My monopoly was definitely scorp 4
Had to drive two hours to the guy I sold it to to replace it lol.
Last two machines I had bucks bunny and monopoly r2r were scorp 4 machines.. Obviously they were probably released on other techs aswell but definitely scorp 4 for me.
Monopoly was definitely always on BFG (Scorpion 4) hardware, but Bucks Bunny is a weird one, it seems to have been released on several different platforms :S
I've definitely seen it on Eclipse One-Stop hardware, and pretty sure I've seen it on EPOCH too but could be wrong. I'd seen it in Bell Fruit Eclipse cabinets, but assumed that while they were in those cabs, they'd have kept using the One-Stop hardware.
Put simply, if I were buying one, I'd only get the one on Scorpion 4
Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)