I'm all for slashing the welfare bill and ridding this country of the sheer bone-idle and lazy shites who have no intent of working and contrubuting to society.
I do however think Ian Duncan Smith is an idiot.
He says that there is no incentive to work when benefits pay more than work. So he cuts benefits. Are benefits too high? I started working when I was 16. On £27 per week. Admittedly it was a YTS (Youth Training Scheme). But £27.30 a week? For 40 hours? Thats 68p per hour. My first big job was for Northern Upholstery, now DFS and that was £118 per 45 hour week. They paid me £2.62 per hour. I had 3 kids, a house and had to claim Family Credit. Of course, with inflation and the costs of living back in the 80's and 90's, it may not sound all that bad. But lets put it into perspective....
Northern Upholstery....
£2.62 per hour.... Plus Family Credit....
I got made redundant from this job in 1990 when I was 21. I shat myself thinking I couldn't survive on the dole. Ironically, I got housing benefits, poll tax benefits and after everything was worked out, I was £5 a week worse off on the dole. Then when you take into account things like lunch, bus fares, I was better off on the old Nat king Cole.... (dole)
Today, I'm doing fine. I pay into the system, and take nothing out. I've just bought a new house and I'm doing alright for myself but my attitude towards social topics hasn't changed.
Mr Duncan Smith....
Benefits are not too high. Wages are too low. If any company or employer decides to take on staff, and pay them shit wages, so shit that they have to claim benefits/tax credits, then you shouldn't be in business. I have nothing against the principles of capitalism and wealth creation and theres so so many organisations out there doing it right. But when 1 company that pays a decent living wage to employees, is competing against a company allowed to pay poverty wages and the state makes up the short fall to that company, then the decent company itself is the one most at risk. The one that does things right. The company with morals....
Oh yes, Yes Mr Duncan Smith, lets cut benefits when theres no jobs too.....
When will this government start accepting responsibilities for its policies instead of blaming the last government for todays woes. Yes, Labour were a set of coonts but blaming them 3 years after they were kicked out is old news.
Rant over....