Posted 19 February 2013 - 09:21 AM
Could possibly be a dip switch setting, but there was a change in the law a few years back (probably about the time barcrest were working on either this machine or mpu6 in general) that said that machines (any category) could directly apply wins to the the credit metre and not just into a bank metre.. Hence why it's only ever doing this in more recent machines - mpu6 onwards.
It used to be governed that (cat c and d) machines gave you no option but to have your winnings in a bank.. Then that changed.
This is also why newer machines (£35 onwards) have a *** bank - notes - credit *** on the alpha instead of just ***bank - credit *** because the law stated you should have your winnings, your credit and any leftover note money stored in a separate pot, so you can gauge a bit better how much you've spent.. This was obviously scrapped.