - 05:53 PM
Does not surprise me at all. All that effort and the chance of getting caught you wouldn't think they bother. When I worked for BT, I did a few months on the Public Payphone Group. The extreme lengths people go to nick, sometimes only 40 quid, you wouldn't believe.
Just means the insurance premiums go up. Thanks. Gits.
Posted 17 February 2013 - 06:00 PM
Ouch but doesn't surprise me the amount they hold now a days and probably a full cashbox too . Makes a change someone robbing them normally the other way around wonder how they took all the cash away in a wheel barrow
nope the fruits had been emptied in the mornng and one had paid j/pot that night
Posted 17 February 2013 - 06:53 PM
Posted 18 February 2013 - 07:14 AM
club gold digger and that jpm hit the six (or whatever)
done the club a favor there
Posted 18 February 2013 - 08:11 AM
they look easy to get in to
Posted 18 February 2013 - 09:19 AM
club gold digger and that jpm hit the six (or whatever)
done the club a favor there
they take good money at that place and its red hot 6 and not a shitty hit the six lol
Posted 18 February 2013 - 02:15 PM
The Extreme Measures These Bast*rds Will Go Through (But Looks Like They Where There Least 20minn's)
Posted 18 February 2013 - 04:02 PM
This is an Urgent appeal for mistreated Fruity s!!!! Can you sponsor a sick neglected machine ?? This Club gold Digga didn't ask for this Abuse so for £2 a month lets stop this cruelty to machines FULL STOP!
Edited by POSH4EVA, 18 February 2013 - 04:02 PM.
RAhhhhhh The Beast Is Gonna Pay!!!!
Posted 18 February 2013 - 06:38 PM
The Extreme Measures These Bast*rds Will Go Through (But Looks Like They Where There Least 20minn's)
try about 3 hours
the same person done another club and was in there for about 5 1/2 hours
he was seen on tape pouring himself a pint and gettin pissed
- Bencrest likes this
Posted 18 February 2013 - 09:15 PM
5 and a half hours,Can these places not afford alarms.They should do with riggy 72% payout machines
i cant say how they got in ,alarms ect as there is an ongoing investigation and on a public forum there is every chance someone could try it if i said
and our machines aint set on that low
put it this way they know what they are doing and they must have bloody big balls as 1 club was only 100yrds from a police station
Posted 19 February 2013 - 10:50 AM
This is an Urgent appeal for mistreated Fruity s!!!! Can you sponsor a sick neglected machine ?? This Club gold Digga didn't ask for this Abuse so for £2 a month lets stop this cruelty to machines FULL STOP!
LMAO, love it
But seriously though..... 3+ hrs to get in to these machines and worse still the other place that was 5+ hrs and the cheeky c*** helping himself to a pint..... just makes you wonder how f*****g crap the security is at some of these places..... I would have expected a good set up, to be wired to BT Red Care etc, and phoning up the alarm company / coppers sharpish, and said coppers down within 20 / 30 mins easily.
- POSH4EVA likes this
Posted 19 February 2013 - 11:28 AM
5 1/2hrs obviously didn't have the right equipment. 5mins with a crow bar and very large sledge hammer. And also wouldn't it of been easier just to wheel em down the road pass the cop shop as I don,t expect there is any police in there, even if there was they,d take hours to arrive even if its 100yrds up road.
As for the cheeky pint I hope he left a couple of quid on the bar to pay for it lol.
Heartbreaking story would've been different if they'd of been Club DonD's.
As for the cheeky pint I hope he left a couple of quid on the bar to pay for it lol.
Heartbreaking story would've been different if they'd of been Club DonD's.
The more I do today, The less I do tomorrow.
Fme is alive and screaming into the 21st century!
Enjoy FME and Happy Gaming!!!!
Fme is alive and screaming into the 21st century!
Enjoy FME and Happy Gaming!!!!
Posted 19 February 2013 - 12:06 PM
5 1/2hrs obviously didn't have the right equipment. 5mins with a crow bar and very large sledge hammer. And also wouldn't it of been easier just to wheel em down the road pass the cop shop as I don,t expect there is any police in there, even if there was they,d take hours to arrive even if its 100yrds up road.
As for the cheeky pint I hope he left a couple of quid on the bar to pay for it lol.
Heartbreaking story would've been different if they'd of been Club DonD's.
True..... good sized van, stick em in the back, drive to a secluded location..... take all of 10 mins total, and especially so with the shit security those two sites have.
Posted 19 February 2013 - 05:07 PM
they were in security cabinets lol
Posted 19 February 2013 - 05:30 PM
they were in security cabinets lol
Ohh yeah lol i can see that now although what were the Security cabinets made from paper mache Beer mats They didn't exactly do the job did they
RAhhhhhh The Beast Is Gonna Pay!!!!
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