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Broad daylight beheading of (apparent) soldier in woolwich London.

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#1 nails


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Posted 22 May 2013 - 10:41 PM




im disgusted that our government has let society get this far, asylum seek one after the other, family after family has setup camp here in the UK and bled us dry. enough is enough.


as ive said before on another medium, their are genuine cases for asylum, but even then they should work for their roof above them.

#2 Guest_ricardo de ponsa_*

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Posted 22 May 2013 - 11:17 PM

Yes Nails, takes a bit of believing. Caught up in the mayhem of the attack in London today. I'm really glad I don't live there. Don't get me wrong, a fantastic city, but not one I want to live in.

How do you sort this ???

#3 corel



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Posted 23 May 2013 - 12:08 AM

Proud to be british, ashamed of the government.


Whats worse is these two immigrants are in a English hospital receiving our health care and nhs costs for their gunshot wounds.



If they're so up for abit of Islamic law then they should be stoned to death.

#4 Guest_barcrest junky_*

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Posted 23 May 2013 - 04:59 AM

As a rough guess they will firstly get a legal aid funded hot shot human rights lawyer to fight their corner. The case will be drawn out for about 10 years as it trundles through the court system. The policeman/woman who shot them will be suspended for not following the rules and the PCC will find them guilty and they will be dismissed.

I am deeply saddened by this event. So wish the poor young soldier had had his mates with him. Sympathies to his family, he was doing his job and in no way deserved this, to be hacked to death on the streets of Britain.





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Posted 23 May 2013 - 08:35 AM

whats worst is our boys are coming home with no jobs or benifits and the afgans are also coming to england where they are getting housing and all benifits .


why cant we defend england without being afraid of upsetting these bastards .


did you know the government asked the muslims yesterday before the english how they felt about the killings

#6 hurricane



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Posted 23 May 2013 - 08:56 AM

The PCC shouldn't stick there nose's into cases like this, were it's plain as day that the pieces of crap that carry out this pethetic attacks deserve to bet shot. Well actually shooting them was too kind of them. The offices should be given medals not punished.

 Like you say Nails i've got no objection either to people living over here who actually put back into the country. But for those who just come over here to milk off us should be ashamed, as us hard working folk pay for your live of luxury.

  The gov. need to wake up and start taking a more serious look at whats going on around them.

#7 cashbox1


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Posted 23 May 2013 - 09:17 AM

seems the great in great britain has gone....these bastards should burn for what they have done..

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#8 vectra666


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Posted 23 May 2013 - 09:40 AM

I expect as put above these guys will have two luxury suites at her majesty pleasure dome free sky tv, free internet lappies gym, hobbies plenty to stop them getting bored as can't deport them as they're apparently British citizens but born in africa and then there,s their families they'll get new identities and safe houses probably still continue to scrouge of the state .
What about the poor family of the guy they'll get nothing but heartache and pain for the rest of their lives and the witnesses they'll need specialist therapy.
People aren't born to hate one another they're brainwashed and resent any aspect of human life or western culture, thing is if they don't like the way we live then the worlds a big enough place go somewhere else, where the living standards are crap, like the poor sods that live in the slums and are ruled by the idoits that rule them, but I forget they only come to soft touch britain for the benefits we give.
Has britain and its people become suppressed by Europe and are to scared/soft to stand up as one country and say no enough's enough I think we are, but its about time we changed, if the PM won't change it then its about time we got someone in who will. Get out of Europe and stand on our own 2 feet once again.
Back to these animals I think the. Punishment should fit the crime, so these guys shouldn't be shot or hanged or given cushy lifestyles but be maimed so they can't move then have limb after limb surgically removed then finally if still alive be beheaded or bleed to death, this may sound sick to some but sorry a crimes a crime its about time we got tough on these criminals and make our counrty safe once again before its to late to change it.
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#9 policematrix


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Posted 23 May 2013 - 10:56 AM

Ingrid Loya-Kennett, a Cub Scout leader, confronted the other suspect, who was wearing a light-coloured jacket and black trousers and was holding a large knife.

"For me it was just a regular guy, just a bit upset," she told ITV Daybreak.

"He was not on drugs, he was not drunk."

_67764726_woolwich.jpgThe suspects spoke to members of the public following the attack

The man told Ms Loya-Kennett not to approach the body of the victim.

"He said, 'Don't touch, I killed him'. I said, 'Why?' He said: 'He's a British soldier. He killed people. He killed Muslim people in Muslim countries.'



point is there was no terrorism in the uk before we attacked their countries for no reason , we have thousands of troops and planes they have terror attacks , time to get out and stay out of this unjustified war on terror (war for oil) how many more innocent people must die ?


#10 Bencrest


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Posted 23 May 2013 - 11:18 AM

point is there was no terrorism in the uk before we attacked their countries for no reason , we have thousands of troops and planes they have terror attacks , time to get out and stay out of this unjustified war on terror (war for oil) how many more innocent people must die ?


I don't even know where to begin to tell you how wrong that paragraph is.

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#11 NickYerPesos



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Posted 23 May 2013 - 11:26 AM

 I don't even know where to begin to tell you how wrong that paragraph is.

Beat me to it Ben lol..

#12 policematrix


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Posted 23 May 2013 - 12:15 PM

 ok there was a little terrorism the odd plane but not from the countries we attacked , and what you think we should stay in this war ? 

you think these people should just sit there and take it ? what would you do if the table where turned and the afghanistan army invaded our country , you can try and call these people terrorist but what does that make our soldiers ? these are there soldiers and they come for revenge because we attacked them , what would you do send a angry worded letter to the PM ? 

While not condemning what they do i understand why they do it 


#13 bri365


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Posted 23 May 2013 - 03:51 PM

Policematrix you should hang your head in shame for that stupid comment.

Come here to post jokes, oh and to play the occasional frutie.

#14 vectra666


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Posted 23 May 2013 - 04:38 PM

@policematrix we've NOT attacks these countries afgan iraq etc, our forces get sent there to try and restore order for the poor citizens of these countries where they have no life no purpose under these fundelmentalist's, just image living in those countries, no alcohol, no tv or not the tv we're used to watching (goverment controlled) imagine having david cameroon hanging up on the wall having to kiss it everytime you walk past women with no education children FORCED to learn to use real guns at aged 5 my daughters age having to work for peanuts or if you don't work getting no money or food to live on, the army is there to protect and if the taliban fire bullets at our guys then yes we fire back, finally if you want to live in those conditions then live there
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#15 nails


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Posted 23 May 2013 - 05:08 PM

point is there was no terrorism in the uk before we attacked their countries for no reason , we have thousands of troops and planes they have terror attacks , time to get out and stay out of this unjustified war on terror (war for oil) how many more innocent people must die ?


What f*****g planet are you on ?

#16 policematrix


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Posted 23 May 2013 - 05:42 PM

Policematrix you should hang your head in shame for that stupid comment.

tell me why explain yourself 


What f*****g planet are you on ?

earth again tell me whats the problem 


@policematrix we've NOT attacks these countries afgan iraq etc, our forces get sent there to try and restore order for the poor citizens of these countries where they have no life no purpose under these fundelmentalist's, just image living in those countries, no alcohol, no tv or not the tv we're used to watching (goverment controlled) imagine having david cameroon hanging up on the wall having to kiss it everytime you walk past women with no education children FORCED to learn to use real guns at aged 5 my daughters age having to work for peanuts or if you don't work getting no money or food to live on, the army is there to protect and if the taliban fire bullets at our guys then yes we fire back, finally if you want to live in those conditions then live there

so you are telling me that the iraqis are happy we invaded there country ? The estimate that over a million Iraqis have died received independent confirmation from a prestigious British polling agency in January 2008. Opinion Research Business estimated that the death toll between March 2003 and August 2007 was 1,033,000. yeah much better now lol , believe what you will that we have a right to invade countries for fake reasons then stay there for 10 years  and tell them what they should believe and how to live there lives then you are as bad as the two idiots in the street with the machetes 


#17 Johnnyafc



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Posted 23 May 2013 - 06:02 PM

Kick them all out or send them to fruit forums
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#18 nails


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Posted 23 May 2013 - 06:55 PM

im not biting anymore, you have your point of view but i beleive you should keep it private.


in the mean time i hope a mod removed this thread and/or deletes your account.




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Posted 23 May 2013 - 07:21 PM

 ok there was a little terrorism the odd plane but not from the countries we attacked , and what you think we should stay in this war ? 

you think these people should just sit there and take it ? what would you do if the table where turned and the afghanistan army invaded our country , you can try and call these people terrorist but what does that make our soldiers ? these are there soldiers and they come for revenge because we attacked them , what would you do send a angry worded letter to the PM ? 

While not condemning what they do i understand why they do it 

funny thing is the afghan have invaded our country along with every other thing from everyother country . our soldiers dont have there heads full of shit and believe if they die thay get 100 wifes or what ever , there there to do a job because these sick f***s cant be trusted to run there own country . as for the pm it would only be good if it was him that was killed then maybe england would wake up and fight back , but we are week and have a useless police force and a army that are not allowed to fart at the enemy as its against there human rights .

#20 vectra666


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Posted 23 May 2013 - 07:23 PM

we haven,t invaded any country well not for decades/centuries we including the UN which includes america,europe austrialia have gone there for peace keeping missions its the middle east thats invaded us find the facts!!!

as nails has put it maybe this topic needs to be locked before it gets out of hand

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